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Everything posted by TheInfernoman

  1. Double post because this is a separate thang @Darc_Requiem You're right Cher found her man and It wasn't me 🤣
  2. Does it matter? IMO both days are one in the same. Just look through what you believe is the best deal. I have never seen anything on sale That made me go "oh man! I should have bought it on Black Friday!"
  3. in before it's blamed on "gay characters" and homophobia!
  4. To my surprise (not really) I was pulled into a now 9 hour shift because some of our leaders (my peers) called out of work today. I don't mind working holidays or OT if I am given a heads up...but I really wanted to work on my nex video! 😭 Only plus side is Disney management does provide good spreads for us on Turkey day.
  5. She's secretly like Hisoka...She WANTS to build you up and beat you down at your peak:
  6. At work, Disney parks HAVE made me realize there a LOT of LGBT awareness stuff now every month. I don't care about it much but the need to bring it up all the time has been exhausting. I have no issue with Disney doing this BUT some of my LGBT co-workers range from ok to insufferable, as in the extreme ones have basically their activist side be their whole personality. My argument about the need to push constantly for inclusivity at work was to mention that not all minorities want to be at the forefront of a pride parade or a minority support group, many just want to be left alone. One area I personally pushed for in terms of that is peeps forget there's extroverts and introverts and it's painfully obvious as an introvert, I don't want to be in the spotlight all the time, only when I (or other introverts) feel comfy doing so.
  7. So is Twitter dead? Doesn't seem like it! Chad go post your balls! I'm not going to look but what have you got to lose? 🤣
  8. Sooo many workers in park that night were so happy to see Iger return... Not sure why unless you're a salaried leader to me little will change. Guess everyone has their Fave CEO/millionaire executive?
  9. I like using it, but I don't know if I was even using it correctly. I mean what else out we need? my only considerations: 😴 🥳💀💩🤡
  10. Who says I have to pick? We can do better than either or. The one thing both parties want to work together on is preventing 3rd parties from fracturing the 2 party system.
  11. Is it? Dunno why peeps think democrats are supposed to be the "good guys" with functioning brains. Both parties are terrible.
  12. Pixar presents a story about a Squirrel who GOT GAME! Starring Jordan Peele!
  13. Another thought is if Truth Social was called Trumpet, tweets could be called "Toots" which is on brand AND toots is another term for farts! You know what? SOMEONE should hire me to be their marketing manager or brand/content manager. I lack the "degree" but make up for it in pure passion!
  14. I can literally imagine him saying that "I didn't want to come back even if you unbanned me!" "I have THE BEST social media app!" At least Trump should rebrand his app. Truth Social is terrible. I would have called it: Trumpet - Loud and Proud!
  15. I doubt it's going to die. My look on it is, you can't build a new house on top of the already mediocre house that still there. Sometimes you have to burn it all down, break it all apart before you can start to rebuild. I don't want to use it but in order to build a presence in the hopes of growing, I am obligated to.
  16. ya'll need to stop worrying about Twitter so's still there...worry MAYBE when it's actually not there and even then, if it died right now, wouldn't we be all better for it?
  17. She can look elsewhere! In my single days, I'd be down but I'm good. Now if I can turn back tiiiiiime...👀
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