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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. Russian Roulette (SkyCorp Home Video) NSFW
  2. When the piece of shit politicians no longer say the quiet part quietly
  3. Ms. Cait up in the Great White North, tits FULLY out, IN her granny panties, charging at an APEX PREDATOR, holding her INFANT CHILD. No time to put McKeighlie down, Mr Honkems is in TROUBLE!
  4. New theory: Ezra Miller is actually Eobard Thawn trying to ruin the Flash’s reputation.
  5. So where does shitting the bed and chopping your spouse's finger off fall under?
  6. I wouldn't even use Heard now for porn, with her frumpy face having self.
  7. Dude makes his PS5 into a "Slim" model. Beware the materials cost as much as the PS5 does, and he breaks the Mobo once.
  8. Amber Heard is the new Spokeswoman for this hot sauce
  9. Yet their dominance is being challenged by the steam deck. Now only if people didn't have to preorder.
  10. That just the devs being sloppy. Microsoft is already getting to abandon consoles for their "Ecosystem" of games as a service. No word what exactly Sony is up too, Nintendo is only going to hold out as long as the gimmick still draws people in. As Nintendo can no longer keep up with the "lets make console from budget hardware just for games", it worked for the Game Boy, but it stopped working for their consoles for a while. Switch has a fun gimmick people are willing to buy into plus some killer apps at launch, BOTW is what sold the Switch at launch.
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