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Everything posted by GetTheTables

  1. Not that I remember but my personal experience with Chun is limited. I've watched a decent # of matches with her and that doesn't ring any bells so if she has it in SFV it sucks and no one uses it. 😝 I think its more likely that it doesn't exist. No one was trying to animate that shit. "Who has time for this many frames, gotta ship it!"
  2. She has buttons that look like those buttons. And function like those buttons. Half may or may not be quite right. I'm overly bitter about SFV buttons for the most part. Like she may be the Kickboxer 4 to the original Kickboxer. Or maybe Kickboxer 2. But you aren't getting JCVD. Maybe the dude from Full House. Be ready to swat the skies. Folks are going to tolerate about 1-2 of those st.HPs and then they are going to nope out of trying to slug it out. Good excuse to practice AAs into crossunders.
  3. @KingTubbFrom a nooblet: st.HP, b/f+MP, st.HK to clip stuff into CC. Also has a 6 frame cr.MK that is special cancellable which is really nice in SFV. Basically just mash st.HP and spear hand and AA (st.LK and b+HK I think). EX SBK for spite periodically. She is good at that style of play in SFV from what I understand (and better in S4 than she has been in a while) but that play style doesn't really function the way you think it would compared to other games. "Mid range poking" is still roughly kissing distance. I tried to find a character that felt right playing that way the whole time I stuck with the game and never quite found one that clicked (Poison was more due to her being Poison than fitting that mold).
  4. Regret nothing. That is an awesome line up of games. I spent a lot of time playing PS1 era JRPGs and while there was some gold there I also played a fuuuuuuuuuckload of mediocre shit. Thankfully I was young and had time to burn. Upside of RPGs IMO is that I feel like they fight age a bit better due to leaning more on writing than overt flash and the mechanical aspect makes it less likely to go back to one and have a moment like "oh yeah I guess all we did this generation was push blocks around..." If I was gonna tell anyone to go back and play a PS1 JRPG none of the mainline FF games would be on that list. Or I guess they would be but they'd be down a number of rungs.
  5. Yeah its also a "whatever appeals to you" thing. Like broadly I fuckin' hate everything Tetsuya Nomura has produced. His character designs are okay but anything he has a hand in writing/directing/whatever just completely bounces off of me. But that is okay. Plenty of shit I like, someone else would hate. I am happy for KH fans that they have a series they enjoy so much, and that there is so goddamn much of it. 🙂
  6. Google and Wikipedia tell me that KH1 came out on the PS2 in 2002. That puts me at 20 when that game came out. So yeah long past the target demo. Contrast that with FFIV which came out when I was 9, or FFVI when I was 12, and that way more lines up with something that was going to burrow right into my nerd-brain.
  7. Hey now, lets not be unreasonable. Fallout Boy still has some fun dumb tracks to spin up now and then. I bounced right the fuck off of KH, though I recognize that is personal preference. 0% of that franchise is what I'm looking for out of a vidya game. But I also recognize how that could have hit someone like FFIV did for me. I remember talking to Akhos a bit about it and that re-contextualized things.
  8. This is probably my bias but I would say that FF7R is sort of its own thing rather than being representative of what the FF series is as a whole. As disparate as the FF games are they are usually similar in form; FF7R breaks from that in a lot of ways (many of which I've heard are successful). I say that just because if you happen to really dig FF7R and then start casting around the FF series looking for another dose of that style of game, you're gonna run into a lot more of those turn based games that you may or may not enjoy. And to Bee's point it is definitely generational. For as much as Square/SE have pushed FF7 as "the" game in the series, KH is probably way more popular on the whole than FF is in generations that came post FF7. Joke's on all of us, no one gives a fuck about our FF arguments, its all about Xenohort or whatever the fuck they call characters in that series. And for crusty old guys like me FF villains are Golbez and Kefka. Sephiroth is the guy I think of as "that dude I'm sick of hearing about from when the games started to get away from me". Also to Zio's point: there are definitely good things to take away from SFV. I'll always say that CFN is an amazing thing (assuming it isn't causing any back end fuckery) and I think it has one of the stronger batches of new faces in the franchise.
  9. Yeah Tekken is like the ur-example. The game seems like an insurmountable wall if you look at everything you think you need to know. But the reality of actually playing Tekken is a lot easier than that (and quite fun, if you aren't Darc 😝). The mantra I used to tell myself when I was trying to get better at SFV was "you don't get better by not playing". Lab time is great - if you know what you're actually practicing and practicing it well, and not just noodling around - but its never a substitute for getting in the dirt and rolling around. In the right format you can basically live-lab stuff, which helps to really carve the lesson into your brain. What you describe is part of the magic of FGs: being able to really see/feel the progress you are making. At one point I went back and looked at the first couple of matches I ever played of SFV and it was wild to be able to actually see the difference (legit one of the best things about CFN).
  10. Honestly that is a great approach. There is so much to learn with any FG that the more you can narrow your focus the more you'll be able to actually take in the things that will pay off long term like getting used to systems, learning spacings and rhythms, paying attention to match up stuff, and so on. It can be really tempting to get sucked into the training mode vortex and learn a bunch of stuff at once but that is just as likely to lead to brain lock when it comes time to make decisions. What works way better is finding 2-3 options that seem good (or are verified good) and just focus on applying those over and over, rotating for variance. Sajam talks a lot about that in his videos where he goes over learning a new game. And while he not exactly FGC Socrates I think it is very good advice in a broad sense. Though I'm probably projecting a bit: I'm a classic example of a guy who will sequester himself in training mode for a long time learning everything about a character, not actually play for forever, then play and everything falls apart anyways because even with all that technical knowledge I had fuck all of a game plan. One of my biggest goals moving forward with FGs is to just play the goddamn game.
  11. If you're gonna go evil might as well just dive right in and fist the devil.
  12. Lets be real: even a pick like Mokap would probably be really painful if that goofy motherfucker was in this game. Vhozite's Kung Lao guess is a good one too. I was trying to come up with someone that you never see/hear about but then if you never see/hear about them I probably am not going to remember them to guess. 🙂
  13. That is a completely new one to me. I remember one FG that had you build out your character with moves but I also remember it being terrible. Maybe it was an N64 game? It was around that era. I still want to get back in and fuddle around with move choices for Cassie. I just kinda grab bagged favorites with her but I could probably come up with something I legit like after fucking with it for a bit. My guess is D'Vorah (or however you spell it; she is super weird to me because I work with someone with that name and she is almost totally not a bug woman).
  14. Someone always had to be the first one up out of the trenches, charging the enemy line. As someone in this metaphor who is a few rows back from you, I salute your bravery and hope you are gravely wounded instead of blown to bits. Best one can hope for running headlong into doom like that. ☠️
  15. Yeah fuck those stunt releases. I meant like a normal release for not crazy people. I did legit forget about that ugly ass thing. Just do a digital release called "Beat 'Em Up GOAT Pack", bundle SOM and AvP in it and call it a day. Also good online co-op which means Capcom should probably outsource it. 🙃
  16. That one is definitely in that category of games I wish they would unearth (har) more regularly instead of re-releasing Final Fight 1 for the 400th time. My secret desire is for them to release a collection with Shadow Over Mystara and AvP. Licensing be damned, burn some of that MonHun money and make it happen. Then the two greatest beat 'em ups ever would be in one convenient place.
  17. Red Earth and BloodStorm were two games I always desperately wanted to play when I was younger. Despite having some remarkable arcade luck out here in the boonies I never came across either of those. And for whatever reason in the age of emulation I never fired them up. I think it was because I got lost in the layers and layers of delicious NeoGeo games I never played. In the case of the latter, I got lucky. Red Earth always seemed neat. That is the kind of gonzo Capcom that I miss sometimes.
  18. The after credits stinger can be the Warzard characters wandering into frame and declaring that "this time, it takes 4 to tango". MvC4 comes out with 4 character teams, unites the world like the Bill & Ted song was supposed to, and cures covid. Later that year the 65,000 entrant online tournament concludes, after nary a hiccup of lag, with a GF so beautiful and awe inspiring that it redefines what humanity considers art. ...... *hazy dissolve to a man slowly waking up, he turns to his wife, tears visibly welling up in his eyes* Mattatsu: "Honey, I had the most wonderful dream.... 😢"
  19. Fight the FOMO man, that is how they getcha. This game does a really good (bad) job of leveraging that what with dangling stuff in your face then rotating it out. I used to care but now I have 1 costume I like for each char I plan to play and if I happen to dickfumble into unlocking more, neato. Though at least it is keeping you engaged with KL which is something.
  20. Yes you are you fucking weirdo. 😝 I think its not uncommon. Hell I think practically you should be okay-ish with mirrors as with most FGs the top can get narrow so if you aren't a low tier hero odds are pretty good you'll be running into mirrors. Theoretically I really enjoy the asynchronous aspects of FG characters. I enjoy seeing how the tools clash and how the players work with the match up. Plus I just really like seeing character variance. Practically that asynchronousity that I enjoy so much can also make the games feel miserable when you run into shitty match ups. And none of it really matters when you're in the match; playing a mirror is still playing the game which can/should be fun enough.
  21. Fuckin' preach. I'll never be able to shake that part of my brain that nudges me away from popular characters. I've heard tell Shao Kahn is guarding the bottom of the barrel, and probably isn't very popular. Robocop is supposed to be down there too and has a command grab. You can switch from criminal to paragon of the law. 😉
  22. Likewise. Probably not until later in the week though. Maybe Friday, if not then, the weekend. Wanna get back to this but work + life got busy outta nowhere. Stupid reality.
  23. Doing the math on that posting time I think you were talking about today. Unfortunately today is booked up for me but tomorrow (Sunday) should be free from the afternoon on. Trying to get some punching in that day if I can.
  24. @Mattatsu Tomorrow looks to be my day for fightgames.
  25. At some point I supplemented my desire to play this game by just knowing that DD was out there steady racking up the bodies. And Bea too. Fair number of SRKers out there piling up skulls for the throne now that I think about it. From the sidelines, I salute you. 🙇‍♂️
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