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Everything posted by Hecatom

  1. But it didn't outside having cop chases, the games are completely different. What you are saying, specially on your previous posts doesnt make sense, lmao. Wanting it to be rereleased/remastered, is not asking for a remaster of a remaster. Hard disagree. imo MW2012>>>>>>>>>>>>>MW2005 I know I am on the minority on that, so dont @ me, lol The problem is that modern Criterion, is the studio in name only. All the people who made the og games are long gone. And looking at Unbound, while they seem to be competent, there is a clear difference on the game feel that makes me wonder if they will be able to make a game in vein of the Burnout series, specially on monetization, game progress, etc.
  2. I agree on all. I love Paradise, but I also love when games offer a good variety of designed tracks, like Revenge did. Which imo is like the best in between of both worlds, you have a chunk of big maps with enough variety on them to subdivide them on different tracks to offer variety. Nowdays it seems that only kart games offer tracks 😕
  3. LMAO. What HD remake are you talking about? There is no remake of MW. MW2013 is a different game in everything, they only share the name.
  4. Since you mentioned on a post below, that you were talking about MW 2005, I have to say that I played it way later, after Carbon and Undercover. So for me it doesn't hit the same way as Carbon for example, in terms of nostalgia. Though, I can see why is beloved, since the game is really fun and has a charm to it. But I have to say that I prefer Most Wanted 2012, simply because I am more into the super car NFS games rather than the tuner games. Plus, HP2010 and MW2013 being made by criterion and building from the BO Paradise template only made them better in my eyes, since I love Criterion games (OG criterion though, not the studio wearing its skin that made Unbound, lol) It is why after Rivals, I really have not touched any of the newer NFS games, since they don't really offer what I like about the series. (Also them being like 30fps on consoles didn't help) I heard that Payback and Heat are not bad, and I think I have them on my psn+ account, so I could try them eventually
  5. Most Wanted 2011 is not a remaster. Is a completely new game different from the Og Most Wanted.
  6. As far as I remember, all the subject stayed on twitter, so whatever happened was never brought to any authorities of any kind.
  7. Reminds me the of Blade Arcus and Koihime on how it animates.
  8. NFS Unbound is at 8 bucks on the PSN store, so I decided to buy it since it has been quite a while since I played a NFS game (new since rivals, but I also bought the remastered version of Hot Pursuit 2010). Right of the bat, I am disappointed that they didn't went full celshading on the game. It feels weird to have all the realistic graphics on environments and cars, but have the characters and some effects be celshaded. The driving feels weird since it is not quite arcade but also not quite sim, the closest I can think of is NFS Undercover. It seems that is quite grindy in how you get the cars, which feels like it will be problem going on. The other problem I have is the limited clothes selection. Only 2 skirts, and you can't customize the colors, so you are stuck with red and an ugly pattern of gold and black. And the shoe selection is so poor (as in the types of shoes, despite the number of foot wear available) that you can't really coordinate them with the 2 skirts you have. EDIT I am still hoping for a remaster of NFS Most Wanted 2011.
  9. Not that I am married. But if you are a good cook, you can do it cheaper byt hitting the kitchen and grill twice a week.
  10. Damn. Fallout was great from start to finish. Loved every aspect of it. My only complaint was the lack of glitches to stay true to the games.
  12. I just wish they buffed Charlotta. Right now she feels helpless due her crappy normals, with hitboxes that are smaller than the animation implies and with hurboxes that over reach even the animation at times, in both normals and specials.
  13. Which sucks, cuz they have some really good games. Wild Hearts for example was a neat game. Perhaps, my only issue is that the armors were kind of meh in the looks area.
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