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Everything posted by GetTheTables

  1. Is Infil bored killing everyone with Menat and Juri? Does he need someone new to pester people to death with?
  2. Yeah my time is unfortunately more limited than I'd like. Part of me wishes this would have been around when I was a teenager/single young guy. I'd have dumped fuckloads of time into it. Still, if I care I gotta make the time. No one is just gonna magically give me young man time to play SFV/GG/UNIELst so I need to make the time and then make the most out of it. Tricky but doable with dedication. And in this hobby it is very worth it because the results will bear out in very tangible ways. Nailing things you would have missed before, or winning matches you would have lost before, makes it extremely satisfying. Edit: Also we can get more stages when Capcom stabilizes the netcode such that the game doesn't shit it up as much outside of the godforsaken grid.
  3. Twin's match counts always remind me that I need to play a lot more. And don't forget he has his original Cammy account to add to the total too. There's no substitute for in game experience. For as much as I can critique myself and how I'm playing I've barely scratched this game in terms of putting the time in. Looking at Idom's CFN that bonita-maniac has played damn near 30,000 games across the three types. He has played almost 10 times as many BL matches as I have total matches. So maybe, just maybe I need to get out there and play more.
  4. Apologies for the double post. I am a caveman and cannot figure out how to add a quote to an edited post. I hear you about the nerves. I get nervous before I play pretty much every time, even BL sets. I haven't been able to come up with a great solution. I just call myself a bitch and play through the nerves. I think it does get better the more you get exposed to the game and the more things become routine, but the core of SFV is also pressure and feeling pressured so I dunno how much that ever really goes away. Of any of the FGs I've played online SFV has been the most stressful by a good measure.
  5. I hear ya man. Before I went on vacation a few weeks ago I managed to run some sets with pookie. He ran through a bunch of chars and finished it off with a FT10 vs. Ibuki. I started out well against his day 0 Chun, picked up the odd game or round across the next few sets, then got 10-0'd when it was serious time. Shit was rough. The thing that keeps me coming back to the game though is the ability to learn from even those savage beatings. I did some replay reviews the next day and picked up on plenty of things I can work on (and as an aside I find that watching replays tends to put most of those bad losses into a more realistic light than salty memory does). Just those 10 Ibuki matches gave me more to think about and motivation to improve than a hundred online rando matches. I'm with you on the climb. My original goal was to get to Gold because I vividly remember when I thought that was impossible. Next is Plat. After that I'll claw my way up to Diamond. And so on. I don't have a lot of time and I'm definitely no savant at this, but I'm willing to put the time in and try. That's all any of us can do. Until they turn off the servers and make us play SF6. Regarding Juri: I already find her a pain in the ass because she is a slippery character and I hate playing catch. If I had to somehow play Infil's Juri I might just chain forward dash to end it all faster.
  6. This, a bunch. I mostly work on SFV and am trying to get less shit at GG but I'll play anything I have access to. Which is almost everything because I have poor impulse control. Biggest problem I have is that I am a console peasant so I can only play what the Sony lords deign appropriate (i.e. no Fightcade). Got to play SFV for an hour or so yesterday and ended up even (technically up in sets but W=L overall). Felt like I did a little better than last session overall, but I still have a lot to work on. I have also had it reinforced that I need to get better at fighting keepaway characters, since every other motherfucker is Guile now.
  7. Big fan of that art. Bonita bless. Also Punk's name is Victor? Never knew that. Echo Fox is an interesting team for him to join up with. Looking forward to seeing what he does as the season goes on.
  8. In a perfect world Slayer. I think that character is awesome when he works. More realistically probably Ky. I actually like him a good bit but I think he's kind of boring visually. Love Ride the Lightning.
  9. Ed is great. I don't like his whole "buttons as specials thing" and I can't piano for shit either but those are just me. I think he ended up being "better Ken" and I had a helluva lot of fun playing Ken so I think Ed would be a blast. Was definitely fun. I'm sure it was a world of difference between using Sakura and the Gief. I had fun using Juri. Just playing someone with longer pokes and fast walk speed after Laura is a treat. Stores are definitely a pain in the ass.
  10. Looking at it, this will probably be Juri's least popular costume. They reduced her bust and covered her feet. "Costume near impossible to fap to. 1/5. Would not recommend."
  11. If you are finding match ups like Guile irritating, Menat is the much better go-to than Laura. Laura has it better vs zoning than someone like Mika and I think may have a better time against Guile than Chun but overall it is still a grinder of a fight. Menat allows you to not have to throw yourself into the meat grinder, and if you've played anime games getting her harder components down shouldn't be too bad; you don't even need optimal VT1 combos, just a decent sequence that you can convert to and you'll be fine. Yeah 801 and Idom are the two clear stand outs for me. The term I always think of with them is "technical Laura". She's always going to be nutty, but they play her smart-nutty in a way that I find really impressive. I've never like Wolfkrone. His personality always rubbed me kind of the wrong way and I was never impressed by the way he played the character. I usually like watching most Laura players I've seen, but like you said Idom and 801 are the ones I really watch when I'm trying to tech up. And I also wish she had more prominent Japanese players because I think she'd have a Fuudo or someone like that and it would be great to watch. Again I like the more technical players and you usually get from Japan out of all the regions. The upside of no Japanese representation is that for as popular as she has ever been online or regionally she also doesn't seem to end up in a lot of top 8's or higher in the big events (#grapplerlyfe) so I'm always excited to see someone playing her make the cut.
  12. None that I'm aware of. The only channels I've subbed to just collect matches. Upside is that they post a shitload of content. Also I'll be available for games this Sunday during the morning/early afternoon (say 10am-4pm ish EDT). If anyone else is around we can get another lobby going.
  13. No round of Capcom patching would be complete without nonsensical nerfs. I think they would rotate the love though and nerf someone else who is just chillin' on the sidelines like Zeku.
  14. He lost to Neon in the mirror at Final Round. Not sure how they read that. They might nerf Kolin just to be safe, and buff Abigail again because vroom vroom screeeeeech
  15. I'm doing the same with Laura. Dick move on Capcom's part rolling out the Mika costume first just because it gets my character itch going again. I'm sure everyone will get some kind of crossover costume eventually. Seems to be the motif. In the meantime I'd keep my head down if I was a Kolin player and try not to attract too much undue attention before we are well past possible patching season.
  16. The Juri/Lilith costume looks weird in the stills. Something about the hair and the way her face is shaped is throwing it for me. I actually respect that they altered her sweater dicks to fit the char. The Menat one is cute and of course I'm gonna shill for it but the Urien/Donovan costume is the clear home run of the bunch. His SFV character model is a great fit so it looks really good, at least in the shots.
  17. Idom is technically my favorite Laura player but he doesn't seem to get out to as many events. Strider is a close second though and he seems like a cool dude so hopefully bonita blesses him. Also rooting for Pavocado because I can't not root for the few Mika players that are sticking it out. And I secretly hope that Problem X can work the same magic he does at WNF just so the world can appreciate the horror of high octane.
  18. @misterBee Since the recent change over I haven't been able to start more than one PM thread. Every time I try I get the message that my Inbox is full and I need to delete messages before I can send more. But all I have in there is one thread with like 8 messages in it. Any assistance would be appreciated. I would have PM'd you about this but wasn't so much an option.
  19. Pulling the GG conversation back in here from SFV thread. Lobby yesterday was a lot of fun. Had solid connections with everyone except the one guy who was on 56k. 19 frame delay Axl is S+ tier. Definitely gonna try to practice Ram more and hopefully I can split my time more evenly between GG and SFV now that I know there are at least some other people to play.
  20. Yeah that is what I noticed. I found UNIEL easier to kind of wrap my head around that way, and I had an easier time sort of mashing out shitty combos that still did some damage. In GG I tend to just get a few random hits in that sometimes jazz themselves together.
  21. Looking forward to it! I've always been an anime player at heart. I picked up SFV because I figured I should try to cut my teeth on a SF game since they are supposedly good for fundamentals. Joke was on me. I still like SFV a lot and want to keep playing it but I've loved games like GG and UNIEL from afar for too long. Time to try to put the time in.
  22. @misterBee Alright I've remembered just enough to not be completely embarrassed. I'm ready whenever you are.
  23. @misterBee Sounds good to me. I should be ready around 6:30. Gotta eat and actually remember buttons in GG. Haven't actually played in forever.
  24. My plan is to go full on fighting game bum once I get back from my afternoon plans today. Gonna grab some beer and play as much as I can stand tonight. I've been feeling the Mika temptations pretty strongly recently so it may be time for me to finally just give her some time and see if it works out. I'll also be up for GG or UNIEL if anyone wants to give those a spin.
  25. I don't know what the fuck I just watched but I saw Splatterhouse in there so I endorse it fully.
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