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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Yeah, much better example than El Gado's*, totally forgot about that U2 👍 Give Laura a shit like that for Lv3, then CA version add an huge electric shock each time she breaks something *El Gado one was this, possibly even inspired Cammy's one to some extent (even if for sure they wanted give her some SF2tAM vibes 😄 )
  2. Btw tutorial vid should be not too far, guess we will see his CA there Speaking again of supers/CA that's something SF6 truly shine at, my top10 i would love to see from some kinda possible candidates Damn fuck Akuma, give me S2 list as soon as possible lol
  3. Themes keep being too modern to stick with SF6 style, but this try stay close to the character's spirit as much a SF6 theme can lol
  4. Yeah but after having seen it was kinda predictable they were going minimalist on Lv3 just to save fireworks to hype up CA version 😄 But even disliking Akuma, i have to admit i found basic Lv3 to be a touch of class, was'nt flashy but really sold the idea he's not an ordinary char... so him just charging a bit the fist to throw a serious punch made it worthy of rest of the cast Lv3 attacks Like also the idea on CA opponent blocking the punch, it's like the char showing to not be an ordinary opponent either (to be CA Akuma must be at 25% life or less) wich make him switch to the real shit If they ever add Oro hope they will pick similar route with Lv3 being one-arm thing and CA being a variation that have him using both arms
  5. to some extent muscular dude in wifebeater with bigmechanic arm also made me think wink at a concept even had bit of these straps/braces But yeah, guess Captain Commando is most likely with the alien thing Btw another fun wink may be the thing that wear hat backward when serious, seem straight reference to Stallone armwrestling movie Over the Top Yeah but SFV rolled a bit like this, like Zeku being hinted to be in some way the first Strider and yet lot of things don't match Strider original canon One thing ever found funny is often in japanese series we westerners are more concerned about these series canon than japanese themselves are lol
  6. See them one next to other, red hair was the way to go, look how color wise goes much more smooth with skin color and give vicious demon vibes Maybe keeping the idea of white/gray stripes on the sides they had in SF3 and expand it but overall keeping red, with was more or less the early concept idea (but would have added more gray on the sides above ear) I know one can say at some point we had white hair "Shin Akuma" that does'nt hold back anymore, so have full white hair SF6 Akuma mean shit got serious and he reached his peak, but "Shin Akuma" design wise was a lazy bum solution to begin with, just changing a bit the color palette and pretend now it's somethng else But that's the akuma curse, lazy recycle was the original sin of his creation lol
  7. Extremely bold and controversial claim by Tokido takes some balls to consider MK a fighting game 😮
  8. Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi! +0,5% for SF6 Maggio btw, sporting the proud Ferrari Red in the hair like all we italian do best part is to think that Rosso did'nt got red in the hair but still got red in the name 😆 Basically they went full uno reverse card on the "let's waifu characters" on Area Meanwhile RIP to Abel, T.Hawk and FANG lol Dude try too hard to be V.Rosso, stick to dad weirdo flame yoga imho Joke aside guess in capcom minds Rashid just stole his gimmick, no Bollywood star buyt cool rich YT celebrity who does super spectacular stunts for the camera
  9. Seen these designs back in SFV days so my time to curse capcom over it lie in the past... now Marisa that was supposed to be greek but end up italian for whatever reason is the newest knife in my back, have no time to worry about otaku girl But tbh gave up hopes on capcom (just make me do better use of characters made with editor damn it), last time they thought male rep was Smalt Raven concept in SF4 who was italian-american As we speak small but still most likely rep could be grown up Maggio, maybe playing on Joseph Joestar imagery (considering Maggio & Menat wink hard at Joseph & Caesar) But i've no reason to expect it, at best will be shitty NPC with little personal moves when Menat get released Give this guy a medal Fun thing one of the few original characters i made with SF6 avatar editor it's supposed to be scrappy bare knuckle boxing (used to have Luke style, now have Ed) irish girl with irish pub theme, not much far from the pizza assassin girl one but done on irish flavor lol Think an irish ginger Makoto x young KoF Vanessa lol
  11. 1- Yeah, he gave up after their SFV story fight, the aftermath was him accepting Ryu's will to grow as warrior in his own way and Akuma leave looking forward to see the results in future (wich may mean SF6 current timeline) 2- That's good theory, i wonder if the extreme sense of danger may even awake Toyno'Ikonoi and force It to come out to project the body (Lily) Is hosting him Still wonder if Toyno'Ikonoi is related to Necalli, have two evil supernatural mexican entities that can parasite people is bit too big coincidence lol
  12. Yeah, as expected tbh Considering one of his SF6 gimmick seems to be show better he can concentrate/upgrade SnH into lava like ki (in these moves often we see bit of SnH ki at begin), and that his basic Lv3 in the trailer is a SnH-charged punch, guess logical coherent upgrade would be him for CA Lv3 doing more or less same move but when he charge his punch it surpass SnH and become lava ki charged and when punch downward he generate a lava pillar or something Kinda like Would also kinda mirror how Ryu Lv3 is a Shin Shoryuken with bit of visible SnH at begin, then his CA Lv3 is done more or less the same but with denjin/electric looking ki Guess is possible if we get cutscene of Ryu and Akuma serious clashing we will see hado shit vs snh shit and then them getting serious and throw denjin shit vs lava shit lol Chimera Shadow Garden shit? 😁 To me new SGS gave Naruto supers vibes, but i'm not super familiar with Naruto lore, think probably seen on YT some Naruto villain doing something similar as super in one of games (admit YT vids with "xxx game all supers" are drug to me lol)
  13. I'm not familiar with events, when is most likely we will know the S2 characters list? At this point is definitely the thing i care the most
  14. Maybe Akuma will only bring main cast/Season1 characters changes, and any mayor system change will eventually start with S2 bunch of months from now? Example i don't expect WTM to get big deal expansion this 22th (just new travel location and couple of small shitty missions), i think the big update will be like somewhere july/august/september
  15. Fun thing is they even roughly recreated the character to show it lol They could have even used the gray/white camo pants, but they did'nt because even if are ingame for players are still locked Cool af this month we get SFA2 too
  16. Btw i think we can agree such incredible badass making his DLC return to the series can only be a good thing, jokes aside it's legendary char that enrich the game is in and after watching the trailer deserve all the love I'm not even mad if he's overpowered, it's part of the charm His redesign is awesome too, just great job Welcome back Slayer!
  17. Bunch of fun random details - From all artworks i thought we was going to get the largest Akuma ever and possibly exagerated, but actually in the trailer is possible see next to Ryu he looks canon correct, just slighty taller/bigger (175cm-85kg vs 178cm-90kg)... in SFV he looked much more massive than Ryu (but SFV fucked lot of proportions) -It's smart from them show how Akuma very casually/effortlessy throw at our avatar a shoryuken very very similar to Ryu's Lv3 wich till that moment looked like one of the most devastanting supers of the game, yet Akuma does'nt have it on his moveset not even as Lv1 super, as if it's lower stuff -Cool how as @BornWinnerposted Drive Impact put giant emphasis not only on extreme speed the punch is thrown, but also how fast is retreated Imho it's a wink at Katsumi Orochi's perfect punch where the recoil is considered even more important than the throw phase itself -SF6 WTM will likely deny Akuma the status of hermit because his stage being actual new location there will be one of these backpack merchants living there with him, unless just for his location they will allow him to be his own merchant lol while at it i LOVE this fanart, the guy being the child is pure genius -SF6 super veiny body look remind lot how Itagaki started to design Yujiro Hanma in recent times and i think played a role, but still think main inspiration was Jukei from HNK (fun coincidence also in this scene big asura statue get its head damaged, something happening in Akuma teaser too) find his case even more fitting as in HnK the crazy veins were a trait shared by masters using the forbidden demonic ki like Jukei, brainwashed Hyo or Kaioh, while on Yujiro's case seems more to express his extreme physical condition (even if Yujiro himself is often compared to a demon/ogre with bit of mystical aura we can see similar portrayal in 100% physical fighter Oliva) Plus that ki deformed their facial traits making them looking less human, just watch difference between normal Hyo and possessed Hyo, and how latter remind Akuma teaser ki demon -As mentioned before the new info posted by @ShockDingothat apparently Akuma now "He carves figures of the hundreds of opponents he has felled and places them in the cave he resides" is huge awesome wink at Rugal As long i can see does'nt seem possible see these statues in the stage, but sure hope we get some cutscene where we can see his "collection" and get some cool cameos Statue list should/may include, from most likely to crazy Goutetsu Gen Gill (Akuma likely does'nt know to have been trolled and that Gill resurrected himself right after the SGS) Necalli if left enough impression on him lol possibly Kage (even if was just a "spiritual" fight) Would be interesting for the symbolism see SF4 Oni there, Oni was if down the road SnH took over Akuma, current SF6 form seems like Akuma took over SnH if they're open to bit of cameo stuff possibly Asura from Asura's Wrath for their fight in that game (SF6 WTM already dropped small cameos of other Capcom games like DMC and MH in the treasure room) possibly Heiachi cameo, because just like with Gill, Akuma believe to have killed him possibly RUGAL cameo (would be fun reference to CvS2 where one possible outcome was Akuma killing Rugal and becoming Shin Akuma, plus would be hilarious af revenge for Rugal back in KoF days claimed to have killed SF characters like Guile and Zangief) Would not be surprised to NOT see Bison statue there, as Akuma ever considered him scum lol -Akuma now believe to be super badass because mastered a bit better (and still poorly) lava like ki, imagine be so untalented to take that long just to learn the basics, took Akuma years of dirty cave no fap hermit shit Meanwhile our hero Rosso did more complex lava tricks at 27 while banging Ken's wife second day of her Italy trip Sad Capcom have to go to such lenghts to protect SF cast from greatness
  18. Bunch of fun random details - From all artworks i thought we was going to get the largest Akuma ever and possibly exagerated, but actually in the trailer is possible see next to Ryu he looks canon correct, just slighty taller/bigger (175cm-85kg vs 178cm-90kg)... in SFV he looked much more massive than Ryu (but SFV fucked lot of proportions) -It's smart from them show how Akuma very casually/effortlessy throw at our avatar a shoryuken very very similar to Ryu's Lv3 wich till that moment looked like one of the most devastanting supers of the game, yet Akuma does'nt have it on his moveset not even as Lv1 super, as if it's lower stuff -Cool how as @BornWinnerposted Drive Impact put giant emphasis not only on extreme speed the punch is thrown, but also how fast is retreated Imho it's a wink at Katsumi Orochi's perfect punch where the recoil is considered even more important than the throw phase itself -SF6 WTM will likely deny Akuma the status of hermit because his stage being actual new location there will be one of these backpack merchants living there with him, unless just for his location they will allow him to be his own merchant lol while at it i LOVE this fanart, the guy being the child is pure genius -SF6 super veiny body look remind lot how Itagaki started to design Yujiro Hanma in recent times and i think played a role, but still think main inspiration was Jukei from HNK (fun coincidence also in this scene big asura statue get its head damaged, something happening in Akuma teaser too) find his case even more fitting as in HnK the crazy veins were a trait shared by masters using the forbidden demonic ki like Jukei, brainwashed Hyo or Kaioh, while on Yujiro's case seems more to express his extreme physical condition (even if Yujiro himself is often compared to a demon/ogre with bit of mystical aura we can see similar portrayal in 100% physical fighter Oliva) Plus that ki deformed their facial traits making them looking less human, just watch difference between normal Hyo and possessed Hyo, and how latter remind Akuma teaser ki demon -As mentioned before the new info posted by @ShockDingothat apparently Akuma now "He carves figures of the hundreds of opponents he has felled and places them in the cave he resides" is huge awesome wink at Rugal As long i can see does'nt seem possible see these statues in the stage, but sure hope we get some cutscene where we can see his "collection" and get some cool cameos Statue list should/may include, from most likely to crazy Goutetsu Gen Gill (Akuma likely does'nt know to have been trolled and that Gill resurrected himself right after the SGS) Necalli if left enough impression on him lol possibly Kage (even if was just a "spiritual" fight) Would be interesting for the symbolism see SF4 Oni there, Oni was if down the road SnH took over Akuma, current SF6 form seems like Akuma took over SnH if they're open to bit of cameo stuff possibly Asura from Asura's Wrath for their fight in that game (SF6 WTM already dropped small cameos of other Capcom games like DMC and MH in the treasure room) possibly Heiachi cameo, because just like with Gill, Akuma believe to have killed him possibly RUGAL cameo (would be fun reference to CvS2 where one possible outcome was Akuma killing Rugal and becoming Shin Akuma, plus would be hilarious af revenge for Rugal back in KoF days claimed to have killed SF characters like Guile and Zangief) Would not be surprised to NOT see Bison statue there, as Akuma ever considered him scum lol -Akuma now believe to be super badass because mastered a bit better (and still poorly) lava like ki, imagine be so untalented to take that long just to learn the basics, took Akuma years of dirty cave no fap hermit shit Meanwhile our hero Rosso did more complex lava tricks at 27 while banging Ken's wife second day of her Italy trip Sad Capcom have to go to such lenghts to protect SF cast from greatness
  19. LV3 <-- trailer LV3 CA <-- unseen SGS <-- possible to do only during CA conditions
  20. Yeah this make the most sense Also because all other CA version of Lv3 are often basically same move just with cooler animation and greater damage, while raging demon is straight different move and dynamic Considering in trailer LV3 he just punches downward, would not be surprised if CA version is very similar with added effect of ki explosion or fire/lava/whatever... specially considering we already seen Akuma do similar shit for supers Or maybe we will see him use the "ki demon" form we seen in first teaser Nothing in new trailer show him using this shit (but to be fair neither Ryu's ingame supers involve rising dragons made of cherry blossoms lol)
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