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Posts posted by The_Weasel

  1. On 4/14/2019 at 1:03 PM, Darc_Requiem said:

    April Annihilation Top 8 starts at 5:30PM EST


    That was a fun tournament. I don't think I can ever get tired of watching ProblemX use Dictator; That guy is on a level not too many others can reach. Plus, everything he does with Dictator is just so... Clean, I guess you could say. Precise. No wasted movements, no wrong moves... I honestly would use  footage of his high-level matches as a template for how Dictator should fight in any animated or live-action projects tbh.


    Meanwhile, I'll still be grinding away with Ed. Just got back into Super-Bronze and I'll need some practice time ahead of a little local tournament going down this weekend...

  2. Nice stuff. I've thought about using SCVI's character creator to  rough out a few extra Street Fighter characters I have rolling around the ole' noggin, but all of them wear pretty modern styles of clothing and one with particular character, I'd have to use a cheat engine to hack actual shoes to go over a piece of equipment that otherwise forbids it.

  3. I have been having too much fun with this game right now. I'm still not completely comfortable going online yet (Not that I honestly can, but that's another story), but just messing around in the single-player modes just makes me kind of feel a warm, fuzzy feeling inside I had been missing playing other fighting games.


    Also, I'm addicted to the character creator.











  4. 4 hours ago, ZioSerpe said:

    I had to Google all of them 'cause I know fuck all about DoA character. When I saw Nyotengu I thought "ah ok, these are all gonna be super Asian tropes, that's why he calls them western market bait, weird tho, plenty of Asian looking chicks in there already a few more shouldn't make a difference" 

    Then I Googled the other 3 and turns out they are all chicks with strong western traits. 

    So I feel like I gotta tell you... You got this shit backwards. Here in Asia they all crave western looking chicks, on the other hand westerners tend to like Asian chicks, quite sure Asian fetish is one of the most common fetish for caucasians. Everybody wants exotic. 

    I based my comments on the fact that when the final results of the roster poll for DOAX3 was released, the characters with predominantly western traits (Tina, Christie, Mila, Lisa & Rachel) were all at or near the bottom of the totals. Considering that this poll was only available to Asian regions, then combined with the fact that certain characters like Mila, Lisa & Rachel have far fewer costumes compared to other females in DOA5:LR, further backed up by the leak that Tina, Lisa and Christie are most likely DLC while Mila & Rachel out completely...


    Yeah. I stand by what I said.


    Besides, I'm not even that interested in DOA any more. Especially with SCVI, the new SamSho game out next year and a bunch of other games on my radar.

  5. 5 hours ago, GetTheTables said:

    Cervantes definitely looks good. Lots more shooting than I remember but if I brought a pistol sword to a fight I'd probably shoot everyone a bunch too.


    Season pass says 3 playable characters along with a bonus, which I thought was Tira. Will be interesting to see who the other 3 will be.

    Tira is included if you pre-order the Season Pass, but not she's exclusive to it; You can purchase her on Day 1 as DLC.


    As far as the other playable characters go... I think one of them will be either Cassandra or Setsuka, while the only male character that I can think of that's DLC-worthy would be Lizardman's Soul Calibur V design and moveset. (Twin axes, wings, fire-breathing etc. etc.) I also feel like a full-on bare-handed fighter, like Heihachi in the PS2 port of Soul Calibur II and the Devil Jin moveset that was exclusive to Created Characters in Soul Calibur V could be up for consideration as well.


    Lastly, I think a Samurai Shodown character will be a guest in SCVI and vice-versa. I want to say Genjuro and Yoshimitsu on that, respectively? But then again SamSho could get a Fighting Layer: EX character like Hayate or Garuda... It's exciting to think about the future of these games, huh?

  6. On 9/10/2018 at 5:58 PM, DangerousJ said:

    I know Mondays are shitty but Kiryu really plunged this guy into darkness.

    9 -29 seconds 



    That wasn't half-bad. I remember in OG Yakuza 2 you could unlock a start of the fight heat move where you beat somebody's ass with a live lobster, but it's been a while since I played that game. From another video I watched, it seems to have been replaced with Kiryu beating people up with a pair of Leeks... Which is cool, but not quite the same



  7. Ah yes... And of course, while DOA6 nerfs most of the cast's looks to make them more "Realistic", Marie and Honkers look exactly the same from Last Round because Koei-Tecmo know they can't infuriate their biggest market... IMO it's pretty scummy how NyoTengu is a pre-order exclusive character, and only from the $150+ "Collectors Edition" at that.


    If the leak I read is true, Tina, Lisa, Mila and basically all of the "Western Market Bait" characters either are going to be cut entirely or made DLC through some weird kind of Gacha system that makes Loot boxes look fair...


    It makes me glad we've got Soul Caliber VI and the new Samurai Shodown game to look forward to 

  8. On 9/6/2018 at 5:48 AM, GetTheTables said:

    I hear ya man. Between the online and how this game plays it is really easy to have some really bad streaks.


    I also find that playing ranked/casual in general is a really hard way to really learn sometimes. Ranked players tend to be crazy and Casual players are still usually pretty nutty so much of those matches is more learning how to fight against crazy than necessarily learning any lasting lessons. 


    I found that running more structured, learning based Battle Lounge sets was extremely helpful when I was trying to get more consistent at the game. I'm always up for running sets like that if you ever want to give that a go. Just let me know and we can try to set it up.


    I sort of meant to play SFV yesterday but I just recently bought Into The Breach on Switch and I essentially lost a whole day to it yesterday. Damn that game is good. Gonna get back to SFV and UNIST this weekend while my wife is on night shift. 

    I'll probably hit you up for a Battle Lounge like that sometime next week. I'm going out to a friend's house tomorrow for a party and he has very good Internet Connection speed, but IMO it's bad form to bring a laptop to something social like that. Besides, I'm going to have to re-learn everything because in addition to learning the long, difficult road of Bob Sagat and The President of The World, I've started to learn Ed with his V-Trigger II and it's basically a whole new character again. I can see some potential with him in that version, but Sagat & G are so much better overall it's harder and harder to stick with him.


    I mainly have been fighting the SFV blues with extended runs at Enter the Gungeon and Yakuza 0, while I know Soul Calibur VI and the Hokuto No Ken-ized Yakuza spin-off coming will keep me occupied next month and into the 'Murrican holiday season.

  9. I think I have hit my new low for SFV today. In exactly two hours of gametime, I have lost over 100 matches in a row between casual & ranked play and now have exactly 0 LP. To add insult to injury, the one person that I actually got a win on disconnected from the server like the pussy-punk Blanka-Chan playing bitch that he is.


    Why? Why am I so free at this game? Why does everything I ever try get perfectly countered and turned into losing 60% of my life bar with a single combo? Why do I get thrown right on the start-up of EX moves over and over again? Why are Ibuki players pure cancer? Why do my results stay the same no matter who I play or whatever tactics I employ?


    It honestly depresses the hell out of me. That for all of the hours I put into this game, I gradually end up playing worse and worse while those around me get better... It's not just fighting games anymore either; Anything skill-based I seem to enjoy has become a strain on my mind and more of a chore than any kind of enjoyment.


    So, y'all better PM me for matches so you can get free points and stuff, because I'm in a funk that nothing is going to get me out of today.

  10. On 8/31/2018 at 11:12 AM, misterBee said:

    Found a new arcade in Brooklyn!  Everyone knows about Next Level, but people don't know about this one, which is right around the corner!


    It's called I Fix Machine and has 10+ candy cabs with real arcade hardware/swappable games, as well as a bunch of modern cabs with PS4s/PCs with Steam inside.  Great place to hang.  All machines are free play -- just $10 a day.  It's where I've been getting my fighting game fix for the past few days.


    I would kill to have a place like that where I live. The group that puts on the tournaments our microscopic scene compete in have been trying to get a permanent space and create something similar, but apparently they haven't been able to get a deal on a building yet.


    Otherwise, the closest thing to an Arcade my podunk little town has is this weird little used game store tucked away and partially hidden by hedges and trees that has four cabinets with sub-par emulators in them and a little lounge area for gaming on modern stuff you can rent by the hour.

  11. OK, so after a little break to catch up on my backlog of games and detox a little from SFV, I come back in, complete the Monster Hunter & Air Man stuff, get the SF1 "Mike" costume on my first try... And then I somehow end up in a casual match with who I think is Fuudo? As my first "Live" match in SFV in almost a month?


    Yeah, crazy-cool day. I almost won a round on him too with Ed.


    EDIT: After some exhaustive research, I now cannot confirm that the R. Mika player I fought really was Fuudo. But the account  was from China and Fuudo is in China right now for the latest CPT event, the name on PSN was "Maapofuudo" and he fought like every match video of Fuudo's R. Mika I've ever seen... No schoolgirl costume though; It was the red default that Fuudo used at EVO in the finals.

  12. 17 hours ago, GetTheTables said:



    Sucks about online and your local scene.


    Hope you have fun working through the backlog. 🙂


    18 hours ago, misterBee said:

    Man I'm really sorry to hear that.  The internet problem is really unfortunate -- if you ever find a suitable solution I'll play with you online any time! 😃


    On 8/18/2018 at 5:42 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

    I hope you feel better man. Depression is no joke.

    Thanks for the words y'all. Playing through Yakuza 0 is making me mad that Tekken 7 didn't get Kiryu or Majima as a guest character... Well, that's in between doing Karaoke, The Batting Cages, the Driving Range, Playing Outrun & Space Harrier, Phonecall hook-ups... I'll probably drop 100 hours into that game just in sidequests.


    Also, I kind of want a Season 4 of SFV or a new game that has Fei-Long back... And I don't know why.

  13. I posted this elsewhere, but I think I'm going to take a break from fighting games of all types for a while. Nothing I play seems fun to me anymore and my local scene is full of greedy, lazy a-holes that just make shit more toxic and drama-fueled than it has to be.


    Also, my internet is trash and anything better costs more than probably anywhere else in 'Murrica because of telecom companies basically having a monopoly on territory rights, so... Yeah, $150 a month for internet I can actually get matches with y'all on in any game I play is out of the question unless I move out of my home state and go somewhere else... And that's not really an option either...


    TL;DR I'm depressed, so I'm gonna play some other stuff in my backlog.

  14. 3 hours ago, misterBee said:

    The only new char that matters is Necro.  Where is Necro? 

    Somewhere in the background of G's arcade mode ending pic? 


    Also, I got to say that playing G is easily the most fun I've had in SFV so far. He is definitely going to be a character I'm sticking with for a while in this game.


    ... Actually, now that I think about it,  where is Makoto?

  15. 11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    G and SAGAT tomorrow!! YOOOOO, I think I'm coming down with an illness. Gonna have to call into work tomorrow. 😉

    G looks baller as hell and Sagat is familiar, but also might have some interesting twists to the old moveset in store.


    I can't knock a character with an ability called "Maximum President" though. And G's has Q's old reverse back-breaker throw too.

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