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Everything posted by Gasarocky

  1. Fucking Elden Ring bro. It's looking so fucking good. The swappable skills look sweet, POWER STANCING IS BACK, new spells actually look really cool and all of them can be charged, combat in general just seems to have way more options.
  2. Well, what did you dislike about the ones you tried?
  3. I'm praying this is finally the game where most weapons with special abilities are actually good and not just flashy, but it's looking like it really will be.
  4. Now that I've seen Elden Ring footage I'm getting really impatient for it. I NEED IT IN MY VEINS.
  5. Only thing I'd say against this is that November is likely when the next character is coming. They said the 3rd would be out this year and December is a bad month to release a DLC, so November is pretty likely IMO
  6. Who remembers the thing I remember? You know, the thing.
  7. Either most of that tweet has no bearing on the character or it's not Baiken or Jam, which is kind of surprising. I'm leaning more toward the creature line being meaningless though
  8. I think her being able to whiff punish H buttons is definitely big, and she really is faster than him when she's up close, but I definitely don't think it's that clear lol
  9. I hope Star Ocean 6 is good but I'm not expecting it to be...
  10. Just give me fucking rollback and I'll at least try it out
  11. I don't need a switch but I'll buy a PS5 if you got one!
  12. This is the first time in my life I've played a character that is possibly the best in the game lol
  13. AA is it's main weakness basically. And it's not just losing the fireball war that makes it strong, it's that on top of everything else it does(also reversal safe oki from long range or close range and really strong frametrap). And his projectile DOES lead to a combo and oki, even from nearly full screen. I like the move, I even think it's fun, it's just clearly too strong and doesn't require much thought, so I said what I said. I just think it was buffed a little too much, to the point where it's unnecessarily strong. I don't know why actual scrubs would feel vindicated about pointing out how a strong move is a strong move. Like, that still wouldn't be why a scrub loses. Just like spin being strong still isn't an excuse for scrub complaints that hated Nago before the patch. Or Sol or Ram or whatever else people bitch about I'm not saying the move is unbeatably strong, but it's very strong for very low risk, in a lot of situations.
  14. Its scrubby cause it doesn't really require much thought and is very strong for how little tactical effort it needs to be used effectively Doesn't mean I'm not using it while I have it, but it's just honesty to recognize that it does a bit of extra carrying. Like I've literally won matches specifically because of that buff, not necessarily cause I played well in those rounds. Scrubby is used all kinds of ways but the way I see it more often when referring to people is the mindset thing yeah, but when used on moves, people generally mean the move is very strong for how easy it is to use, and in this case also in a wide variety of situations, so you don't need to think much. Just like scrubs don't think much.
  15. Have you spent a bunch of time using the move? It's incredibly powerful, easy to use in a huge variety of situations, and solves a bunch of problems on it's own. You don't need to use much decision making to use it effectively. As such it kind of feels like an obvious, easy answer. The only consideration that prevent it from being truly scrubby is the high blood cost to use it in some situations.
  16. Spin is the only other yolo thing he has and it was considered the best move in the game before any patches, but I think all characters having a 5f move brings it back down to "very strong but reasonable," where clone is just, as you said, basically scrubby. Spin at least he now must spend blood again to keep someone there for sure. He'd only definitely get a turn after at range, but at range he no longer can threaten throw without Fukyo.
  17. No I mean specifically clone was overbuffed. They decreased the startup, made it have a high clash level so it deletes most other projectiles(meaning it can be used on reaction), increased the projectile speed so you can punish people really far away AND use it as oki after fSSS, AND even made it full screen. Nago is mostly where most characters should be, I agree, but clone is now so good it's started to overshadow spin. It's THAT crazy.
  18. Don't forget Goldlewis literally has more consistent high damage than even Sol and Nago. His damage is insane on everyone. Agreed on the Ram stuff. Same for Nago clone as well actually, the issue there is they just way over buffed it. And some of the weaker characters still need more solid stuff as well. Hoping they'll reconsider the damage soon too. Increasing scaling on some moves hasn't been enough
  19. I think FD changes have preemptively helped quite a bit honestly. It doesn't kill his pressure like some are saying but it definitely makes it less oppressive while helping his own weak defense. Helps make him feel a little more balanced to fight I think. We'll see how it shakes out though
  20. Thread says this is from before 1.10 came out so it isn't totally valid at the moment, but still interesting. Will be curious to see how 1.10 looks. My guess on GL being that high is because of a small sample size though, so not enough people had experience against him last month.
  21. Those protoss do be needing an awful lot of pylons tho.
  22. iX is really cool, and come to think of it, having just played Dread, it's almost like speed booster/shinespark the game. Movement in that game is so unique
  23. It had fantastic atmosphere music and sounds, but not really great memorable tunes, yeah. I'm not sure how well normal music would have fit the whole package though, but I do agree it would have been nice to have some instances of like, regular music.
  24. Beat Dread, holy fuck that last boss and entire last sequence was so fucking awesome. Spoilers for Dread ending I kind of can't get over how good this game is from start to finish. I 100%'d all the areas and had fun the whole time. Some of the optional speed booster/shinespark stuff is so fucking cool. I can barely find the words to express how impressed I am. I feel like there's a really strong chance this becomes truly a classic. I don't even know what I'd consider a negative about it honestly
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