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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. and perhaps youve heard of running up that hill before. cuz ive been listening to that song for years. and here everyones youtube algorhythm is connected by now. but i would listen to the chromatics cover of the song
  2. i wasnt thnking of a phone model where every single model had a heating coil installed. i was just thinking of a smokers edition. sorta like baclk in the day when you had a choice of smoking or non smoking plane flights.
  3. btw, lately ive been listening to alot of donny osmond. the osmonds in general. smooth as silk.
  4. so today i bought one of those new fangled lighters. the electric ones that are sorta like car cigarette lighters. sorta the same tech. anywho. and it made me wonder why this metal coil heating by battery tech isnt in like cell phones. i'd pay good money to hit a button and a small coil pops out and heats up whatev i wanna burn. like u might need fire yunno not just flashlight from your phone. what if youre lost in the woods n need fire but got no matches or regular lighter. idk. i smoke so i def need a light. instead of carrying an electric or gas lighter id rather my cell phone just have the small coil heated feature.
  5. yamcha being able to cancel wff into beam. why? these are the weirdest changes i swear. this feels like a rushed patch just for evo lol
  6. this patch is hella weird. trunks backflip is slow and doesnt create distance which makes me wonder why. why this change. im talking about 214m. its fall is very floaty which makes me wonder if i can cancel it into a special. videl's moonsault cancelling into super. dont really get why. ive tried using it but meh. idk.
  7. if the cops wont take you theres always security guard jobs bro.
  8. p.s. im still mad we got alien vs predator, freddie vs jason, but never got robocop vs terminator. i still dream of peter weller n arnold reprising those roles having that battle.
  9. i was also thinking about the robot in robocop. how it had a character arc. the director gave it a character arc. but a fucked up one. it went from being hideous, menacing, scary af, murderous. rampaging monster in its 1st scene. where it obliterates that young ceo in front of horrored peeps. to 2nd scene. dick jones office. it becomes a bumbling clumsy idiot that falls down the stairs like grandma. with the help i cant get up sad state. squeeling like a pig throwing a 3 year old tempter tantraum joke of a enemy. to its 3rd scene where robocop just explodes it instantly cuz its now a weak silly jobber that cant go down stairs. weak as granny. he doesnt even bother talking to it. just. boom. gone. shoo. away you annoying fly type of dismissiveness. robot aint even whole. just legs and falls limp dicked. isnt that interesting how the director verhoven whatevs his dutch name is. he put detail like that in. you went from scared of it. to laughing at it. span of 2 hours. thats good film making right there. heres a dollar.
  10. i was thinking. if we, people, have a "fuck marry kill" list. do horses have a "stallion mustang mule" list too? hmm
  11. not sure, but this vid might be bob saget's last acting erformance before he died. hes the cook
  12. i just finished some resident evil 3 remake on luna+ i never played re3 before but it felt fine. re2 and 3 are on luna rn. i also played Ys monstrum nox or whatev its called. its combat gameplay is actually not bad. but i forgot how tepid and generic jrpg storylines are. nier sorta ruined jrpgs for me.
  13. i was thinking about dmcv today/ dmc series in general. then i remembered chaos legion. if u guys remember that dmc clone capcom made ps2 era. and how similar it is to dmc4. yunno after u beat that hard game. you can play as the gun shooting chick. and with her the game is way harder to beat. her weaons do less damage. i'd like a chaos legion remake, and a god hand remake too pls capcom
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