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Everything posted by Volt

  1. I am SO happy I forgot to buy it when rollback was announced. 🤣
  2. It makes perfect sense for us because we're already used to take beatings and learn from them with Fighting Games, but it's always funny to see how people can get soft. People need that kind of kick in the nuts every once in a while to keep them straight. 🤣
  3. I would never. Tbh, I'm still on the final boss. Just hadn't had the time to run it back. But Hawk is a snitch tho. 🤣
  4. Oh, but it does... The replayability, the ways people are just cracking that game open, the animations and the personality that oozes out of every inch of that game are damn near Masterpiece-tier and the single reason I don't call it one right now is that it needs to stand the test of time for that. But honestly, right now? Zero Mission can't hold a candle to that game despite how incredible that game is, and frankly, Dread is the top dog in the Metroid franchise rn. Number one. Uncontested.
  5. To some extent, it is, but more because of external factors, namely the Exp. Groups. To put it simply for those unaware, there are like, 6 different formulas dictating how much exp. a Pokémon needs to level up, one for each group. The variance is so extreme that even at the very beginning of the game, you can see mons that need twice as much exp. per level. Now pair that up with Share not scaling the exp gain to level every mon equally and the result is a goddamn mess because some mons will get no play because they level up too fast and some mons will get too much because otherwise they fall behind. Ironically, it also fails horribly at its intended purpose of helping a weaker mon catch up simply because everyone else is still getting exp so the gap takes forever to close. What made me pretty much quit the franchise outright was the reveal that the Platinum Expansion Dex mons seem to be locked to the new Grand Underground feature and that encounter tables are still based on the original Diamond and Pearl. To give an idea of how atrocious those were, DP had a Fire-Type specialist in the Elite 4. Said specialist only had 2 Fire-types out of 5 mons in his team because there weren't enough Fire mons in the game. I shit you not. Game Freak unironically looked at this and said "Working as intended, ship the game." In other, thankfully non-embarrassing, news Nintendo flooded the streets with crack. Metroid Dread is probably the GOTY and if not, it's definitely in the mix.
  6. Y+B. Neutral stick. The shooting button cancels the spin jump and the spark cancels the shot before it comes out.
  7. Start boosting, when you're at full speed, tap down while on the ground. To let er rip, press B with no directional input. You can aim during the startup. If you need to practice, the transport rooms with the trains are great. No enemies and long enough to Boost and try out stuff.
  8. Ball being so late was hilarious. Everyone must've tossed some profanity at Artaria because a lot of one-way passages there are like "Bet you wanted that morph ball now, huh?" 🤣 This game is freaking amazing.
  9. Facts. Though tbh, the Varia does look pretty neat. Might as well hook y'all up with my current wallpaper. Blue really fits Samus well.
  10. I have a super rough time setting *that* up because keeping track of both while planting targets without getting hit is tough. I did see someone Shinespark into one, so if you can set that up, do it. The damage is ridiculous.
  11. Pretty much. I had a lot less issues with the EMMI when I decided to just book it. Taking my time and exploring comes after I bust their heads open like coconuts. The cloak is just for the times they pretty much already spawn on your way and you need to buy some time while they move out.
  12. Pretty sure tapping aim makes it not only faster but even earlier, so the game is officially broken now. 🤣 Expect Super Metroid levels of wild shit at any moment now.
  13. Blue EMMI was rough. Suddenly you're running and jumping and then you start to fall because you got frozen. 😭 Getting hit out of your Flash Shift and falling into the water is like:
  14. Huge spoilers, but I lol'd. 🤣 Btw, for those who want to Air Spark. Y+B cancels the spin jump and goes straight into spark. Eaaaaaasy money. Edit: Someone made a full map of ZDR using the images from Polygon's guide.
  15. I dunno, with today's arms race for devs, I really don't see Nintendo letting them get snatched after successfully bringing back Metroid from the depths. What is their deal with Retro? Sounds like both are on the same situation, maybe a game in another franchise just to play it safe?
  16. Raven gotta be one of the coolest characters they put out in this game. That opening scene...
  17. Edit: Even Max is streaming this joint. Only Part 1 up so far.
  18. Because they are jealous ass bitches themselves. Only broke bitches hate on people for making money, especially someone like Max who knows his lane, sticks to it and legit tries to help grow the FGC. Mind you, Kotaku is the same clique of intellectually broke thots that put this out. Putting up the Reddit post talking about it because fuck actually giving clicks to KoWacku. Edit: Turns out r/NintendoSwitch's mods are also bitches for taking down that post. The title is enough tho.
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