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Everything posted by Volt

  1. From memory, at least me, @Mattatsu@Mr.Cipher got it. I dunno what's Naeras/Bager's name here, but he got it too and was playing at least up to yesterday. Lemme check my steam profile since I pretty much got everyone here in it anyway... According to Steam, @Vhozite@Sonero@Shahenzanand @Hawkingbirdgot it too... Wait, you're Hawk. 🤣
  2. Now that's kind of a surprise. Why? Well, you definitely don't need to lab to play me! 🤣
  3. Come to think of it.. GG is kind of done for a minute... Maybe that'll be the next project after DNF Duel? Who is cooking that up? Blue or Red team? If it's Blue, there's a real chance that this is a project that'll help them learn to deal with the new stuff. BB was sprite-based before, so they'd need some experience before the jump... Edit: Off-topic, but PC bros, realistically speaking, can a GTX 1060 run games at 1080p/120fps?
  4. Xenoverse 2. 🤣 Looks like I'll play anything but FGs nowadays lmao. If you wanna run some sets, I should have some time tomorrow. I'm pretty busy today. You thinking about playing some of that GOAT System Works crack? I got pretty much everything, just let me know what I gotta install, I deleted SFV yesterday because it was just taking up space for no reason. Already got Strive and BBCF ready to go tho. That goes for any of y'all. @ me here or on Discord, it's all good.👍 Do I even have you on Steam?
  5. I have an intense, burning hate for non-Tetsuo for putting the final nail in the coffin when it comes to Rugal making it on the base roster. Also, bitch is literally the "Hey man, can I copy your homework?" meme. I was supposed to have Rugal for Christmas!!!
  6. Ayyyyyyy, happy birthday @Darc_Requiem!!! You too Heca, but I ain't @ing you so you don't notice I'm late. 🤣
  7. Should've tried to throw him off, now he knows where you live. Ngl, consider getting a strap, an alarm system or moving. Preferably all of those. If the guy turns out to actually be a threat, remember to stay calm at all times, have your mom call the cops ASAP, and never let your guard down on a scrap. And of course, try to not break your hand on the dude's face like I did. Still not fully recovered.
  8. Huh, FF7R is finally getting ported... Oh God, it's on Epic. 🤢
  9. I've seen that. They made sure to put the best part in with Axl getting his girl back. 😭
  10. Ky is so lame that even I don't wanna play him. Just let that sink in.
  11. I've always liked Baiken, but I'm too trash to play her lmao. It's always some execution nonsense I'm too lazy to grind. I'm terrified BedWoman is the last character tho. #FreeMyManThatMan
  12. @Mr.Cipheris oddly quiet considering the news. 👀 Edit: The name she dropped at the end tho. 👀
  13. To be fair, he did swap bodies before. Iirc, he swapped them after Alpha and after 2. V is actually the one time he didn't. It's implied that is still his IV body. As for Seth... He went from one of the least popular characters in the franchise to a fan-favorite. All it took was this: 🤣
  14. The gleam effect every special is obnoxious af. It's weird, I like the designs, the game looks good, but it just... doesn't have that thing, y'know? No, I'm not talking about rollback. 🤣
  15. "I'm bored, lemme check what's going on in the Lounge..."
  16. It's a disservice to this game that the trailers are being uploaded in nasty 30fps. Characters look neat tho, this Inquisitor chick looks cool.
  17. And they will, rightfully, be blasted forever for it. Hell, DBFZ was a mess too. The idea of customization and drip is nice, but it gotta be functional. They got the hardest part down, which is the connection itself, now they gotta iron out these stupid kinks. Frankly, that's a loooot easier than what Capcom gotta do. But when ArcSys does it, "that's the bare minimum."
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