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Everything posted by GetTheTables

  1. I could have told you it wasn't a joke. 😉 I, no bullshit, had a buddy in college that was really considering it. Used to bring up the site and show me who he was looking at. He never went through with it so far as I know but the weirdness of that experience always stuck with me.
  2. Good shit man. If you get to Master rank I'll pass the hat around online and we'll get your a Russian bride so you can have a Kolin in real life.
  3. Yeah there are definitely hot days and cold days. You see the pros have them too. And as others have said mentality plays a lot into it; I know last time I played I had nerves set in early and I was sort of fighting against that the whole time. Ideally, I'd like to bring the floor up. Like even when I have a bad night I'd like for it to be be better than "goddamn what a loser". 😉 Not that I think it's necessarily that bad now but you know what I mean. All part of that getting better thing. I watched the Chris T - Daigo interview that was making the rounds a week or three ago. At least for me, it hit on a lot of the problems I've had as a player so I thought it was a really useful watch. Plus it's not too long and decently produced so I thought it was a good watch. Linked for convenience: Edit: And yeah we need a Dime emote. He doesn't post here so far as I know but I can comparable to him when I really get rolling so it won't go to waste. 😁
  4. Cross post for maximum SFV musing: Been thinking about my ranked games more since I’ve been travelling the past few days. A lot of what I’ve come up with matches what Dime said [edit: in the SRK1 thread]: even fighting against Gold’s and Super Gold’s what is failing me are the same basics. Not AA’ing correctly, not dealing with cross up jumps, not checking dashes, not managing space well, not taking turns appropriately. Another complication I’m having is that I’m fine-ish when someone wants to play the game similar to how I do. But when they jump a shitload or run a bunch or do something crazy a lot I don’t deal with that as well. More specifically I don’t think I shift gears fast enough to adjust to their game plan being different from what I expect or am ready to deal with. I can usually get a good bead on what the opponent is likely to do by the end of the first game. Sometimes I can turn that into a second game win. And the third game can be a toss up based on if they change up from the second game. I’d like to be able to turn that around faster. Not have to give up the first game so often and be able to adjust better if they pivot. Not sure how to get there but I’m guessing playing more games and getting more practice at it is the way to go for the near future. Also need to work on Laura and match up specific stuff but that definitely just comes with time.
  5. Me too me too! I think my issues are pretty straightforward but I'm of course biased so any feedback from anyone is always appreciated. Unless you don't want to help me because I'm a dirty Laura player. In which case I understand. I just need to dip out real quick. Got...something in my eye...*sniff* 😥
  6. That mega sucks man. The cortisone more than the points, but that sucks too. For me the Ultra Silver/Gold area is where the competition sort of steps up. Up to that point I was able to get by mostly by waiting for the opponent to do something sloppy and punishing, or throwing pretty basic frame traps/mix ups at them. Starting at US/G that started to shift. People still do dumb shit sometimes that you can punish, but not as often (especially depending on the character) and they on average are more content to just block. So in a really general sense I need to learn to be more smartly proactive and step up what I do when the opponent is downbacking. Also players in this range have a more refined routine so the pressure they're throwing your way is going to be more battle tested than in the Bronze/early Silvers, and at least for me I need to be better about recognizing how to deal with it. That is my specific experience, but I think in general US/G is one of the first big walls that way. I feel like I need to step my game up in a way that I haven't so far, and its pretty interesting and exciting of a challenge, but its also going to be a rough adjustment period before I can really hang in Gold, let alone start to climb. I'm rambling. Still have a lot of SFV on the brain. 😁
  7. Good shit man. The pressure will only make you stronger. 👹 Summary of how Ranked games went yesterday: I did the usual “welcome back to Ranked” points plummet, but thankfully managed to pull up the nose before pitching below mid-Ultra Silver. Its amazing what a shift in format does. I was getting into sort of a groove in BL games, but throw me into Ranked with some aggro players and I throw all that shit out the window and start jumping and flailing again. Very eye opening. I’m definitely more comfortable in longer sets. Short sets is something I clearly need to work on. Also very informative getting to play against a wider swathe of characters back to back. Yesterday was the weirdest spread I’ve had in awhile: 2 shotos (Ryu and Ken), a Kolin, 2 Blankas, like 3 Juris and Mika (may be forgetting one). Was nice to not fight an assembly line of Ryus and Akumas for a session. Took some notes and been thinking a lot about what I did right and what I did wrong (lots more of the latter than the former). I’m looking forward to getting back in there and trying to apply what I’ve learned. Hopefully soon. Its a long list though so its probably gonna take awhile before I really right the ship.
  8. Its a fun goal and even with its considerable jank I enjoy SFV. 😁 My heart is still with anime though so I'm going to keep plugging away at Rev 2 and UNIEL when I can. I was able to put some time into all three games on Monday and that was a good time.
  9. Right there with you brother. Cross posting this for maximum ownership: Gotta get back into Ranked so I'm setting a goal. Platinum by EVO. Let's see how close I can get. Climb starts tomorrow work permitting.
  10. Everyone's favorite almost-but-not-quite-naked ninja returns. 😀 Looks pretty neat-o.
  11. Good luck bro. Why before Cody? Are you thinking of playing him, or are you worried the Cody army is going to rise up and wall you out of SD and beyond?
  12. I actually don't think that is a Juri specific problem. People online tend to be stubborn as fuck and just want to run their game or fall back on the same responses. Especially depending on the ranking band you're in.
  13. Ah, gotcha. Sakura looks okay in short doses at the VS screen. But the longer I look at her the more I get creeped out by how they modeled her smile. It sort of looks like she wants to bite the opponent's face. All just my take on it of course.
  14. Yeah trying to counter poke or whiff punish stuff in any lag is miserable. On top of how much of a pain in the ass it is in this game to begin with. At least Falke's staff has a hurtbox unlike Menat's orbs; I definitely ate some hits while trying to poke with F+HP. Falke is really weird. I like her, but she is weird. I am glad that I played Menat before playing her, otherwise I probably would have just given up immediately. She doesn't have the same poking game that Menat does but she does require a similar overall approach, including kissing your ass goodbye if you eat a jump-in (though at least Falke has an EX DP).
  15. I haven't seen it yet but I'm probably gonna go Sunday morning and check that shit out. I was lukewarm on it prior to release but the buzz is undeniable for me and at this point I've seen all but like 3 of the MCU movies so I might as well keep the ball (infinity stone?) rolling.
  16. I don't think anything takes the Ken face cake (that would be a fun birthday surprise). But they definitely could have picked a better angle for Falke in the character select screen. I think part of it is that the art production for the characters in this game is all over the grid, and part of it is probably wanting to try to have some variety in the poses. I'd be interested if anyone could dink around with modding it and see what other angles did for her. She definitely looks better in game and during her win pose. One thing that bugs me about her, watching matches: her normal line delivery and her "hit" sounds don't match up for me. Her voice quotes are all in the reserved, cool tone, but her hit lines are all sort of shrill yells. Almost sounds like it is two different voice tracks/VAs. Maybe its supposed to be her facade breaking or something like that, but I am also unsure if Capcom thought that much about it. 😉
  17. I initially read that as "2 Neo Chad members down 4 more to go". Which is funny and still sort of works.
  18. @mykka Needs to cross post that info to SRK1 so that EC knows to look forward to more info about Gorilla-kun.
  19. Ewwwww pad player Falke would probably be markedly easier on pad. I feel like holding buttons on pad is easier to manage than on stick, but maybe that is just me.
  20. I'm the same way. I used to use shortcut buttons all the time but I've cycled off of that and only use them when a game has really wonky button combos or ones that I drop all the time (which doesn't come up too often and definitely isn't in SFV). However it has come in quite handy while messing with Falke. Makes it much easier for me to hit the EXs and its the only way in hell I'll ever uppercut while holding charge (assuming that I react in time to uppercut anything of course).
  21. F that. Join us! Peer pressure! 👹 SFV is still very SFV, and Falke is very much an SFV character. So its not going to be very different, aside from the fun of playing folks from here. Which does count for a lot! If SFV doesn't work out misterBee and I have been running animu games, but I'm a console peasant so only on PS4 and none of the animu devs sprung for full cross play. For sure. My Falke is -1 XP so I'm not sure what all I can do with her in a match but I'm interested in learning. If nothing else I can be a more lively training dummy. 😁
  22. Got a chance to mess around with Falke a bit yesterday. Hold P definitely fucks with me. Actually holding down the button isn't as much of a problem as I thought it might be, but what is a problem is hitting some other button combos while doing so. Hitting KK is theoretically possible but I think would give me vicious crab hands doing too much, and I can't hit the other two P buttons at the same time for her uppercut. The uppercut thing isn't so big of an issue since hitting the 3P button shortcuts to PP when you're already holding a button. I don't think the thrust kick is a big deal either since for my baby brain I'm only doing that off of double medium confirms so I won't be charging. Theoretically it'd be great to be able to hit confirm st.HP into KK while also holding charge, but realistically for now fuck that. She's definitely not lighting the world on fire but I think she could be fun. Looking forward to trying her out in some matches this weekend. Should be a magnificent clusterfuck.
  23. No worries. I figured this would be mostly tumbleweeds but I'll hold down the fort. 😀 I'll let you know about the weekend. Next time we play I want to try out the rest of the cast I haven't yet just for shits and grins. Might stumble on another Enkidu.
  24. You aren't just gonna dickride the common consensus opinion about a character, and instead form your own? Who the fuck do you think you are? DevilJin or something? Get in line with the rest of us sheeple. 😬
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