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Everything posted by Chadouken

  1. The worst is when you get like 4 chargers at once lol. Orbital Rail Cannon is your friend.
  2. Oh I've named Link Piss, and Sharted, and shit like that 😂 I remember in Monster Hunter on PS4 I made a slutty chick and named her Heather. She died a lot because I refused to put any armor on her 🤣
  3. That's actually what I named him in the original game 😂 I changed Barret to Barrel.
  4. I remember playing FF7 in high school and loving it. Then I recently played the remake and thought it was decent, but I never finished it. Clown kinda annoyed me.
  5. No, the SCOTUS just told us that the decision on whether to let an insurrectionist run for president again should be left up to the likes of Jim Jordan, MTG, Matt Gaetz, etc., to pass legislation through Congress 😂
  6. Considering he also produced and directed that film, it makes sense
  7. New western coming this summer. Gonna be in two parts: part one in June, part two in August. This is why Costner left Yellerstone.
  8. I unlocked Helldive difficulty last night, which is the hardest difficulty. The one before that is called Impossible and is fucking INTENSE. Pure adrenaline rush. Helldive is gonna be ridiculous 😂
  9. Yall need to stream a First to 10 match in Street Fighter for all of us to watch. Whoever wins has the bigger penis and gets to bang the other's cousin. That has to be steamed, too.
  10. You guys are both stubborn knuckleheads. If we were in person yall would be best friends lol.
  11. Can anyone recommend a good face moisturizer for guys? Something that isn't greasy and has SPF in it. My wife says I need something.
  12. Why should an engineer be able to do computer stuff? Like, what the fuck does driving a train have to do with setting up your laptop?
  13. @DoctaMario @RSG3 I would just like to take this time to thank you both for making my Monday a little more tolerable 😂
  14. What the hell is all this lmao 🤣 I gotta say, when you and RSG3 get into it, it leads to some of the best material here 😂
  15. I'd say Einstein's theory of relativity has a much bigger impact on our understanding of physics and how the universe works than just the atomic bomb. Yes, his work provided the basis for nuclear research, and you're right that it was instrumental, but his lasting impact is much bigger than that, imo.
  16. Oppenheimer is more directly responsible for that. Einstein calculated the energy released by splitting the atom but had no direct involvement in the know-how to do it. In fact, he was not even given security clearance to work on the Manhatten Project. He did advocate that the US look into building one before Germany though.
  17. I just unlocked the 500KG last night. It's so good 😂
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