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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Look man, I know you got beef with FANG, but you gotta be fair and admit that shit slaps. Nah, Juri's is at least ok background noise for training mode. Ed's is probably the worst theme in the whole damn franchise. 🤣
  2. Oh, she can do the Raw Max Lv 1>2>3 combo. ToD confirmed. 🙃 In all seriousness tho, between Kula and Maxima, all Max got is "Shatter all expectations". Really hoping for that tho, especially to see the lolicons hold an L. 🤣 When's Elizabeth and Team Rugal?
  3. Hey, that's good optimization in my book. 🤣 Speaking of BDSP... I'm not exaggerating when I say these may be the best remakes in the franchise. Game looks solid, lots of QoL, all kinds of stuff that makes games good. DP, despite its issues, was a really solid foundation and most of its issues are outright fixed in this game. Also, don't be fooled, these games are not the kind of games we've been getting for the last 3 gens, if you try to sleep walk through this, you'll get bodied. There are some misses, but I'd rank the overall package pretty high.
  4. No need to click this. A good port and rollback.
  5. What? Dude is branching out and trying new FGs... Well, not brand-new, but you get the drift. 🤣 I'd clown the dude for complaining he can't sidestep in SF, but this seems like a legit rookie trying to get the hang of things.
  6. The morbidly funny thing about this is that I can't say I wouldn't believe him.
  7. I've been waiting for Vapor Cannon to be as satisfying as 02's since Kof 13 and now this!? AND WHERE THE FUCK IS RUGAL!?
  8. Ayo, what's good FSE? Been a while! No excuses tho, the link was plastered all over the old thread.
  9. Broooooo As for the EMMI, yeah, Mr. X-style stalking would be better. Tbh, the zones bother me the most. They're so different from the rest of the planet that it breaks immersion a bit.
  10. My guy, these are the clowns that straight up made an article telling people to pirate the game so they could play on emulator. Anthony could walk up to them and do a whole ass seminar about subtlety and they wouldn't learn a thing.
  11. It's been like, 10 days. It should be fine to untag spoilers, right? I'm not too active in GD, so I dunno how y'all roll with that. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Tooie was better anyway. Apparently, all the licensing nonsense involved skyrocketed the price and whoever wants that gotta hold that. I personally could never tho.
  13. Finally had time to turn Raven into Chozo Fried Chicken. 13h and one minute. Oh well, at least the ending was the Zero Mission one. Do you get anything different with 100%?
  14. You have no shortage of characters to pick from tbh. It's possible to get 20k with whatever character you pick first too, so that means that maybe you can get 2 characters instead of wack costumes. Pick someone you'd probably roll with in case you ever feel like playing that game, I guess.
  15. Yes, a corny one. That is mindblowing. 🤣 Imagine falling into the gacha hell version of this:
  16. They needed a Dragonball GT-like entry just to round off all the endings. Iirc, there are 8.
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