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  1. LOL
    Irrononcibly reacted to Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    You really put Strider under implied? Lmao
  2. LOL
    Irrononcibly reacted to Hecatom in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
  3. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Yeah, specially considering he was also very young compared to other very elite fighters
    But i would count SFA Nash to be "natural" like that, SFV one is definitely filled with "superpowers" shit lol 😄
    Very likely not at Nash level, but while at it another underrated motherfucker was this guy

    Iirc during Alpha days dude goes through an hell of series
    Sagat*: win
    Ken: win
    Akuma: lose badly
    M.Bison: fight well but lose
    *even if was depressed Sagat there. I think by design a focused Sagat is supposed to fuck him up (and Deejay)
    But still think dude ever got little credit for how hard he tried lol 😄
  4. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Yup it's always been firmly my belief that Nash was/is intended to be towards the tippy-top of martial artists in the setting ESPECIALLY for someone using standard combat methods and not deep power wells like SnH or Psycho Power. Dude was intended to lose to Bison to set the benchmark for just how unnaturally powerful Bison is
  5. LOL
    Irrononcibly reacted to Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I see you've fallen for that Illuminati Propaganda. Of course they want to blame it on the non-white protagonist, but it was THEY who are the fail parts. Their entire plan is nothing but a web of tomfoolery! It was NEVER their destiny to take out Bison! It's not THEIR PLACE to decide the fate of the universe!

  6. LOL
    Irrononcibly reacted to Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    According to Capcom, Luke is 22 in this image.

    On a more serious note, I find it interesting how similar the Q is Robert theory is to Q is Dorai. Robert makes more sense although it isn't seamless.

    I would be fine with Robert being Q because:
    1- It makes G actively recruiting Qs during the SF5 era.
    2- It would give G and Q a legitimate reason to be in SF6 and I really want the Alphabets to be the big bad of SF6.
    3- G could kill Luke for us. No seriously, he totally would and then we have a lukeless SF7.
    With all this said, I think it is important that the identity of Q is never revealed. The mystery can always grow deeper and more convoluted, but it must never reach climax. Eternal Blueballs, Capcom. Do it!
  7. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think Nash is a high tier Street Fighter and it might have caught Bison by surprise* but I don't think Bison ever had any intention of really losing to him. Bison likes to toy with fighters as it wasn't enough to beat him in 1v1, he had destroy his spirit and let the corruption fester inside him until his last breath.
    Which is why in SF5 Bison (in his character story) literally tells Nash when he will lose before they fight - He already knows what will happen so he pulled a Sidious on him. Even Viper who narrates Bison's character story comments about how Nash is utterly clueless on what or who is facing (In Nash's character story, it makes it clear that they never met before this moment). This is Bison's style when he doesn't think an opponent is worthy (and sometimes his arrogance backfires).
    In retrospect, from Rose in A1/A2, and then in ASF, we now know the only way to really subdue Bison is to negate his power long enough to do physical damage. Rose can't muster enough Soul Power to do it consistently (and when she does she almost kills herself), Gill's gift to Nash was effective but insufficient to do lasting damage to the source, and now we have MNK - the only ki known in the SF universe to put a real dent in Bison's armor and send him back to hell.

    * The SF2AM while not canon was the basis for many character traits in the SF universe. The way Bison chose to fight with Ryu and then Ryu/Ken demonstrates his personality type well. At the end, Bison was caught by surprise by Ryu and Ken's own level of fighting. His arrogance once again is his undoing.

  8. Sad
    Irrononcibly reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    @RyceNash trained Guile, that's why their move sets are so similar. Nash is one of the most underrated fighters, from a lore standpoint, by the general fandom. He was a two time, back to back, All American Martial Arts champion. Ken broke his record when he got three in a row. Nash never got to go for three because well, he was shot to death by an Apache helicopter 😔
  9. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to Ryce in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I don't think Robert taught Luke how to fight either; rather, I'm suggesting that they utilize similar attacks because they both learned how to fight in the Army. Guile and Nash have similar movesets because they were both trained by the U.S. Air Force, so it makes sense to me to apply that same logic to Luke and Robert.
  10. Love
    Irrononcibly reacted to YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I come with more gifts @Daemos
    For some reason Kingdom Hearts filters cause the AI to make things look really neat

    Bottom left is INCREDIBLE

    It does such a good job reinterpreting Bison. It really speaks to the quality of his overall design aesthetic
  11. Love
    Irrononcibly got a reaction from Ryce in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Your Q theory is freaking GOLD. Those comparisons to Luke's animations were on point and now I'm sluething.
  12. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to Ryce in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I always just took Oro's quote as a tongue-in-cheek reference to Robot Detective since the show aired exactly 25 years before 3rd Strike.
    David is only 6' tall and weighs 161 pounds, whereas Q is at least 6'6" (he's taller than Urien) and much heavier than that. And like you said, David is bald and Q has short blonde hair.
    Luke is wearing his father's military dog tags around his neck. You can also see Robert wearing them in his concept art.

  13. Love
    Irrononcibly reacted to Ryce in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    This is my first post here, and I just want to say...
    Luke's father Robert is Q.
    Q is Robert Sullivan
    I'm surprised that I haven't seen anyone else propose this theory.
    Robert's concept art looks like it was made to match Q's official art: his hair color is the same as Q's, his shirt has a large collar reminiscent of Q's trench coat, and his facial features even match the contours of Q's mask (most notably the cheeks).

    Possible story: Robert could feel that he was about to spontaneously combust (see Q's Total Destruction), so he started yelling about a bomb to clear out the mall and avoid hurting anyone in the explosion. G sensed Robert's immense discharge of Earth energy and warped in to rescue him, turning him into a cyborg to save his life. ("Robert" even sounds like "robot" in Japanese!) G figured that someone who so strongly resonates with Earth's natural energy would be a good ally/weapon to have in preventing the apocalypse, so he befriended the now-amnesiac Robert and took him under his wing, teaching him how to control his powers. G uses his powers to telepathically communicate with (and sometimes commandeer) Q, hence Q's 3rd Strike win quotes.
    Luke's moveset appears to contain several references to Q in order to make the familial connection apparent:

    Q's High Speed Barrage looks like a sloppy, projectile-free version of Luke's Rock Smasher/Vulcan Blast:

    Luke's super is three identical hooks followed by multiple body blows followed by one final hook, and Q's is three identical hooks followed by a single body blow followed by one final hook:

    Robert and Q are both often depicted with their backs turned to the camera:

    The scene of people running away scared from Robert is also incredibly reminiscent of Q's intro animation:

    So, yeah, this is obviously all just a theory, but it's one I feel very strongly about.
  14. Love
  15. Love
    Irrononcibly reacted to YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I have to share this for @Daemos
    AI Art of M. Bison in the style of Mike Mignola comic book art I had it do

  16. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    UDON will release a Cammy mini-series in March

  17. Love
    Irrononcibly reacted to Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Urien should be a separate antagonist to Bison, an alliance isn't something  between the two only downplay Urien's relevance, significance and appeal
    After everything he had been through with Gill and Secret Society, he shouldn't be another one lackey or secondary partner.
    And also Bison will never be supposed to be Urien's lackey that bad route for there character development.
    Urien is better doing his own secret society from the traitors of secret society with few better members than those were loyal to Gill and the organization, the difference is he isn't like Seth because he operates outside Gill's perspective.
    The one I'm really bothered and only worried now is Sean status quo. If they don't like him to return at least have him some sort of good fighting game character retirement and character development that focus on other endeavors like fighting in fighting competition but not as big as Ken and actually now winning.
    Instead of making him young and away from the other Sf3 youthful cast, to just elaborate he wasn't returning compare to his fellow young generation of SF characters, like Ibuki, Elena, Makoto, Yun and Yang.

    Dan should be a side character some either acts as an Assist to Blanka or Sakura, someone that is an NPC or a background cameo character from now on.  Dan much like Sakura is finding ways to earn money at this point of time and age, sell themselves. Dan resolution to fight is already been concluded as he beat Sagat.
    and Sean is the better one to return because he has more reason to FIGHT and ENGAGE to the other fighters, That is his primary MOTIVATION to be become better as a fighter compare to Alex and etc. His not stuck on just wanting JUSTICE served or a GUY set to do vengeance.  His among those the Ryu like motivation that is about improvement.
    Those guys that are centered on organization and main antagonist that there motivation is all centered to those thing are also the conclusion of there reason to fight. 
  18. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to Lord_Vega in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    A little bit late but....
    MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Hope you have enjoyed the holiday with your loved ones.
    Actually... I have another interpretation of Kage story.
    Sagat, Gouki and Ryu fought him. He even managed to defeat them, they were inflicted some damage (Ryu is even holding his belly as if being pretty tired). Gouki didn't seem to be meditating, the same after the battle with Sagat and Ryu...
    I believe Kage is more like a Freddy Krueger. Freddy met the ones he haunted in the dream world, however, he could physically harm (and kill) them. Even though an "spiritual" being, he still can affect people in the real world (like Ryu smelling Kage's blood). That's why Kage's winning quote to almost the whole roster revolves around dying. According to what he say about him being inside Gouki and keeping his own Kage at bay (meaning that the Kages might communicate between themselves), Gouki's Kage already "appeared" in the japanese version of SSF2X and was defeated by Gouki (when you finish the game against Gouki instead of Vega).
    So I do believe that Kage actualy becomes tangible, being able to fight with its "owner". But of course that the fighter should be "receptive" for that. Think about an meditative state with an "opened" pineal gland. As long as it's open, the fighter is able to meet/fight it's Kage even in the physical plane. Of course that only endures for a small portion of time.
    Come to think about it, even the part of Kage disappearing after learning that Ryu doesn't fear him anymore, resembles a lot how Nancy defeated him on the first Nightmare on Elm Street.
  19. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    What are the loose ends?

    The ultimate fate of the Illuminati/Gill/Urien will likely be discernable from the game.
    G/Rose are the real loose ends as of SF5. You can involve Q here because he is definitely a minion of G's people.
  20. Love
    Irrononcibly got a reaction from Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Hopefully he'll show up all nice and sparkly, to save us from JP like he did Seth...

  21. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to Chun-Li_Forever in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    This is why I got into Street Fighter, and prefer to have my focus on story and the characters.
    Remember my fellow story peeps: Any drama that goes on in the Lore, stays in the Lore. 
    Any drama that goes on in the FGC however, that shit can spread like wild fire to the point of being unsalvageable.
  22. Love
    Irrononcibly reacted to ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Happy New Year, folks! I hope you're all well!
    The holidays allowed me to finish little something I had brewing, enjoy!
  23. +1
    Irrononcibly reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    That may be how it looks if we focus only on Gouken and Akuma, but reality is Ryu will walk his own path
    Not because he disagree with Gouken's teachings (wich he hold on high regard), but because he needs to find out his own way
    at 6:35
    Ryu loves Gouken like a father and greatly respect his achievements/teachings on the whle Mu side of the thing, and indeed his evolution so far had him trying to get closer to Gouken's techniques (see Denjin Hadouken, Shin Shoryuken)... but he does'nt takes it as an absolute dogma: "questioning others, themselves, or even gods."
    He realized as long he does'nt find his answer he have to stay open-minded, wich require don't embrace anything as the absolute truth, not even Gouken
    Still he can be sure about what he consider wrong (Akuma's path) though
    For what's worth in SF6, after years of timeskip, Ryu's moveset shows what seems to be little hints of SnH: SA2 while on power-up state have clear purple tint, and even more important his default SA3 show his fist charging red ki
    Interesting part will be know if this happen because he's still not good enough to totally suppress it, or if in these years he improved so much to be able in moment of need to draw strenght from both kinds of energy
    Would fit what was said of Goutetsu
    "was also a user of the Satsui no Hado, the only known person who could use the power without falling into its darker aspects (possibly because he only used it sparingly and wisely). This was also how his two students were introduced to its power."
    If these hints in the moveset are intentional, "sparingly and wisely" would fit what we see in SF6 moveset
    It's curious also that desperate version of SA3 switch to no red ki and "denjin" effect
    Wonder if only reason is that denjin version is more powerful wich indeed is (desperate SA3 > SA3) or if he would not trust himself to control SnH in a such critical situation, as desperate version require the opponent is beating the shit out of you, wich may make harder to control murderous intent... would fit Ryu put opponent's safety (and his own spiritual balance) above obtain a "victory" achieved potentially losing control, wich for him would be a way greater defeat
  24. Love
    Irrononcibly reacted to Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I had a dream about Bison today. He shows up in SF6 looking young again, he's caped, and he reveals he was hiding in a subterranean lair all this time. He was fighting Ken in Guile's SF6 stage and his win quote against Ken oddly mentioned him dying 3 times before SF6 (which in my headcanon means A2 Death > SF2/SFA3 Death > SF5 Death).

    This confirms that Bison is coming and/or I need help.
  25. Love
    Irrononcibly reacted to Lord_Vega in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    A little late but... Happy New Year guys!

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