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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. Wrong guy to ask. Functioning off of 3 hours of sleep today because I had to finish Yazuka 6 😴
  2. @TWINBLADES_SRK Not only have you leveled up your game, but your posts too. Keep up the good work fam.
  3. Evil Canadian has his own emote and he isn't even here 🐵
  4. Finally finished the main story of Yakuza 6. Should have been in bed like 2 or 3 hours ago. Worth how tired I'll be at work tomorrow. GOTY so far for me easy.
  5. Everyone be sure to be on spoiler alert for Infinity War. I haven't been spoiled but I'm sure some jerks are lying in wait. Be careful what you click.
  6. I'm not surprised. That dudes Dad needs to be locked up. The authorities actually took the guys guns away and his dad gave them back.
  7. The fights are the shows biggest drawn. If they had guns readily available it would either minimize the number of fights or break immersion because you'd be wondering "why aren't they using guns".
  8. So any word of the story? Is he connected to Spiderman at all?
  9. It's a bit hard to describe. Post apocalyptic, martial arts, western maybe. The fights are reminiscent of Hong Kong action films due to the wire work. The first couple of seasons had an almost Greek city state vibe. Each Baron had their city, army, serfs, etc. It's really hard to pin down an accurate description of the the show.
  10. I wouldn't count on it because when you do, it won't happen. That said, servers have been coming up an hour or so before the listed time during the last few updates.
  11. Season premiere was last night. Anyone else watch the show? Or am I on my own here?
  12. We are going to start calling Fuudo.....Tuudo. Dude just can't get over the hump.
  13. Lightweight is always stacked. Part of the reason the whole McGregor saga pissed me off so much. He was jamming up the deepest division in MMA.
  14. Yeah Proctor was my only negative in the finale. They went way to over the top with him. Wasn't necesary.
  15. Yakuza 6 is awesome so far of course. Haven't even done much so far just running around doing substories having a blast.
  16. Gfinity is on if anyone is interested.
  17. Speaking of Xbox One, I loaded up Lost Odyssey on my Xbox One. I forgot it was on the BC list. Really wish this game had a sequel, it's still the best Final Fantasy game I've played in decades. As I told my friend, it's shame that the only either us seem to turn on our Xbox Ones is to play old games.
  18. Anyone watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D right now? Damn son. That was some MK level shit.
  19. A lot people didn't come back when SRK1 went down. When it came back, some people were turned off by the new format and left. Younger people don't care much for forums, so I'm not sure what can be done. Glad to have this place. I like it better than SRK1, but it's not as busy. Wish more of the old school SRK gang would come over. MisterBee has done a damn good job.
  20. Not much, you may want to visit this thread though....
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