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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. A new vampire show for me to get obsessed with soon... Vampire Chronicles, on Hulu! annnnd just like that it appears Hulu has guaranteed themselves a new subscriber.
  2. damnnn I was just posting in here to mention the same thing... out of the blue I hit up youtube and see this shit 😞
  3. sheeeeit, Enter the Gungeon on Switch is 50% off on eShop right about 6.50... I had whatever those gold coin redeemable points are so I got even more off...I forgot I even had those coins saved up. They also have new DLC coming up soon:
  4. As expected, this is looking kinda terrible... here's the high points at least in my opinion: -Robin looks reasonably cool and accurate. -The effects for Raven's powers look nice, imo...especially that part at the end that looks like a black watercolor/inks effect. Everything else is either questionable or looking like some straight up doody-juice, man. It's funny that some folks (like youtuber J. Campea if I recall) were quick to defend that terrible photo of Starfire a couple of months ago...with this notion that she'll look better in the actual show, it was one of those set photos that was taken out of context, yadda yadda whatever.... I knew it would've taken a miracle to turn that around... now we have this trailer and she still looks bad. At the very least they could let her have a different hairstyle.... the frizzy shit is just helping her look atrocious and wayyyyy off base as this character. Starfire, like most female comic book characters, is supposed to be goddamn HOT as hell....and this shit isn't cutting it.
  5. ah, Rageaholic has a vid on Vampyr cheh, odd--- I didn't have as much trouble with glitches as he apparently did... the game froze on me exactly once in 66 hours so far....much more than I can say for that bootleg mess Skyrim, which was previously my only vampire game fix for the past several years. (*since the majority of folks in this damn industry apparently has either no love for this kind of supernatural lore...or no imagination in the first place.) ohoooo he mentions Vampire the Masquerade at the end---yeah if they remade that with today's long as it had decent gameplay, I'd bust a nut over the very announcement of such a thing. *On another note---the hilarity surrounding The Culling 2 continues....I almost feel embarrassed for them at this point...check this out
  6. cheh, so I'm watching this new show on CW called The Outpost--- once again the casting directors struck gold. The main girl on this show is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous. Unfortunately for the TnA content it's a fantasy setting...sword/shield bow & arrow, magic stuff... which means the girls wear way too much damn no good body shots so far, but damn it's a good first impression.... check it: Holy SHIT it just keeps getting better the more I see as I scroll down her instagrammmm.... Goddamn DELICIOUS. This girl is prime time.
  7. hmm... so I found the clips of DSP playing through my beloved Diablo 3... I must know how terrible the results are with this. ...already I see that this footage is so old it's back when he had the most absolute bootleg setup imaginable... the guy pointed a camera at the screen to record his vids. Yes, he actually did this and was successful for YEARS. That's how people used to copy movies back in the ancient times of Blockbuster and other video rental stores. It fascinates me that he somehow got by with that silly shit. Anyway, this should be fascinating to watch for a while. I've put an insane # of hours into that game, so anything that's questionable or stupid (e.g.--a certain friend I know that puts a topaz in a weapon slot 😆) is going to immediately stick out to me....edit----ehhhhh I'm not quite sure about it anymore though... I forgot just how different D3 was back then in its first days; launch-era Diablo 3 was trash compared to what it is today....goddamn it's like I'm watching a different game here. Yeahhhh I'm probably tappin' out early on this shit.
  8. Behold the greatness that was Warhammer Space Marine... such a shame it probably won't ever get a proper sequel... they need to stop fucking around and make more pure action games like this one with this franchise....
  9. yeah one of the "youtubers" I keep up with had a rant about the new She-Ra just yesterday... I forgot which one but it already sounds absolutely terrible, like it would appeal to that little 2% of the population and no one else. speaking of She-Ra---I did think she was pretty cute back in the day... but she had nothing on the girls over in He-Man... ohhhh I had it bad for as HELL, that one. It got to the point where each episode I was just waiting for my honey Sorceress to be shown. Evillyn was fine too..... but Teela was surprisingly just "ok" for me, despite being a redhead. It was all about that damn Sorceress for me.
  10. I regret not getting it while I was there... I was at a store earlier today and saw Lonard, Part 6 on blu-ray! Yeahhh I'm going back to get that sumbitch tomorrow; hopefully they still have it. I never thought I would see that anywhere, and on blu-ray?!? Yeah that's mine. ...I also spotted a dvd collection of the old C.O.P.S. cartoon... I didn't realize that was ever released as a complete thing on dvd... I was kinda lukewarm on that show though. Now if they had some goddamn SILVERHAWKS in there it would've been bought SO fast. Seriously, man... observe the greatness: That's GOLD, Jerry!
  11. yeah, I miss this franchise... I only played Nosgoth for a short time though; it just irked me that it had nothing to do with Kain or Raziel, was multiplayer only (absolutely NO story content at all) and of course online-only. I loved Blood Omen so much I would record certain parts of the game back in the day, and of course that was back in ancient times when VHS was still the thing. Oddly enough I never bought it for PSP; it was re-released on PSN for either that or Vita; I forgot. *I had forgotten about that newer game until this video mentioned it; I remember seeing the preview footage; once again frustrating that it had apparently nothing to do with Kain or Raziel. At least now I have a game with more traditional vampirism being represented well anyway [Vampyr] and a more pure action one coming up next year (Code Vein got delayed to 2019)
  12. Modern/recent stuff---- Switch, XB1, PS3, XB 360, WiiU, PS Vita (x2; Slim and original OLED version) and PSP (x2). I also have a few games on a Windows PC laptop. (Diablo 3, Torchlight II which I barely played... Kingdoms of Amalur and Bayonetta, and random other things.) Older stuff--- Gamecube, GBA SP, the original "brick" Gameboy, Dreamcast, SNES, NES, my original Atari 2600 (though no power cord for it) and I have one of those Atari Flashback systems; funny that even that remake of the Atari...that itself is sooo old now...I got it several years ago at a Target. I noticed recently there is a portable one now; funny that it has 6 buttons for some reason---it's a goddamn Atari; the 2600/VCS version always had just 1 button..what are the other 5 for?😆 There is also a portable Genesis I saw in Target and Walmarts recently; I might actually get's about 45 bucks. Systems I had that are dead or gone---> Playstation(dead), Original Xbox(dead), Original Gameboy Advance (sold) GB Color, Genesis and yes... the CD-i. Yeah I actually had that shit. Damn I've had a lot now that I think of it.
  13. It's good to read that this game is apparently doing well enough that the company is happy... I still plan to get the PS4 version too... I have about 66 hours total on the XB1 version...nearly at the end of my 2nd run; last thing that happened was me turning an entire district hostile; everyone over there is dead or missing.
  14. My Hero Academia--- sheeeeeit, imagine what Sue could do with that super tongue... niiiiiiice. That voice is terrible though. *heh, and yeah I got some cheap laughs out of that kid having a "sticky balls" power.
  15. Snort's latest.... Kat showed up again on stream... I'm genuinely surprised he doesn't shamelessly have her on way more often just to get easy views...
  16. hahaha this game is failing as hard as possible... I'll admit to being a bit out of touch in the first place since I never got the appeal of this "battle royale" trend in gaming... none of them look fun to me...(*I actually was one of those people that got Fortnite for the regular game that is now called "Save the World"; couldn't care less for the Fortnite BR) *anyway, I'm cracking up at these numbers... apparently 249 players online on launch day 😆 🤣
  17. cheh, Jiren from DB Super was/is such a goddamn monster....*spoiler warning of course...though it's odd if a Dragonball fan somehow has NOT seen Super at this point, imo***** I was just thinking about it out of the blue... it took allll that from Goku with help to defeat this guy......and even that was only because Jiren was worn out at that point....he was exhausted.... yet still handling them, and they just barely won. Sheeeeit, I love how insanely overpowered that dude was.
  18. So... checking the eShop just now on Switch, I noticed GALAK-Z Variant S was on there... and FREE!?! (sheeeeit, Galak-Z was one of the reasons I was going to get a PS4 at least back when it was a new thing) but of course my initial hype was immediately killed when I saw those dreaded words that are attached to a sadly increasing # of games lately---"internet connection required". Well you can fuck right off with that horseshit. I almost still went for it because it's free but just the principle of the matter irks me....and it's not the same shit that was on PS4 and PC anyway, so nah they can piss off with that foolishness. These devs that keep onnnn barking up the "online only, lol" tree... I really, really wouldn't mind seeing people like that just get punched as hard as possible for a while.
  19. haha Memphis' well-deserved shit-ass reputation: Yes I never miss an opportunity to laugh at my old "M-town". Fuck that place.
  20. oh goddamn she has a new hot one on her page... time for more of my #1... god fuckin DAMN I'd do just about anything... Sweet Christmas 😳
  21. Well, as usually I will have to watch Originals later... Dad called earlier so I had to call him back... in anticipation of the usual long monologue, I called at about 6 something, figuring he might be wrapping up his speech by 8-ish and I'll just miss a few minutes of the show...nah, he spoke for 2 hours and 42 minutes this time.....I still turned on the tv when the show came on but could only halfway listen for most of the episode. ...anyway, that girl playing Niklaus' daughter Hope is one seriously FINE quality white meat....goddamn that girl is somethin' nice.....ah, I found the instagram...ohhhh and oh yes she's 18, folks...feel free to have all the nasty freaky thoughts you want: Tabs will be kept on this one for sure. CW casting directors strike gold once again....they know what's up.
  22. yeah I'm also glad I procrastinated on Sonic Mania... I'm also looking to get the physical version on Switch. Whenever there is the option to get a physical version of a game, I go for that....even though on X1 (and apparently PS4 I hear?) you still have to install the shit which is another stupid thing, imo. Switch still does that like the previous generation where you just play right off the game card need to install. *edit---I also waited and fortunately Azure Striker Gunvolt got a physical version on Switch... I bought that immediately when seeing it in a store one day. that vampire show I mentioned earlier-- Kindred: The Embraced...this was based on the rpg Vampire the Masquerade.... I've already found a spot for all 8 episodes...of course since it's an obscure, forgotten show no one gave a shit about, I doubt it will ever be taken down. I'll be able to watch all of that... the first episode was quite boring though, unfortunately.....kinda surprising since it was supposedly produced by the great Aaron Spelling...a guy that knows how things should be done when it comes to prime-time tv. Another vamp show that got canned more recently--- Dracula on NBC... I really miss that one; it was actually quite good, imo. Reference--- There was also a daytime soap -- Port Charles...a spinoff of General Hospital, but it also had some supernatural stuff going on in there.
  23. *recent conversation with a close friend-- the topic of the game Fable came up-- as usual he never got around to finishing part 2 (that guy never finishes any of the downsides to being "Mr. Family Man", y'know). Since he didn't mind I went on to explain exactly why that is the absolute WORST final boss encounter I've ever experienced in a game, then it suddenly hit me--- this is like if Rian J. along with the rest of the current Star Wars "regime" wrote the ending to that. Basically this sort of troll ass thinking, behind the scenes->>"Ohhhh you THOUGHT there was going to be some epic final battle, eh? Ehhhh? GOTCHA! We put the most anti-climactic horseshit EVER in there instead! GOTCHA!!! HE DIES IN ONE HIT, LOL!"---yeah fuck that. It has been years now, and that ending sequence still irritates me. We fondly remember how awesome part 1 was though; I only played a bit of that but it was a damn good first impression. I remember the townsfolk running back to their houses when I transformed into that hulking beast...they'd shut the doors thinking they were somehow safe in their homes but they were could bust down the door and get in there...ravage the entire town. In both games you could be such an evil monster... heh, man those were good times.
  24. surprisingly, this one sneaked past me; I've never heard of this vampire show until just now on a random search: sadly it only lasted 8 episodes though. *on the issue of Vampire Diaries--- I recently got almost all of them now on dvd or blu-ray.... the only one I don't have is season 7 now. I should go on and get everything else I want, since it appears that the days of physical media are coming to an end. Unlike the average person of today (surprisingly), I happen to like actually owning physical copies of games, tv shows and movies I truly care about. It's stupid that everyone's apparently on board with this upcoming scenario where everything is streaming (*good luck watching your favorite thing when Netflix or whatever other service suddenly doesn't have the rights to host it anymore) and/or "online only!".... fuck that.
  25. ^ah, if only she gave a full body shot in her vids... just by the face, that girl is one of the finest I've ever seen on youtube... like at least top 5 material out of a "top 50" list if I were to compile one....stunningly beautiful. She could make a vid where she just reads the ingredients label on some snack foods and I'd still watch that. 😳
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