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Everything posted by HD-Man

  1. Those sparklers definitely gonna be a Botchmania highlight. Did the budget run out after acquiring Shaq and the ex WWE guys? 😂
  2. Pepe Lepew was cut from Space Jam 2 cuz he adds to rape culture. To be fair, he IS a creep so I definitely get it, best to avoid that kind of publicity altogether. Still don't agree with Yosemite and Fudd being losing their guns tho
  3. I like Christian alot but AEW definitely oversold his acquisition. They made it seem like some earth shattering signing 😂
  4. I want those so bad, I love odd shoes 😂 These are The Grinch Kobes, inspired by the character obviously
  5. Future Trunks really got a raw deal watching that Kakarot footage. Androids murdered everybody then later Goku Black shows up to kill his mom, then eventually his universe gets wiped by Zeno. Shit 😂
  6. Dark thoughts tend to find me when I fail massively at a task I really had my heart into. But I'm usually able to pick myself up and try again. Would be nice to never have those moments of doubt tho. Haven't yet mastered finding supreme confidence
  7. Actually, I do love hanging with the boys, ladies and all that, but I'm also perfectly fine being by myself. Can't say I'm a loner per say I've been single most of my life and as a child used to spend hella time alone gaming. I branched out and became more of a people person into adult hood. So either way, I'm fine. It's a nice balance I've acquired
  8. I was just talking about something similar on FB. A chick dissed me by saying that's why I'm still single. I simply responded that unlike most ppl, especially women, I don't need others to validate my existence. I actually like who I am and can find enjoyment by my lonesome Sure, I plan on settling down, but it's not something that will break me if I don't. I realized many ppl don't have a personality of their own and depend on someone else to fill that void for the. It's why so many ppl are losing their shit during the lockdown periods of this pandemic, they hate to be alone with themselves for any length of time It's a terrible way to live if you ask me, cuz if ppl decide to leave you, you have nothing. You have to love yoself first then spread that with others if you so choose
  9. Wow, that's awful. It needs to be addressed, I could see ppl losing homes and businesses due to this sort of thing
  10. Am I the only person getting fucked by USPS? I been waiting WEEKS for packages from them, whereas UPS and Amazon deliver shit on time or even early My shit has been in transit since the 26th, and I haven't gotten a single update. And this is after giving the business hell I ordered from to resend it again think they were the issue 😤
  11. Which versions? I don't recall him being mentioned outside of the movies, dope if true
  12. Daniel Bryan dropped a 🔥 promo on SD. That main event at Mania BETTER be a triple threat with him in it. He got me hype as fuck
  13. Lmao why are they doing this to Vision? I love it 😂
  14. Somebody said that ain't Vision, that's VeShawn 😂
  15. our boat is at a shipyard getting fixed. These dudes that work on the yard only got a 23 minute lunch break and I counted. Wtf 😂
  16. There's so many routes they could take with that, I used to be able to predict Marvel but I honestly can't anymore. Especially that bait and switch cameo from halfway in the season. I was expecting a certain comic event to happen at the end of Wanda Vision but that totally blew up In my face
  17. I kinda wish Kurt would stay retired, but at the same time, wrestling your final match against Baron Corbin and losing has to suck. So I get him wanted to go out against someone worthy
  18. That definitely sounds plausible, I wasn't sure what was going besides the searching part. Thanks for the clarification, bro
  19. Any theories on what is gonna happen after that end credits scene? I'm not sure exactly what's gonna happen next, wasn't sure how to interpret it
  20. Sesugh Nation or something like that. Shedding his American name to go to something native to his ancestry helps further the gimmick.
  21. I'm a medium steak kinda guy. Whoever eats well done must like chewing salty belts in their spare time
  22. So I saw a pic of Apollo from tonight's episode...YES. GO ALL IN WITH THIS GIMMICK 🗣️
  23. Yea, they definitely going overboard, mfers using thigh slaps on headlocks 😂
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