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Everything posted by delete_me

  1. It's not just lower damage output, it's losing access to certain normals and having less options at your disposal overall. Have you played the demo? Modern controls feel absolutely awful IMO, it's like that Mario Kart feature that keeps you on the track and automatically pushes your vehicle to the center of the road at all times. It's really, absolutely, only meant for people who have no idea to play and who want to pull off cool-looking stuff without ever opening the command list. It will have zero impact on any serious competition or even online play among people with just basic SF experience.
  2. So there's a small "goodbye SFV" tournament at the end of the month close to me. Literally only the second SFV one I can reasonably (logistically) go to, so I decided to sign up. Didn't love the game, but it's my last chance to ever play it offline, so it'd be a shame to miss it. Decided to hop online to get back into things. First guy was a level 99 Ryu who wiped the floor with me, second was a YOLO Sakura which got wiped by me, third person I ran into was a Luke smurf who teabagged and taunted as soon as he had a 50% life lead. So yeah, whatever, I'll go unprepared then.
  3. But he needs to spend meter to get Oki afterwards now, which should balance it out. In fact I think he looks very reliant on Drive Gauge, at least on paper. Time will tell. But at least they didn't "pre-nerf" the grapplers after all the hate they've been getting during the SFV era.
  4. Does anyone know how frame data works after a Drive Rush cancel from a normal? I suspect it differs from character to character and is dependent on the button's normal frame data, but is there, say, a rule of thumb in the sense that cancelling from a light is always negative on block and from a heavy always positive? Asking because the whole thing starts giving me preemptive Laura V-Skill nightmares.
  5. That's not a cane, that's a staff. She's also not an old dude (I think – you never know with Shadaloo).
  6. I dunno if I'm ageist here or something but even though JP has probably the most interesting moveset for me personally I can't imagine playing him. I don't even think he looks bad conceptually but I just don't want to look at a dude with a cane for a couple of hundred hours. If I ever decide to play World Tour I'm going to make a Rose-lookalike with his moveset but competitively I might hone in on Manon as expected, while also giving Lily a shot, because she's just so sweet.
  7. Why is Lily so cute. Also why is she almost naked underneath her poncho. "Officer, it was an accident, I swear. She's just jumping around a lot."
  8. If Ivy had her real age she'd trip over her boobs at this point.
  9. Sweaty Cammy with her nostalgia costume doing st.MK will break the internet (again). Also, I played the demo. Feels good, is fun. Won't bother going any deeper than that until the game comes out so that I can learn its mechanics in tandem with a character of my choice.
  10. True, our perception is somewhat skewed. But I can't help but be flabbergasted by the usage of the word "excel" in this case. Even if you take the entire playerbase into consideration and look at "us" relative to a rookie rank, I'd still never consider myself excelling at it. Or anything in my life, honestly. Like, I dunno, Djokovic excels at playing tennis. But there's nothing in my life where I'd apply hat word. But I'm probably overthinking a tiny little questionnaire that's only there to get the matchmaking rolling.
  11. This made me laugh. Max made some weird abomination in the SF6 demo: And then this brilliant piece popped up:
  12. It's sweet how I'd have to pick the option that tells me I "excel" at fighting games and then get put in the pool with all the killers.
  13. To an extent, but it gave them ample time to get a good feel for the game. Sure, pros pick up stuff quicker than your average player, but it takes me a while to get accustomed to movement in a fighting game, get the new inputs into muscle memory etc. If you could clone one person and let clone A play the cracked beta for six months and clone B start with the demo/retail release, you can bet clone A will win every game unless a non-beta character turns out so busted that he/she evens the playing field. I can definitely see the worry from a pro player. For me personally I'm just going to turn off crossplay for the first few weeks/months, so I don't feel particularly affected by this entire thing.
  14. I thought we were talking roster size. It's hard to evaluate the impact other features such as World Tour had on development from an outside perspective. It looks massive at first glance until you start noticing the details, like how every animation is literally recycled from the main roster (which is the point of WT, so no criticism here), how it's visually inferior to the normal 1on1 gameplay etc. But when S1 has concluded and we can compare SFV to SF6, we'll notice that WT is pretty much the only major difference between the games despite one having been in development for well over five years and the other for roughly half of that. Of course longer production times are an excuse to release content less frequently. It's pretty much the immediate result of it. I'd honestly be surprised, too, if Tekken 8 and MK12 could keep up with the roadmaps of their predecessors. Maybe Tekken because they aren't rebuilding their characters from the ground up between games, but even then it'll be an uphill battle.
  15. It's definitely not the same, you see development cycles across the entire industry ballooning. Capcom might be more proficient than other companies and definitely is in a better spot than during SFV, but they can't just will DLC characters into existence. The reason the roster number between SFV and SF6 will be identical after the first year is down to SFV being an extremely rushed product and SF6 getting all the time it needs. Which, conversely, also proves my point, as normally a rushed product would have less content than one that got all the time it needed.
  16. Oh, and regarding the number of characters per season: as with everything else, the higher the fidelity, the longer it takes to make. I find it entirely reasonable that it's simply impossible for them to put out six characters in a year to the quality standard we've seen from the launch roster. And I'd rather have less characters that feel homogenic by being just as complete and polished as the rest than having to endure, say, another rushed SFV Ed with shitty animations and low-res, butt-ugly costumes.
  17. Wait, the demo is only on Playstation systems? Guess I'll find out how the PS4 looks and runs then... 😮
  18. Well that wasn't worth staying up for at all. I mean it should have been obvious with all the stuff we'd already seen that there wouldn't be too much new stuff, but still. Teasing the new characters with artworks only was cruel btw, but at least AKI's still coming this year.
  19. A good side effect about this is that update data will be kept smaller as well. If you only have the multiplayer installed you won't have to re-download the entire World Tour client just because they fixed a bug that made Blanka hump Chun-Li if you input the Konami code in reverse.
  20. I will. I have no interest in Ed, Rashid or Akuma, so in case Aki tickles my fancy, I'll be better off downloading her separately.
  21. I'm rather enjoying Season 3. It certainly feels more like a stepping stone for an overarching plotline that will persist beyond this show's boundaries, which in itself is a point you could have some arguments about, but personally I don't have an issue with this. I do think Din's arc should come to an end soon though, it's relatively obvious that initial plans must have been to send him off after S2. That said. Yes - Yes - Yes - Yes was the funniest moment I've ever witnessed in SW. Such a simple yet effective joke, I was pretty much in tears.
  22. I know everyone's doing it and there's really no point in wasting mental energy to go against it, but it's rather hilarious that it says "full game" under the standard edition when looking at what the other two include.
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