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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. Jiren seems to be invoking the power of shirtlessness in the next episode. That only really works for Goku.
  2. He shares an apartment with family. He lives out of his bedroom and actually changed up it's layout for it. He's not the most organized guy but he pulled it off. Of course, he's like the smartest person I know.
  3. Yeah but if you are going to VR. The HTC Vive is the way to go. One of my best friends has one. It's far more versatile. You do need a decent amount of setup space though.
  4. @Little_Goten I think there is an hour limit on post edits.
  5. Shield starts off really slow. I almost quit during the first season. I think most people did, but after the Winter Soldier came out, the show picked up steam. Honestly, it's the best comic book TV show. It's gotten better with each season. The rest of them have been up and down. Arrow peaked Season 2, bottomed out season 4 and is okay now. Flash peaked Season 1 IMO. Legends is dumb fun. Supergirl is not something I can recommend. It has it's moments but it's honesty insulting to the male audience at times.
  6. Reminds me of the original system. I probably could have snagged one once I started working as teenager but the games were like $200 a piece and I was like I ain't got cash for that.
  7. Thanks man. The only fighting game I "play" on pad is Injustice 2. I put play in parenthesis because I've never played it on line.
  8. I can't stress enough what a pleasant surprise Black Lighting has been. Side note: Arrow hasn't been as strong this season as last season. That said. They definitely took an interesting turn in the last episode. Not sure if things can ever be the same after this.
  9. With Black Panther killing it at the box office, Infinity War being moved up to a April 27th release, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D returning from break tonight, and Season 2 of Jessica Jones coming next week. I thought it would be a good idea to get a Marvel TV and Movie thread up and running.
  10. Sorry man. I'd pick the game up but my wrist is jacked up. Doctors don't know why and I've barely been able to play SFV lately. I may have to take up pad soon 😞
  11. Ibuki and Sean had issues in Second Impact. It looked like they tried to keep Ibuki viable in 3S. Capcom has admitted to purposely ruining Sean in 3S. I don't care for that line of thinking.
  12. @DarkSakul At SRK, I spoiler tagged quoted images.
  13. Awesome game, too bad it launched right as 3D fighters were taking off. Garou gets its due from hardcore fighting game fans. However, gamers in general don't even know it exists.
  14. I prefer Super to GT and the Buu Saga. Super is a combination of classic Dragon Ball and Z. The biggest mistake they made was remaking the first two movies into their first two arcs.
  15. Nope, it looked fine when I posted it. Not paying $400 to link images Photobucket.
  16. I used to use Photobucket. Last year they started preventing people from direct linking images from their account. When you do this happens. Well I'll be damned. Maybe they rescinded that nonsense.
  17. @Little_Goten you need to switch to Imgur. Photobucket decided to charge people $400 a year for the ability to link images.
  18. MisterBee, I know you aren't too keen on the DC shows but you need to give Black Lightning a try. I'm really digging the show. Tonight's episode was damned good.
  19. I forgot to post that the Flash is back tonight. I know it's almost over but....The Flash is back tonight.
  20. I told you I was the wrong guy to ask. Side note: We need more SRK peeps here, I hate Discord.
  21. Given my poor impulse control, I'm the wrong person to ask. Just bought a $2900 gaming laptop that didn't need right away. Of course with GPU and memory prices what they are, I think I made the right choice.
  22. I love 3S but it had issues. Sean got nerfed to oblivion and most of the stages looked worse than ANG and SI.
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