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Everything posted by Emptyeyes_

  1. I was told a few days ago that when love is real, the farts don't matter. Lol. Interesting... Definitely had me laughing for a while.
  2. It's kinda ashame when not enough conflict isn't put out there enough, a specifc group of mental health people are influenced by their own complications, where the media profits from. I see the US going Canada's route on encouraging suicide for disabled people or nursing or group home mandates in the future. I wouldn't be surprised.
  3. I just feel like anymore contributions to the world are just abstract to those who benefits the most from it. Selflessness lost all meaning to me a long time ago. It's like, outside of self indulgence to cope with the situation of current events escalating, what can you do? It's unfortunate the system was designed for what it was intended. I'd love the generation of young ones to turn this around one day.
  4. It was a tough path to take in order to find myself more and not being confind to family members or outside of them. Dropping everything I was raised on was the best thing that ever happened to me. I felt more of a free thinker, no longer a follower, nor a leader. It's either competition with yourself, or even the world, if necessary.
  5. My favorite track from this Dmc anime from all those years back lol. The most memorable.
  6. Kind of unfortunate for the retirement crisis. I was suppose to be eligible for that later this year. I think when the time comes, I'll allow it to go in affect for the security aspect and continue to work further. They should really do something about social security or just have a UBI.
  7. Viramin A through K are what I've needed after surgery, essential hypertension, and energy decline. The wellness is as it should be. Vitamin K I only take as needed for better artery function. The T levels are too harsh for me lol. Overpowering overall, but does it's job.
  8. Anyone gotten a check from your local state revenue department through a stock bank in New York before? That sort of thing kind of thrown me off today. Not complaining, though.
  9. If you like Samurai Shodown and especially Bushido Blade, them please take the time to play this. It should be beautiful to look at and play for you.
  10. A nice hand drawn weapon based fighting game. The basic mechanic of a two hit or 1 hit critical kill. I've played this myself 2 years ago. The visuals are fantastic. If you like Samurai Shodown and especially Bushido Blade, this one is for you.
  11. Well, it turns out that she was the one who cut me off when I was not religious at all and anti social. She said without faith, I have nothing. What can you expect from traditional southern people? At least I have my poly private club that I was accepted in last year, from 9pm to 4am. A conveniently and cherishable way to sleep around....
  12. Lol. You should've seen the stuff on discord a while back from a different server. There were young people trying to replace the N word with Namek, as a kinder term for blacks, because Piccolo was a smart character. It's pretty wild.
  13. I've never seen the logic and reasoning behind empowerment of who you are, when you have examples like this lol. Humans are crazy to me. In China commercials years ago, you've had a black guy being dumped in a washing machine by an asian woman when he came on to her, because his color and facial structure was considered unsanitary. So, that very same black man was purified and converted into an asian guy. That was a detergent commercial.
  14. The interesting part about that disorder is that I've went through plenty of those people and can't ever remember any of my past partners ever not having this. I'm in New Orleans either way. We just pride ourselves on the whore lives in which we've built for ourselves in this party city. XD We don't necessarily put everything into the basket anymore. We just bang and/or compensate when the mood strikes us. Hope this makes sense. XD
  15. Seems like I can't shake the way I feel about this adorable lady in which I've been pondering about. She was the one that gotten me to reconsider her, due to disagreeing with my own long-term solitude. We're both into the polysexual life. This could prove fulfilling to the both of us. I look forward to seeing how this goes.
  16. Generally why I have multiple kinds, because you just never know. I love the Current, kind of the debit, crypto version cards.
  17. Yes, one of those examples. It's a must to buy a car the same way I either dress or align with my personality. LOL.
  18. Looking back on some of these being very alcohol dependent to bother with video games again, I think I'll progress much better going forward while sober. Fundamentals and more unconventionality should be alot stronger for me in recent times for thinking with better judgment/decision making, than back then. I do thank the FEXL community for having me to get back into the genre again.
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