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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. People were pissed with Dawn and PoR because it was a change. Kojima artwork defined Castlevania at the time so changing it wasn't going to sit well. Those games weren't the first to sport the aesthetic as Rondo of Blood had a generic anime aesthetic as well. As much as I love Kojima art her work has plenty of anime troupes as well. Every male character she draws is a conventionally handsome pretty boy and that includes Dracula. Her style wouldn't be out of place in a shoujo work.
  2. You know this game is a spin off of Gal Gun, right? It was going to have all the things you hate from the jump.
  3. Jerom is still in the old SF5 lounge discord. I see him there from time to time. A10Metal is there too.
  4. I tried the solutions provided here and none of them worked. I was really hoping for the group policy editor to do the trick but I still get no sleep option in the power settings.
  5. $200 sounds about right for a pro controller. That's like the minimum. Competitors price their controllers at $250
  6. It could be he has a different throw depending on the position of his opponent. Mika has two different forward throws in SF5 depending if her opponent is crouching.
  7. I want to see Manon pre match walk. I need to see her treat the back alley like a runway
  8. It's worth looking into. I might update my bios and see if that does the trick.
  9. I went to that system settings and sleep isn't there.
  10. I didn't notice this until now but my PC doesn't have a sleep mode. I checked the advance settings on the power options and there is no sleep. I see hibernate but no sleep. I'm not sure what's going on
  11. I finished Sonic Prime and I enjoyed it. The show definitely has pacing issues. Like Sonic time in the jungle Green Hill had no business being a two parter. It was a single episode stretched to two. It seems obvious to me that Sonic character development will lead to him to cherish what he has. The flashbacks made it clear he took what he had for granted. I don't like Rouge being in team Sonic. It's not a good fit. If they wanted a second female character for the crew they could have used Cream (Does Sega hate her? She hasn't appeared in anything since Generations), Sticks (Frontiers confirmed she exists in the mainline games), or Blaze. Any one of them would have been better choice than Rouge. I'm a big fan of nine. The mechanical tails are amazing to see in motion and makes his badassery look effortless. I would accept him as canon tails. New Yoke is definitely the most interesting space this show visits. I get the vibe of it being Sonic Forces done right. Speaking of, does the NPCs in New Yoke look like they were designed using Forces character creator. I find the chaos council disappointing. Like what's the point of having five Eggmans when they are all the same character? The quirks ain't enough to differentiate them. I loved what little we saw of Shadow. He takes absolutely no shit. I can watch him sucker punch this sonic all day lol I have to question what was the point of rusty rose malfunctioning when seeing black rose when it lead to nothing.
  12. During my time with the beta Juri and Ken players have abused DI the most. They are hilariously predictable
  13. Capcom expects me to believe this guy joined the military, left, became a PMC and was successful enough to become a trainer/mentor at 22? Did he skip high school wtf
  14. I actually like these laws. It will prevent the characters from feeling samey. It's good to have some characters there not purely for comedy.
  15. The new transformers game might be a hero shooter
  16. I noticed that in the character menu in battle settings the game gives you the option to apply the chosen control type to all characters. Never get wrecked when switching characters
  17. Turning on v-sync will eliminate the screen tearing but it will introduce more latency. If you don't want additional lag the only other way to fix the problem is to play on a high refresh display.
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