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Everything posted by Emptyeyes_

  1. Basic Buttermilk Fried Chicken Celery Seed Mustard Powder White Pepper Black Pepper Paprika Lawrys Accent Milk All purpose flour Cayenne Pepper Onion and Galt Salt Eggs Butter (mixed with vegetable oil) Only season the chicken with Lawrys and Accent. Mix every other herb and spice in the flour. Double dipping in the flour as an optional. Dip the chicken in the egg and milk first before the flour Buy the best butter you prefer and mix in the vegetable oil. Season to perfection as possible. Celery, Garlic, and Onion Salt can be tricky where things can get too overpowering, but it's simple at the end, if you know what you are doing. This chicken breaks flavor volumes. Try it.
  2. Does it ever end with the messy conflicting drama from both parties? The continuous and tireless effort for them to have us to pay attention to their sorry assess. Why can't they be positive for once?
  3. If you're encouraged to be placed inside of a box with the rest of the crowd for more validation, you would just be a mere follower. I know I've lost more than enough time over that mindset growing up. I think the goal is to be more of your own individual and even though to a degree human beings seek some form of approval, it should be at a more healthier level. If not, then you're prone for manipulation and control. It takes more a stronger individual to live their lives as they see fit, regardless of what people think. Just don't get hijacked by those who's own prejudice could rule you. They are a waste of time.
  4. I'm not into that party nonsense, but it still takes an interest in you regardless. Just leaving this here.
  5. It's so much you can do with this meal lol. I add all purpose flour, 4 to 5 different cheeses, with sour cream for the richness and personal balance. Us southerners like fat fuck plates sadly. It's a tradition lol.
  7. I gave up a long time ago. Try my childhood with these sort of people on my back. Time has been up for our species. Hm.
  8. They aren't even hiding it anymore lol. Do it to a shitty ex partner that took advantage of you first to set an example of them, but don't do that to whoever to keep your house afloat. Lacking true pride and so unashamed by that. But hey, I'm too much like my deceased mother from this very subject lol
  9. I wouldn't recommend that sort of game long term by being drunk in it where the person's eyes can no longer see. I was around alot of convicted rapists and murders from one of the oldest and worst prisons in the country and I was in a fake relationship with one in order to survive up to this point before finding a way to separate from him. That took place when I was on the streets. I'm just saying to your friend, is to be careful with someone you take lightly walking away from. They'll likely to claim you as your own, especially as property.
  10. For me, just sleeping around is a defense mechanism to getting too close to people. Dating itself, I'm psychologically ruined from it, because when you go above and beyond for someone, they've never had my back. I just be wrote off as easy prey for men or women, but for men, it's getting me drunk for sex, and then block me on the same dating app we've talked on. After that, they go about their lives and their families they've established. So, it's at least a few grey areas of sexual assualt with different men last year. However, it's a lesson learnt. I just prefer solitude and being single for good this time.
  11. That reply for me was more out of impulse than anything. Considering that we're cancer ticking time bombs from more than just from food, it's too late anyway. Primitive times were just far more simplistic, but much more dangerous. An all or nothing approach for profit at the cost of everyone's health just disappoints me to no end. I'm sensitive like that. 😝
  12. To be honest, I'm for banning things that aren't natural at all, like processed food, the current water problem, altered hygiene products. Health is worth more than that to me.
  13. Are they rehearsing for something or auditioning? That's just something I'm use to being on and off the set or audition try outs. If neither? I don't get it, then. The shit people do for attention. >.>
  14. Lol. Overweight and underweight conditions. Neither are cute to me, especially because I've been in both worlds, and had to have balance for once. You're either petite, average, or a healthy thick weight, regardless if you're a man, or woman in my preferences.
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