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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. I wonder if you'll be able to learn special moves from characters like Retsu. HAGGAR! All of the Dolls in their retirement.
  2. The tiers themselves don't make any sense. Like, having a weapon automatically makes you stronger than people without weapons? Making Poison stronger than Balrog? And being a ninja automatically makes you stronger than people with weapons? And being a grappler makes you stronger than the ninjas? What?! Why is Dan in the weaklings section and not the energy projectors section, but Sean is in the energy projectors section and not the weaklings section?!
  3. The word is "Gigeresque". Or when an opponent pushes Oro to the point where he has to use both hands. πŸ˜›
  4. That first DLC season was a legit fire lineup. Make no mistake. Menat is coming to SF6.
  5. Mmm, World Tour Mode is more addition than it is change. Yes, it's a new thing, but it's not REPLACING any old thing(other than, arguably, A Shadow Falls, but that was not very well received, so it's easier to replace it with something better). The stuff that makes previous SF's great is still there. Contrast that to, say, SF3's roster, where it's trying to replace SF2's roster(because SF2's roster isn't there anymore). And doesn't succeed. And then you have the one aspect where SF6 IS trying to completely replace previous games, the soundtrack, which a lot of people would argue is currently the worst aspect of the game. Personally, I wish more "apprentice" characters were handled like Li Fen. πŸ˜› Just a character in the story mode that uses the original character's moveset. While the original character is the actual playable character on the roster. Yeah, I'm way more excited for Ed and Rashid than Akuma. I legit love Rashid. And while I'd much prefer to have Dudley instead of Ed, I'm much more interested in seeing SF6's first boxer than it's 3rd Ansat. My only concern with CAC right now is that clothing has stats tied to it. Which is long as the game has some kind of transmog. I want my character to look the way I want it to, without worrying about gimping his abilities.
  6. Change is only good when it improves things. Change just for the sake of having change benefits nobody. I prefer my evolution in small doses. Incremental change is easier to manage and ensure a certain level of quality. Trying to change too much at once is a recipe for failure. We don't need another SF3.
  7. GOOD. I don't need newcomers taking up muh DLC slots. I'm not going to get EiH with this art style. The only way to get EiH in SF is to have an art style that will still look great after 10 years of DLC. Because it has to look good enough that'd you'd port it forward to the next console. And that won't happen with SF6's realistic art style. Realistic art styles always age poorly. Contrast that to, say Xrd, with is a PS3 game, and still looks incredible today, because it's just trying to look like anime, and succeeding perfectly. If I ever get my cel-shaded Alpha 4 game, THAT will be my only chance at getting EiH in SF.
  8. Somehow, I doubt Ken is sleeping on the streets. If Dan comes back a 3rd time before getting Sean back once, I'm gonna be pissed. 20 seasons.
  9. 100%. "Let me get this straight, you think that Mr. Masters, one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world, is a martial arts champion, and your plan is to blackmail this person? ... Good luck."
  10. Jesus, you guys sure are salty about folks clowning on the comic. Like, those are things that DID happen in the comic. Masters DOES have a cryptocurrency. Ken DOES steamroll his kid's feelings. And JP DOES have an accent he doesn't have in the game. It's weird to get mad just because pointed that out. Like, calling a guy an idiot because they don't know the behind-the-scenes production reason for a change is weirdly defensive.
  11. Luke is so bad at other cultures, I think he might just be Sodom without his mask on... Right? He should have gone after the Kanzuki Zaibatsu. Much safer. I really don't like the carboard boxes on mad gear. If they wanted Mad Gear to have masks, they should have designed something. They also need some kind of logo. Something they can spray tag on stuff. Like a gear with a lauging face or something.
  12. I have 2 crib memories. And one is ironically of a nightmare I had then.
  13. Well, he IS a rich kid. Those tend to grow up crappy, even with cool parents.
  14. What you post on a public forum isn't the business of the other posters on that forum? You're the one being antagonistic about it, because you treat any criticism of a fictional character like it's a personal attack. All I did was describe something you did. If hearing about your own behavior sounds like an attack on your character, then maybe you have an issue with your character.
  15. I liked him better when I thought he was Māori, and the New Zealand stage was his...
  16. That's not really what happened though. If SF3 seems like it was going "fuck you, SF2", it's because it started development as not a SF game.
  17. Anything that makes Necalli not a human being is dumb. All of the non-human Street Fighters are dumb as shit. I wasn't "fine with it". That was simply my prediction of what was going to happen. Between the explanation that he absorbs people, that he powers up and becomes more evolved when he does so, and that A Shadow Falls was going to be the story of the end of Shadaloo, I was expecting that ASF was going to end with Necalli absorbing Bison and becoming a Gill-like final boss. Not at all. That's an incredible list of all the worst SF characters you made there. Nobody sets out to TRY to make a jobber. And if they do, they make a Dan, or a Sean. They don't make an immortal monster that eats people. Indeed. A side-effect of him being the boss so often is that it also inadvertently makes him the biggest failure in the series. Because it makes him the one that fails the most. Then you should stop acting like it. Because that's how you paint yourself. Like, you do the whole Bison superfan schtick and it seems like it's a bit you're doing, and it's all in good fun. But then other times you get REAL fucking defensive when people talk about him, and it seems like...maybe it's not just a bit.
  18. Well, yeah. Necalli was fucked the moment they decided to make him an alien blob. Everything after that was irrelevant because they already fucked him up beyond recovery. And I thought the opposite. That Necalli was going to eat Bison and get his big permanent powerup from that.
  19. JP honestly feels like "We're doing G again, but better this time". You think they created an entirely new character, just to be a placeholder for Akuma, instead of just...making Akuma S1 DLC(who were all in story mode)? Okay then... We know what you're just saying. It's the same thing you're always saying. "Bison is the only real SF boss!"
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