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Everything posted by Phantom_Miria

  1. Have you tried to parry Honda's headbutts? 'Cause I've been getting a lot of perfect parries without even trying. I've punished directly with command grab as Manon even though the damage scaling is pretty horrendous, but it gives me medals and makes Honda a little more scared of throwing headbutts, not that he'll ever stop anyway.
  2. First hit kinda works as an anti-air, although obviously Manon has better stuff available, and it combos in the second hit that's a cancelable overhead. I haven't yet managed to integrate it in my gameplan, but I've seen other Manons using it with Drive Rush. If they hit with the first attack the whole thing becomes a guaranteed combo, if the first hit is blocked but the second hits because they were blocking low then you cancel into drive rush and combo, and even if they block everything you still cancel into Drive Rush and get plus frames and a mixup. I guess you can also not use for Drive Rush and instead go for special confirms off the overhead. I think it's definitely interesting if you manage to get in range to use it.
  3. Oh, the game is definitely supporting woke, alright. Cammy's nostalgia costume is the stuff that keeps me awake even at night.
  4. Yeah, that's the reason why I ended up buying the regular version rather than the Ultimate one. There's no point in spending 120 bucks now when the "Ultimate" stuff is just a Season Pass for characters that will come out months from now and a bunch of Bison Dollars and you get the exact same stuff just by buying it later whenever you feel like.
  5. Everytime I end up in a Manon mirror I end up learning new degeneracy. For example, I think people might not be aware of how stupid her EX command grab is. The huge range of the light one with the speed of the heavy one (5 frames), combined that with a few medals on and as soon as you get at the end of mid-to-close range you can suddenly kill people without them even realizing.
  6. Were you aware of Manon's upper body invincibility on her EX hit-grab? I found it could be used on reaction with some slower moves that are plus on block like, say, when Marisa starts charging her armoured moves. It can go straight through them.
  7. It's been that since 4 though, as far as I know. It was a problem a bunch of character had, and the main reason they changed Juri's DP in SFV from SRK+kick to SRK+punch, so people wouldn't do it on accident.
  8. It's always very punishable on block, but the thing about it is that it's so fast and hits at such a large range that if you're playing Manon and you notice people who are just walking at mid range without going back to down block then you can pretty reliably get free knockdowns into mixups with her. I played a Manon mirror match and that slide is like half of the mental game going on.
  9. Which one? The QCB move or the regular sweep? Because if you think the regular sweep is long, you'll hate to see that special.
  10. So, I ended up playing a guy that was probably from Australia because he had an Australian flag and over 370 milliseconds of delay. For whatever reason Australian people go on the European lobbies to play, I don't know. It was bad obviously, but if that was the worst the SF6 netcode has to offer then it's good news, because even in those conditions it was just regular underwater shit with rollbacking frames. I have seen worse rollbacking in decent SFV connections and I'm pretty sure that if anyone tried to play an Australia-Europe match in SFV it would crash the game, brick your console and possibly burn your house.
  11. There are no punch and kick buttons in Modern, the game picks some normals for your light, medium and heavy buttons and leave some out. For example, if you press crouching medium as Ryu in Modern controls you'll crMK, but he can't use crMP for example.
  12. I went in ranked today and was placed in Gold rank. Gained a few points and got a modest 6 winstreak that was interrupted by a Zangief player who I was going to beat in the ft2 but he shamefully decided to ragequit. On day 1. LOL, LMAO even. When it asked me my skill level I went with intermediate, the Gold level one. I was actually Diamond to Super Diamond in SFV, but I was concerned that the game would have matched me with people who probably played the cracked beta and would have just steamrolled me and my day 1 Manon. I felt the level of challenge was just right anyway, and I actually got my ass handled to me by a couple Silver players, especially a JP one who I had no idea whatsoever how to handle his zoning. Dude got the Zappa thing where he can do overhead, low, mid and command grab from full screen, what the fuck is this Guilty Gear shit? He's going to be an absolute noob killer and I'm glad he's on the harder level of skill because otherwise he would have already committed a few war crimes on unsuspecting casuals. I'm liking Manon a lot so far. I feel you can play her very dry and basic and still be very effective thanks to her stupid throw damage and good fundamentals.
  13. By the way, it's unrelated to anything else, but I love how lobby 069 has always more population than average regardless of whether it's Asian servers, European, North American or South American.
  14. People always overstated that document. It was some corporate blurb inside a larger document that was giving general suggestions to the company, suggestions that kinda went in the general direction of inclusiveness and shit and like that but didn't even sound that terrible, and in any case as with all suggestions it was up to the company and the developers whether to take those into considerations and how, if at all. It's pretty obvious that Capcom never even thought about going in the direction that some people were concerned about.
  15. If you catch people jumping with her heavy wheel kick you get meterless juggles. It's in the character guide too. My early impression is that she can be played as a regular footsie character who has especially strong anti-airs, with the distinction being that on certain hit confirms and anti-airs she gets to put you in 50/50s with potentially the highest throw damage in the game
  16. I've done the Cammy, Manon, Marisa and Zangief trial so far. Now I'm into training mode with Manon. Fun fact: her crLK is -5 on block. Don't ever let her press stuff after blocking that button.
  17. Aaaaaand I'm in the game. I'll be doing trials. Have fun playing, whoever is playing, and have fun waiting for the game to become available in your region, you waiting losers. 😎
  18. Marisa is confirmed top tier: her taunt has armour.
  19. Yeah, it's really a disgrace. I hope those people can get better. 😔 Anyway, speaking of fanservice, check out this new Leona fanart that just came out. Now, that's the stuff. 👌
  20. Cammy's OG costume. It's truly quite compelling, isn't it folks?
  21. Cammy and Juni may be more than friends at this point. They may even be cousins.
  22. Just a normal image of Manon on the character select screen. Nothing strange about it.
  23. How nice to finally see Lily Hawk, Thunder Hawk and Julia Chang back together.
  24. Nah, I don't buy that Idom really lost. I bet he was actually hiding tech on purpose for the next big SFV tournament.
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