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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. I like the idea of the series making use of its continuity. It should negate the character regression of past games (particularly Tails and Shadow)
  2. Soul Hackers 2 is the last game I brought day one. It isn't worth to me to buy things day one anymore. Be it the games are unfinished, massive price drops shortly after release or some other nonsense it feels like I will be punished for investing early
  3. In the case with the Dragonball composer it was straight up plagiarism. The Budokai HD collection needed a new OST because most of his work was blatantly plagiarized.
  4. When I google a topic I normally end up in reddit. Reddit results is it's own subpage.
  5. It was the guy who composed the music for the PS2 dragonball games, right? Kenji Yamamoto
  6. I'm liking this monitor. I play around with color settings so it didn't look like ass. There is some weird firmware issues like not being able to use HDR and VRR simultaneously, I can't adjust local dimming in HDR game mode. A firmware update coming this month is suppose to fix that. Without that update that is a deal breaker for anyone interested in this monitor. Using one or the other type shit is extremely annoying as I'm trying to make custom profiles. The input lag isn't the best. Without overdrive enabled I get 11 ms responsive time. I get better responses setting overdrive to normal or advance. Setting to max will get me the best response but image quality takes a huge hit. I can play fighters just fine but this ain't the display for competitive Overwatch and CSGO. Not like those anyway.
  7. I took a chance and treated myself to this monitor Spec wise is has everything I want from a 4K HDR display. There hasn't been a lot of professional reviews yet but I've mostly read positive things from people from reddit who brought it.
  8. Conroy is the Batman voice. That's the voice that's in my head whenever I read a comic. It's depressing to know we'll never hear his voice again. RIP Kevin
  9. Knowing that the Intel arc team is largely made up of talent poached from Radeon this doesn't surprise me. Drivers have always been the Achilles heel of AMD GPUs. Getting more board partners on board and lend their expertise can help them a lot.
  10. Nvidia renamed the 12GB 4080 to the 4070 ti
  11. Him and Aba being in the same stream? You know he's getting cooked.
  12. Capcom wouldn't need UDON to do outlandish things. From the sounds of it, Capcom has given UDON an outline and they will fill in the blanks.
  13. I don't think that will happen. Modern and dynamic will need to be competitively viable for that snowball to go downhill. Modern removes three normals, pre-selected special moves with pre-selected strengths, needing to rely on auto combos for damage. The control scheme is denys you a character full moveset and functions as training wheels. Dynamic is for the parents who want to let their young kids do cool shit in the game without having to learn anything. I don't see it taking off.
  14. The strangest official Sonic product yet. ASRock will be producing an officially licensed Sonic Z790 motherboard If this was an AMD board I would go for it lol.
  15. It's not that serious. I don't see a reason to banned these controls from competition. Anyone who uses them will be handicapping themselves. If that's how they chose to play the game let them. Enjoy the free wins.
  16. Yup. This would be UDON first canonically endorsed book. As a fan of the UDON books I wanted to see them get this chance.
  17. I don't see it getting banned. It's essentially letting the game play for you. I won't trust the game to make the right decision in any given moment
  18. I'm guessing the terrorist bombing is the same one from Luke's character story in SF5?
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