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  1. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from AriesWarlock in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Crossposting from the lore thread.
    Cammy has a new throw which seems a low throw.
    Ok, so Zangief HAS the Running Bear Grab. GOOD.
    Also, the EX SPD has him CALLING THE MOVE. 😍
    Marisa carrying him at the end is hilarious. 😂
  2. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Cammy has a new throw which seems a low throw.
    Ok, so Zangief HAS the Running Bear Grab. GOOD.
    Also, the EX SPD has him CALLING THE MOVE. 😍
    Marisa carrying him at the end is hilarious. 😂
  3. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Cammy has a new throw which seems a low throw.
    Ok, so Zangief HAS the Running Bear Grab. GOOD.
    Also, the EX SPD has him CALLING THE MOVE. 😍
    Marisa carrying him at the end is hilarious. 😂
  4. +1
  5. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from CESTUS III in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    I tolerated the GH just because it showed that Zangief could do Hadokens if he ever wanted, like everyone else. It's just that he didn't want to do them. Because projectiles aren't wrestling.
    No, with "low throw" I meant that ZANGIEF is the one crouching with df + LP + LK, not the "throw done on a crouching opponent" introduced in SFV (and first seen in a Capcom game with RING OF DESTRUCTION, where the throw indeed changed if your opponent was crouching). After all, it wouldn't make much sense for Gief to show the Atomic Drop in the trailer if he can't do it in game (even if I personally never liked the move). But both Body Slam and Atomic Drop throw the opponent forward, so one of them should be the down variation. Unless they ALSO kept the throws done on crouching opponents, so that could bring even more variations (and I'd like that idea, but doubt they went for it).
    Captured Suplex is the same suplex Gief already does in SFV as back throw. Cool indeed, and a nice present to Zangief's designer back in SF2 Ikuo "IKUSAN.Z" Nakayama, who wanted the Captured Suplex because he was a fan of Akira Maeda, but they couldn't do that convincingly with sprites back then (well, Zangief gained ALL HIS KICKS since SF2 from Maeda anyway).
    Actually it would make more sense to go for a Backdrop instead (aka Gief's CA in SFV), but that would be overkill 😛
    The only problem with the Karelin lift would be that the opponent should be prone on the floor. The closest could be on a crouching opponent, or maybe they could give Gief a throw which first positions the opponent like that. Who knows, maybe in the SA3 variant he does it... 😛
  6. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from ToreyBeans in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    No, we both got something wrong, sorry.
    SA1 Aerial Russian Slam
    SA2 Cyclone Lariat with Jackhammer finisher
    SA2 HOLDING THE BUTTONS Cyclone Lariat HIT ONLY, so you can juggle the opponent OR go to SA1 afterwards as we see in this last trailer
    SA3 Bolshoi Storm Buster
    I never liked GH as well. The only time it was good was in Alpha 2 when you could use it in combos (jump in, d + HP, MK, GH and SPD or FAB was a KILLER combo). Also, Zangief has no need to show that he can project ki out. It's simply not how wrestling works. That's why I also want the RBG back.
    Also curious about his normal throws. I bet that he kept SFV Atomic Drop (he did it in the trailer after all) with f + LP + LK, Captured Suplex or something other (Vertical Suplex?) b + LP + LK and the Body Slam with People's Elbow followup we saw in the trailer is actually DF + LP + LK, because thanks to Dhalsim we know now some characters have LOW throws.
  7. +1
  8. Love
  9. +1
  10. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to Darc_Requiem in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    @EvilCanadianHey I know you were waiting for this man.
  11. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from CESTUS III in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    No, we both got something wrong, sorry.
    SA1 Aerial Russian Slam
    SA2 Cyclone Lariat with Jackhammer finisher
    SA2 HOLDING THE BUTTONS Cyclone Lariat HIT ONLY, so you can juggle the opponent OR go to SA1 afterwards as we see in this last trailer
    SA3 Bolshoi Storm Buster
    I never liked GH as well. The only time it was good was in Alpha 2 when you could use it in combos (jump in, d + HP, MK, GH and SPD or FAB was a KILLER combo). Also, Zangief has no need to show that he can project ki out. It's simply not how wrestling works. That's why I also want the RBG back.
    Also curious about his normal throws. I bet that he kept SFV Atomic Drop (he did it in the trailer after all) with f + LP + LK, Captured Suplex or something other (Vertical Suplex?) b + LP + LK and the Body Slam with People's Elbow followup we saw in the trailer is actually DF + LP + LK, because thanks to Dhalsim we know now some characters have LOW throws.
  12. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from -PVL93- in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Nakayama clarified that, besides the typo in the first tweet (Aerial Russian SLIM, lol), if you don't hold the buttons during this SA2 (so it's the second one and Jackhammer is SA1, as expected), the followup Slam doesn't happen.
  13. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from TWINBLADES in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Nakayama clarified that, besides the typo in the first tweet (Aerial Russian SLIM, lol), if you don't hold the buttons during this SA2 (so it's the second one and Jackhammer is SA1, as expected), the followup Slam doesn't happen.
  14. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from AriesWarlock in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Nakayama clarified that, besides the typo in the first tweet (Aerial Russian SLIM, lol), if you don't hold the buttons during this SA2 (so it's the second one and Jackhammer is SA1, as expected), the followup Slam doesn't happen.
  15. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Bigtochiro in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   

  16. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   

  17. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from CESTUS III in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Nakayama clarified that, besides the typo in the first tweet (Aerial Russian SLIM, lol), if you don't hold the buttons during this SA2 (so it's the second one and Jackhammer is SA1, as expected), the followup Slam doesn't happen.
  18. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Pair of Rooks in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   

  19. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from JustBooming in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Nakayama clarified that, besides the typo in the first tweet (Aerial Russian SLIM, lol), if you don't hold the buttons during this SA2 (so it's the second one and Jackhammer is SA1, as expected), the followup Slam doesn't happen.
  20. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from ToreyBeans in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Nakayama clarified that, besides the typo in the first tweet (Aerial Russian SLIM, lol), if you don't hold the buttons during this SA2 (so it's the second one and Jackhammer is SA1, as expected), the followup Slam doesn't happen.
  21. Love
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from CESTUS III in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   

  22. Love
  23. WTF
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to CESTUS III in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Seems you can do non-throw version of Lv2 into Lv1 (wich seems to be an anti-air throw)
    Holy fuck best Gief moveset ever  (@Miðgarðsorm you will love this 😄 )
    RIP SF6 Zangief 🥲
  24. Love
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    If only Capcom would take the chance to show Ryu finally enlarging Akuma's arse with the whole temple of his background, I'd be all for it.
    Too bad they'll never do so and we will be still plagued by Akuma as of SF36, and we'll just have to be grateful if they won't waste even another slot on Evil Ryu ever again. Oh well, as long as they keep giving me the best Zangief ever seen, I won't care.
    In the meantime, I discovered a new chapter in the novel "Capcom randomly jumbles cultures", but it's really like shooting fish in a barrel.
    Nakayama said Lily's weapons are called ポカモガン pokamogan. Aka the English pogamoggan, in turn from the Ojibwe bagamaagan "club" and the Cree ᐸᑲᒪᑲᐣ pakamakan or ᐸᑲᒫᑲᐣ pakamâkan, "club, sledgehammer". As @EvilCanadianalready pointed out once, the weapons have a very specific origin, and that's the Northeastern Woodlands. This contrasts with the Great Plains cultures which always were the primary inspiration for the Thunderfoot tribe since its inception, but we should remember that Capcom had (and still has) in mind the classic Hollywood stereotype about the Native Americans: basically, "all the Indians are the same", and that "same" is mostly "Lakota with totem poles" (no Plains culture had totem poles, which are an exclusive feature of the Northwestern Coast).¹ Indeed, we know the elder's name and is Singing Wolf, a blatantly classical English-translated Lakota name. And yet... we saw the Thunderfoot village from above during T.Hawk's ending in SFIV, and they dwelt in typical Lakota tipis. Why do they seem to live in caravans now? With a lot of Aztec imagery on top of that, such as the Sun Stone reproduction just in front above Lily. At least that is Mexican, as is the papel picado hung everywhere, the writings (Gente orgullosa, "proud people" lol, teléfono and, on the left, Lujo - La Fonda - cocteles, "Treat - The Tavern - cocktails"), the people and the coloured hill town in the background, which not only closely resembles the colourful houses of Mexican cities like Guanajuato but also doesn't make the Thunderfoot village seem so isolated anymore... I can't wait until we know the names of Lily's moves, her normals in particular. Also, the name of the wind spirit... What language is that?

    ¹ It's ironic that we use "totem poles", using an Ojibwe word (ᑑᑌᒻ doodem, "clan") for something that the Ojibwe never carved. Linguistically understandable, as most of the Native American words which entered English are from the Northeastern coast because they were the first people the European colonisers met, but still awkward. Well, it's also more pronounceable than the Haida gyáaʼaang, the Tlingit kootéeyaa or the Timsin pts'aan, gotta give them that.
  25. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from ToreyBeans in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    If only Capcom would take the chance to show Ryu finally enlarging Akuma's arse with the whole temple of his background, I'd be all for it.
    Too bad they'll never do so and we will be still plagued by Akuma as of SF36, and we'll just have to be grateful if they won't waste even another slot on Evil Ryu ever again. Oh well, as long as they keep giving me the best Zangief ever seen, I won't care.
    In the meantime, I discovered a new chapter in the novel "Capcom randomly jumbles cultures", but it's really like shooting fish in a barrel.
    Nakayama said Lily's weapons are called ポカモガン pokamogan. Aka the English pogamoggan, in turn from the Ojibwe bagamaagan "club" and the Cree ᐸᑲᒪᑲᐣ pakamakan or ᐸᑲᒫᑲᐣ pakamâkan, "club, sledgehammer". As @EvilCanadianalready pointed out once, the weapons have a very specific origin, and that's the Northeastern Woodlands. This contrasts with the Great Plains cultures which always were the primary inspiration for the Thunderfoot tribe since its inception, but we should remember that Capcom had (and still has) in mind the classic Hollywood stereotype about the Native Americans: basically, "all the Indians are the same", and that "same" is mostly "Lakota with totem poles" (no Plains culture had totem poles, which are an exclusive feature of the Northwestern Coast).¹ Indeed, we know the elder's name and is Singing Wolf, a blatantly classical English-translated Lakota name. And yet... we saw the Thunderfoot village from above during T.Hawk's ending in SFIV, and they dwelt in typical Lakota tipis. Why do they seem to live in caravans now? With a lot of Aztec imagery on top of that, such as the Sun Stone reproduction just in front above Lily. At least that is Mexican, as is the papel picado hung everywhere, the writings (Gente orgullosa, "proud people" lol, teléfono and, on the left, Lujo - La Fonda - cocteles, "Treat - The Tavern - cocktails"), the people and the coloured hill town in the background, which not only closely resembles the colourful houses of Mexican cities like Guanajuato but also doesn't make the Thunderfoot village seem so isolated anymore... I can't wait until we know the names of Lily's moves, her normals in particular. Also, the name of the wind spirit... What language is that?

    ¹ It's ironic that we use "totem poles", using an Ojibwe word (ᑑᑌᒻ doodem, "clan") for something that the Ojibwe never carved. Linguistically understandable, as most of the Native American words which entered English are from the Northeastern coast because they were the first people the European colonisers met, but still awkward. Well, it's also more pronounceable than the Haida gyáaʼaang, the Tlingit kootéeyaa or the Timsin pts'aan, gotta give them that.
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