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Everything posted by Daemos

  1. This sequence lives rent free in my mind. And introduced me to Peaches & Herb growing up.
  2. You know I have this and it doesn't really contradict what I am saying. I am saying that SF2's plot and SFA3's plot overlap, in particular their conclusions happen around the same time. That chart says that Shadaloo's influence in SF2 is behind the scenes, so it's likely nobody knew who the hell the host was until the final battle. Like Bison doesn't properly seek Ryu's body until the A3 plot for example. People don't believe Shadaloo is "ostensibly wiped out" until SF2's ending as we saw at the start of SF4 from the characters. Another minor error here is that Sagat defects from Shadaloo at the start of SF4 yet that event is listed in SF5 - Likely because SF4 and SF5 like SF3 and SF5 are not completely sequential, and they bleed into one another. We know this to be true. A3 and SF2 bleed into one another too is what I am saying, with events overlapping in time. This solves Evil Ryu's absence in SF2 for example even though he was awakened at the end of A3. I think they are both true. One of them is the historical creation of Nayshall and the other is the modern internationally recognized by the UN country of Nayshall. I hear there is a talking Gorilla somewhere in SF6... Maybe he could devour that.
  3. Like how would a character like Necalli work when they can’t speak? Or Q which if you reveal too much will ruin the character. On one hand, Capcom will prioritize characters who can work really well as masters in WTM with a lot of info to work with. On the other, I can see how certain characters may find themselves at a disadvantage for having no backstory that people care about.
  4. Surprised there is no Alpha3 side tournament. It’s really popular in Japan.
  5. It will be interesting to see how the mode handles other villains. Too much information can ruin a character. Although I haven’t experienced it yet in WTM. Hopefully Capcom will handle it correctly.
  6. The reason male spaces exist is not the same as the reason female spaces exist. Which is why you see trans women fighting to go to female prisons but not the other way around. I've also never encountered a woman in my life that would object to a passing trans women like say Blair White from entering a female space. But these traditional transsexuals are the minority here and are not part of the wave of men - many of whom are incels- who become trans women for attention or to become 'lesbians".
  7. The DLC characters have 3 outfits, so I am guessing they plan on releasing outfit 3 for the base roster this year.
  8. Absolute insanity. Transgender women are a subcategory of men. How about spending your resources on protecting them in male spaces and re-educating men on how to treat minorities instead of forcing men onto women without their consent. The requirements of being considered “trans” have also become so loose. Any guy can become “trans” overnight that it means nothing anymore. How do they intend to regulate and apply these type of hate speech laws? It’s a slippery slope. Censorship is the first step towards totalitarianism.
  9. Default SF5 Chun-Li looks better than Default and Classic SF6 Chun-Li. But she is the exception. Every other default look in SF6 beats SF5's default in terms of model quality. Where SF5 notably shines is character gameplay animations and the colors/lighting. SF6 characters look too shiny in some stages and completely flat in other areas also. I said this early on and I still think so after getting it. I'm gonna put this down as "artstyle".
  10. If this was Bison everyone would be furious and demanding a hotfix. But it’s okay because it’s the new guy.
  11. Do ya'll remember this? Well as time went on since it's only been proven to be true, albeit some adjustments here and there to the dates. The interesting thing I'd like to highlight is that this leak lists SSF6 and USF6 as part of its schedule, set to be released after launch at an annual interval. What if the reason Capcom are extending the release schedule of S1 to 1 year is to work on a bigger more robust release that has been budgeted and scheduled for release? What if they are not following SF5's template for DLC and are doing their own new thing for SF6? @CESTUS IIII think this lends itself to a second "season" having possibly more characters than 4.
  12. Ghost Slime. 😄 We gotta change him from this: to something closer to this: You lean into the supernatural slime and the absurdity of the character, and play into the Aztec blood warrior roots gone wild. I'm sure Capcom can find people in WTM for him to actually kill in back alleys at night. This will differentiate him from Akuma, Blanka, Twelve, and any one else. Since he doesn't have brand recognition yet, Capcom are free to double down on whatever craziness he has. He's like the canonical Oni.
  13. I agree with the first part - something about Bison being the most iconic villain yadda yadda yadda.... I'm in a minority here, but I hope he comes back for a chance at redemption. Take Orochi/Violent Iori from SNK and add the shapeshifter function from Venom to solve the boring gameplay. Perma VT is the way to go and double down on the supernatural Aztec thing. Also get rid of those weird dog pupils; Make them hollow black. He can torment your character across WTM as a hidden sub-boss. ---- Note: If they are intending to bring Twelve/Thirteen back then no Necalli. As that character will fulfill the shapeshifter function.
  14. Same. Such a tease....Capcom and their "foreshadowing"... So adorable. I'll act surprised next year don't worry Nakayama ❤️
  15. But wiping out three football fields of trees and animals is okay. He'll answer for his crimes in SF8.
  16. If they really want to ground Akuma a bit and give him more facets, then they should canonize him as a fruit seller in Nayshall. Show him making a living in between being a troll.
  17. She's probably very bored also. I guess this could definitely mean there is more drama coming narratively in Nayshall.
  18. They're less than a year apart... 🤐 *Waits for Lord Vega to try to separate A3 and SF2 again* It's not completely stalled... He finally killed an SF character.
  19. no way?! Where did she say this? I need context! I guess that charlatan is trying to spread his foul religion in developing nations.
  20. Typo. It's 5th. I fixed it. Basically, the game takes place 7-10 years after SF3 with the comic happening in the middle of that time jump.
  21. The comic shows us the first Suval'hal tournament. Your Cac participates in the 5th one. The assumption being made is that this is an annual event so 4 years.
  22. He abandoned his wife and kid for FOUR YEARS. Incredibly formative years for his kid mind you. He abandoned his business to the vultures too. He spent all that time hiding and wondering if he should kill a guy without ever mustering the courage of following through with his revenge. FOUR years is a huge amount of time!
  23. He'll probably show up in much later seasons anyway. There is a 1 shoto per season rule with Capcom. S1 - Akuma S2 - Sakura S3 - Sagat S4 - Dan/Sean/Evil Ryu/Violent Ken S5 - Dan/Sean/Evil Ryu/Violent Ken
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