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Everything posted by HD-Man

  1. It's actually great so far, I think I'm close to the end. It's a fully fleshed out movie, not a hack job Just finished, shit was excellent. Those cameos at the end...we better get a sequel to this
  2. Finally off, Snyder Cut time. Was gonna hold off but can't risk some idiot spoiling it for me. Ppl been saying good things about it so far, I'm hype
  3. If you ain't white, you can get that work. Not suprised at all, which is sad. Dude murders 6 Asians and they're acting like he's a pillar of the community
  4. WALTER chopped the shit out of Ciampa, man's soul left his body. Fuck
  5. I just watch one of those Bat in the Sun fan films. Holy shit, that is the best live action version of Batman I've ever seen. The voice, the mannerisms, the chin, suit, they killed it Id love to see it turned into a full blown show with financial backing, like watching a live action Arkham Asylum game. Very well done
  6. I dunno, big girls ain't really my bag but I've seen some super fine ass big girls lately. Like Kamora Owens for example, I don't know too many who would turn her down But to each his own
  7. Doesn't really matter where the hate started, what matters is that it needs to end ASAP.
  8. I'll assume Covid and Trump is the reason for the spike. Dude kept calling it the "China Virus" so the world is targeting Asians. Shit ain't cool at all
  9. I literally saw an officer downplay it, say dude was stressed out and simply had a bad day. We just not gonna call it what it is huh? Like wtf Meanwhile when it was allegedly blacks attacking Asians, we were monsters, Thugs, etc
  10. It's not the same, and we don't remotely think it is, but it's enough for us 🤷🏾‍♂️
  11. I think SRK pretty much dead and were not being told. They "shut down" for repairs and are never re-opening 😂
  12. Biden bucks AND paycheck hit on the same day. Don't yall broke ass bitches touch me today, I'm boujee now
  13. No kids on my end either, at age 33. I don't see that changing, but possible I suppose. I got a 6 year old nephew, that's kinda all I need lol
  14. Yep, calling you gay or saying you got a small dick are the go-to insults for chicks. So predictable 😂
  15. Snyder Cut seems to be averaging around a 7.5-8 in review scores, which is about what I expected. Common theme seems to be Ray Fisher's acting be phenomenal and Stepphenwolf gettin an overhaul, being 10x better as a villain I'm HYPED now
  16. I honestly don't know what their thought process is. Cuz if a person straight up tells me they're not feeling me on the same level, I'm out
  17. Is it me or does tell women you're not interested in a relationship achieve the opposite effect? It's like they take that shit as a challenge. Then they get mad when their plans fail, like he literally told you he's not with it. You played yourself 😂
  18. Yoooo. Wtf, was NOT expecting any kind of sequel to this. But I'm down
  19. Yea, that whole 3rd season was fire. I rank it, then #1, then #4, then #2. All are pretty great tho, but Amon and Zaheer too STRONK
  20. Hope that means Diggle pooping up for an episode or two before BL ends Really bummed it's not getting another season too, i wish somebody would save it for atleast one more
  21. Tobias Whale so damn scummy and racist in Black Lightning. He has the best lines in the show, I hate him but love it at the same time, he trynna fuck Black Lightnings wife 😂
  22. Nas, been getting snubbed for years. Definitely cool to see him win one
  23. Meg the Stallion won a Grammy Best Rap song with "Savage", an utterly pointless song with trash lyrics. You telling me that somehow beat "Bigger Picture" by Lil Baby, the song that was tied to the whole civil rights movement last year? I'm not even a Lil Baby fan but come on 🤮 However, I kind of knew they'd do that. Bigger Picture was on some conscious, empowerment type ish, wouldn't wanna send the "wrong" message to the masses by having it win
  24. I played the first Yakuza on ps2, got pretty far but never finished. I may just got back to them after I beat Judgement and Like a Dragon for completions sake
  25. Do I need to have beaten Judgement and all previous Yakuza games in order to understand Like A Dragon? Im kinda itching to play that Figured I'd grab the ps4 version for the low then get the free ps5 upgrade
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