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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. He's the guy who's known Linus the longest and knew him before he blew up. That would put him in a position where he can check Linus compared to anyone who isn't his wife. Luke should push him harder. He saved Linus from getting canceled a couple of months ago
  2. Zangief is fun until he has level 3 loaded up. Gief players are turning butter until they can catch up slipping and you just die. I find Guile fun to play mainly because he should be a matchup that should be bad for Marisa on paper when it's not. It's the one match where I can walk a character down to the corner and stare at them waiting for them to make a move. It may be the on matchup where Sonic blade becomes an necessity for him. I put Jamie in not fun due to how much of a knowledge check that MU is. I played my share of Jamie's and I'm still not sure when I should be pushing buttons and when I should be defending.
  3. What are you doing for his level 3 to be a problem? The average JP player uses his level 3 the same the majority of the cast does.
  4. JP is fine. A lot of the universal systems keep him honest, the wind up time of his moves give plenty of time to move in on him and seeing how a couple of his specials moves are designed to knock you to the other end of the screen having a full screen super makes a lot of sense. JP is one of the most fun matchups in the game once you figure out how to fight him.
  5. Idk, punisher counter throw does more damage than a level 1 super.
  6. I've seen some people say Marisa has bad anti airs when they look like this
  7. I wish that the bonus points for winning streaks stuck around past gold. When you reach diamond 5 it will be less grindy.
  8. This seemed like a long time coming. Steve is calling out Linus
  9. Nah, I like to learn games when everyone else is. NRS games have healthy online scenes so I never regretted getting them on launch.
  10. Saudi is doing stuff like this to make the world overlook their numerous human right violations and the atrocities committed by the royal family. This exists so the country can bribe goodwill.
  11. More Juri
  12. If we had playable turtles I would happily fork over the total $60. It would be worth it to make dudes rage with Don and Mikey
  13. The turtles should have been actual guest characters if they will cost that much
  14. I stop playing when this happens to me. Cooling off is the best way I deal with getting tilted after making a mistake. I know if I continue playing it will snowball into a losing streak.
  15. I'm disappointed with how low Tatsumaki is. I figured Raven would be in top 5
  16. I want to buy first to see if hitbox is the controller I want to use. Going the custom route isn't a option unless I want to commit long term.
  17. I'm going to have to since snack boxes are unobtainable.
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