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Everything posted by Emptyeyes_

  1. General air quality alert or on the job specific? We've been getting this here at nola lately as well and the heat is kind of bad too.
  2. Wow. The police department should just retire after this one.
  3. These enzyme supplements are so good after over a month from taking them. I'm young middle age, but I have energy for a 20 year old now, that can't stay still much. How does that work? I'm not complaining lol. My brain functioning actually improved from alcohol remission from enzymes. Can think and process things more fluidily again. I'm not longer experiencing chronic fatigue or weakness after surgery.
  4. Cringe humor. Omg. The woman here at the bottom really looked like my ex coworker and my first best friend, but we were really close, and she went on to being a psychiatrist. I haven't heard from her in 10 years. She sounds enough like her too. I couldn't imagine this much trolling from her, but people indeed change. Lmao.
  5. Actually, I do know what a woman is. I do know what a man is. Whether you are trans or not, you can't ignore science. Was the issue politically motivated to where the movie was created? Yes. Also, my reply to you is this is how humans work on biological nature itself. If you dismiss something as false, you dismiss what else cant be verified, considering the state of what the world is in now. That was basically my point. I knew the movie wasn't about the whole community. My reply is that mankind's history isn't that great in balancing out logic over feelings, but you've already covered further why that is. I just think it's one big mess personally.
  6. Not on the red? You could've fooled me, but I'll own up to that assumption of mine. Why not trash both of them, then just one all the time? There just need to be a much favorable way of going about things. I care about the future.
  7. Well, hey, I just think your party is no different than them. People always wanna speak against someone or group, but get caught doing presumptive wicked things too. That's the point I was trying to make on self righteousness train of thought. In red states from porn statistics, the very same people who are against this based on their religious beliefs, get caught watching it or engaging in it. Happens frequently enough.
  8. I don't normally engage in these sort of discussions, but I'll say my two cents. He was basically saying lgbt people as whole always existed, but sexual orientation or gender dysphoia, which both cases, even non gender confirming behaviors were all ruled as a mental illness, even today by many people still. Being more neutral myself going forward with this, to the very same people who think this about "facts matter more than your feelings", then why are you "religious", why are you in a "two party system" where both sides lie and use you no different than the other? So, for me, if one side is living in fantasy, then the rest are. If nothing is true, but everything is permitted, then no one is any different than the other in inherently illogical thinking. You're just left with ignorance comfort, in which most comfort themselves in, for what is different than them.
  9. Honestly, I like how fierce you are ever since I've registered here. It's admirable. A fire to it.
  10. I just deeply sympathize for your situation. I don't even wish my own ill feelings toward those who I've allowed or was involuntarily hurted by in this situation. I say and think the most wicked things, but it's a edge-front from a defense mechanism of past misfortune. Long-term homelessness and the streets that come with it, you lose part of your humanity. The arrogant pride flirtation and acceptance for isolative behavior and the disengagement to form relationships will hurt an individual in the end. I deal with that everyday and just encourage others to not deal with that outcome as I do. In my heart, I wish the best for everyone, regardless of who they are.
  11. I don't even know you, but you'll be alright from my own intuition.
  12. The HomeTeam History channel, from both black and non black scholars alike, confirmed this years ago and they discuss the ancient origins of various subjects from time to time.
  13. That very last sentence, in which that can't stressed enough in these times. I was telling this to my younger siblings, but the one a generation younger than me never do what I and others advised him to do. Instead, alcoholism and past incarnation defined him for worst. I've done more than enough in taking care of people when I couldn't afford to. At the end, you can show a man or woman love, but be tough at it, so they may become stronger as their lifespan allow. We're a working progress at the end.
  14. I seem to be incompetent in posting the images lol, but gothic-edgy-street-wear and androgynous (unisex) clothing are what I typically wear on a basic level. I do have side inspirations for both Michael Jackson and DMC/Castlevania apparel if I were to get a little more creative. That's really it for me. I'll re-read how to do the image navigation later.
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