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  1. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think this may be legit, since Ryu's Jamie's and Luke's look matches the trailer. But what do you all think?
  2. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    So excited for this! Laura Bailey will forever be my #1 favorite VA, and I'm so eternally grateful for what she's done with Chun. But I'm 100% for the VA change. As an Asian-American myself, I absolutely LOVE seeing representation. So congrats to Jennie! (She's also the voice of Suki in Avatar Last Airbender if y'all want a reference. For something a little more recent, she's the 2nd main girl character in Hi-Rise Invasion on Netflix)
    The girl training with Chun in the trailer could very well be Li-Fen. 
    And if it is indeed Li-Fen, then it looks like we have a pretty good idea of how long the time-gap is from SFV to SF6. She looks just like Sakura's age when she started Street Fighting. SO maybe a 10 year gap?
    Also, another clue, notice the pandas on her headphones. Li-fen in her Capcom C.R.I profile art has a panda on her shoulder bag. Maybe Li-Fen could be a playable character, or maybe it has to do something more story based? Li-Fen is mentioned in Chun's SF6 profile.
  3. WTF
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think this may be legit, since Ryu's Jamie's and Luke's look matches the trailer. But what do you all think?
  4. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to BornWinner in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Some shots I found interesting in the World Tour part of the trailer.

    Abigail’s garage is still around.

    A statue for Hagar has been erected. The large words has “Metro City Revitalization Memorial”. Did Haggar pass away?

    There is a group of people with boxes on their heads. Perhaps they are Mad Gear members. A later part of the trailer has Jamie beat some up.

    As you may know, Damnd makes an appearance as well.

    Unlike the other mooks and bosses of Mad Gear, he looks like he is still part of the gang. If that is true, he is the only villainous presence in this game so far.
    My guess is that the boxheads will be generic enemies throughout World Tour and part of the story will have your character stop Mad Gear.
  5. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from DarthEnderX in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think this may be legit, since Ryu's Jamie's and Luke's look matches the trailer. But what do you all think?
  6. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    So excited for this! Laura Bailey will forever be my #1 favorite VA, and I'm so eternally grateful for what she's done with Chun. But I'm 100% for the VA change. As an Asian-American myself, I absolutely LOVE seeing representation. So congrats to Jennie! (She's also the voice of Suki in Avatar Last Airbender if y'all want a reference. For something a little more recent, she's the 2nd main girl character in Hi-Rise Invasion on Netflix)
    The girl training with Chun in the trailer could very well be Li-Fen. 
    And if it is indeed Li-Fen, then it looks like we have a pretty good idea of how long the time-gap is from SFV to SF6. She looks just like Sakura's age when she started Street Fighting. SO maybe a 10 year gap?
    Also, another clue, notice the pandas on her headphones. Li-fen in her Capcom C.R.I profile art has a panda on her shoulder bag. Maybe Li-Fen could be a playable character, or maybe it has to do something more story based? Li-Fen is mentioned in Chun's SF6 profile.
  7. Love
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to mykka in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Li Fen might be just a story mode character for Chun Li.
  8. Love
  9. +1
  10. +1
  11. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Unless she some generic “Creat your fighter” for Open World cutscenes
  12. Sad
  13. +1
  14. +1
  15. +1
  16. Insightful
  17. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    So the guy's tier-list had me combing through Chun-Li's win/loss record according to the SF canon (because I have nothing better to do on a monday workday). In chronical order to the lore (including all games, retcons, OVAs, movies, story modes, Fight Your Rivals)
    Street Fighter Alpha
    Chun-Li vs M. Bison (Final Boss) - Result: LOSS Even in Alpha, M. Bison is still leagues above a young, headstrong Chun-Li. Though M. Bison is brought to one knee as seen in Chun's Alpha 1 ending, M. Bison was clearly toying with her, knocking her out and into a hospital bed with one Psycho Power punch to her stomach
    Street Fighter Alpha 2
    Chun-Li vs Gen (Mid Boss) - Result: DRAW Since Gen and CHun-Li are each other's mid bosses respectively, then it could be safe to assume that they met up with each other before Chun-Li went off to find M. Bison. In a real fight, I believe Gen could easily defeat Chun-Li, but it is plausible that Gen held back some when Chun-Li tried to fight for information on her father from him. Either Chun-Li got the information needed, or realized that fighting against Gen wouldn't yield any favorable results, and resulted in both parting Chun-Li vs M. Bison (Final Boss) - Result: DRAW This time around, M. Bison acknowledges Chun-Li's strength, even though he was clearly holding back against her. M. Bison retreats instead of knocking out Chun-Li in this one. It's unknown with the details of the fight, but both emerge with no clear victor in this contenst. EXTRA: Chun-Li vs Akuma (sub boss) - Result: Unknown (Not 100% sure if canon, so I'm not adding it. But chun-Li can fight Akuma as a sub boss before fighting M. Bison) Street Fighter Alpha 3
    *Canonicity withstanding from the previous two Alpha games,
    Chun-Li vs Birdie (Rival) - Result: WIN Chun-Li beats Birdie and gets him to spill M. Bison's location Chun-Li vs Cammy (Rival) - Result: WIN I'll chalk this up as a win for Chun-Li because she was able to defeat Cammy and break M. Bison's pyscho power influence on her. That said, Cammy's Alpha ending in the SFV arcade mode shows Cammy knocking out Chun-Li. Chun-Li vs Juil & Juni - Result: WIN This fight transitions between her fight with Cammy and M. Bison, M. Bison sending her dolls to take care of Chun as she fights them off before fighting M. Bison Chun-Li vs M. Bison - Result - DRAW Chun-Li manages to hold her own, and almost goes into arrest him. But M. Bison doesn't go down easy. M. Bison retreats as Chun-Li takes care of the Shadaloo base. So while Chun-Li didn't get the one-on-one victory against M. Bison, she does shutdown M. Bison's base. Sidenote: more than one ending has M. Bison being blasted off by a laser, so even though Chun-Li does press the button that would vaporize M. Bison in her particular ending, I wouldn't count that as a "win" for Chun. Guile vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW No animosity between the two, just Chun-Li trying to stop Guile from interfering with Charlie's mission Dan vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS Probably the most embarrassing loss of Chun's career, and one of the reasons why I'm thankful Alpha 3 is canonically shaky. It's not that Chun-Li isn't at fault, she does pull the idiot card in assuming Dan was affiliated with Shadaloo. But Dan gets the best of her, and she even admits in her post-match dialogue against Dan  "How can I be beaten by such a pathetic style?!" Sodom vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW (maybe win?) I can't find any thing outside of the Rival Dialogue with this. Sodom want to convert Shadaloo's base into a Mad Gear spot. Chun-Li is investigating Shadaloo. They fight. Though it is on Sodom's side and you do have to beat Chun-Li to advance, Sodom does not end up with the base in his possession and Kamikazes in his end. To that end, Sodom didn't get what he was after while Chun-Li would resume investigating the Shadaloo base. So it could chalk up as a win for Chun. But since there is little I can find outside of this, I'll relegate it to a Draw or unknown. Zangief vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW (maybe loss?) Same with Sodom, there is nothing outside of the Rival Dialogue that gives us any information. Chun-Li urges Zangief to let Interpol handle Shadaloo, but Zangief proves he's worthy to fight Shadaloo, as he does contiinuing his arcade path. Both show no ill feelings in future games, this moment is never referenced. Either Zangief totally overpowers Chun into Submission, or Chun-Li acknowledges Zangief's strength to allow him to help against Shadaloo. Street Fighter II

    Chun's ending in this shows her praying to her father that she avenged his death. While not canonically clear on who won the SFII tournament outside of Akuma ending M. Bison's life with the Raging Demon), we can't assume that Chun-Li canonically defeated M. Bison in this one, since every SFII ending assumes the chosen character ended up winning the whole thing and beating M. Bison in the end. 
    That said, there is one event that takes place POST-SFII that can be seen in the C. Viper Aftermath trailer that is particularly interesting
    Chun-Li, Ryu, Ken, Guile, and Cammy vs M. Bison - Result: WIN The aftermath assumes that it took a team effort to stop M. Bison's terror at the end of SFII. What's significant about this is that Chun-Li is the one who delivers the decisive blow that has M. Bison at the hands of the good guys. So that should score some "lore points" with her and against the man that's been driving her revenge arc for years.
    Though M. Bison goes the "suicide" route, rather than be defeated, i'll chalk this as a win for the whole team and for Chun-Li There is one other thing: in Chun-Li's Aftermath Traiiler, it shows her fighting against Ken. I can only assume it takes place within the SFII timeframe, and a winner for that is unknown as well.
    Street Fighter IV - OVAs
    First starting with the Ties That Bind OVA. 
    Chun-Li & Sakura vs SIN Henchmen - Result: WIN Doesn't really mean anything, it was expected these two cuold beat a bunch of jobbers. Plus, this fight does nothing for Lore Points. But it's a win, and the only fight she partakes in the OVA. And now the Juri OVA
    Chun-Li vs Juri - Result: LOSS Juri pretty much stomps everyone in this OVA to legitimize her as a character. Chun-Li just happened to be one of those victims in her way. Street Figher IV - Game
    Lets take a look at all the Fight-Your-Rival moments
    Chun-Li vs C. Viper (Rival) - Result: DRAW I'd say if it happened twice, it's not a coincidence. It certainly is within the realm of possibility that Chun-Li and C. Viper met and combatted during their investigations into SIN. Since C. Viper can't blow her cover, violence was the only option. Unclear winner on this one as both go on to resume their investigations into SIN. We can also assume that both of their "victories" to advance the arcade path will cancel each other out, if Chun-Li were to win in her path, and Viper were to win in hers. Chun-Li vs Juri (Rival) - Result: WIN (or draw) Take this with a grain of salt. But hear me out. In the cutscene, Juri acknowledges her beatdown in the Juri OVA, so there is some canon connection there. This fight is basically Chun-Li's revenge after getting stomped in their first battle. Take note that Juri activates her Feng Shui eye before the fight, meaning that she would not go easy on Chun during this fight. Chun-Li this time gets the better of Juri, but fails to arrest her and sends her retreating. So if we count Fight your Rival moments as part of canon, then it's viable Chun-Li managed to hold her own against Juri, who was toying with her for the most part of the Juri OVA. Chun-Li vs Seth (Final Boss) - Result: Unknown Since we don't see Chun-Li take on Seth outside her Arcade mode path, we can't assume that the two met, fought, or who would win. Balrog vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS (or Draw) This is one of possibly the few times Chun-Li and Balrog ever fought canonically. Assume we're playing from Balrog's perspective, Balrog would have to win to advance the path, which would mean a loss for Chun-Li. That, or possibly both fighters could be even in terms of skill and power, that Balrog is able to escape from Chun before she can bring him in for questioning. Too bad their Fight your Rival dialogue is the only reference we can draw from.  Vega vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS (or draw) Same with Balrog is that we'll have to assume we're playing from Vega's POV to advance the story, which would mean a loss for Chun.
    If we are to assume this fight would take place before the happenings at the SIN base, then Chun's defeat would allow Vega to get to the SIN base first before Chun-Li could enter (as show in Vega's SFIV Vanilla ending). Vega does get one last laugh against Chun-Li, albeit a sneaky one, where he traps her in lockdown before the gas asphyxiates her. Gen vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS or DRAW Interestingly enough, this is almost the same as Chun's and Gen's Rival dialogue back in SF Alpha 2
    I know what I said before, that we'll have to assume the POVs of the playable character to advance the arcade path. And same with Gen, in that Gen would have to beat Chun-Li to move on to the final boss.
    Gen said in the Fight Your Rival cutscene that he won't hold back against Chun-Li as she's trying to get answers from him (whether it be Shadaloo connections, or information on her father reamains unclear). In the end, Gen doesn't stop Chun-Li from continuing to investigate SIN, neither does he give her any info she desires. But Gen does save her in the base (as seen in Gen's vanilla ending) before Guile and Abel come to retrieve her. Yun vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: Unknown Yun has no Fight your Rival scenes with Chun, so while it could happen, there isn't any scenes or dialogue to pull information from.  
    Street Fighter V
    Let's take a look at all of the Chun encounters in everyone's character story and A Shadow Falls. Chun-Li's character story takes place during her Alpha years, so this adds some more depth to her alpha story
    Chun-Li Character Story
    Chun-Li vs Vega 1 - Result: LOSS Chun's first fight with Vega ends with him injuring her arm before retreating as seen in the post match scene Chun-Li vs Nash - Result: DRAW Chun-Li holds her own against Nash, but is unable to defeat him for long. Nash does this to demonstrate that if Chun can't take him out, her chances against M. Bison wouldn't be great Chun-Li vs Vega 2 - Result WIN Chun manages to overpower Vega and was about to question him before he spills about the death of her father. That hesitation was enough to allow Vega to retreat. Birdie Character Story
    Birdie vs Chun-Li - Result: LOSS Another embarassing loss for Chun. She tries to arrest him for suspicion of Shadaloo activities, but Birdie fends her off and runs away. A Shadow Falls
    Chun-Li vs M. Bison - Result: LOSS This wasn't really fair. M. Bison powerful already but got a significant buff thanks to the Black Moons. M. Bison not only squashed her, but nearly killed her and possibly injured her (see next fight) Chun-Li vs Rashid - Result: LOSS While I do believe Chun-Li is a better fighter than Rashid, she was clearly injured and hurt from her last fight with M. Bison, so Rashid was able to take advantage of that to beat Chun-Li and take her piece. Chun-Li vs FANG - Result: WIN Chun-Li beats FANG to rescue Li-Fen  
    Street Fighter III
    Chun-Li vs Urien - Result: WIN It is possible Urien wasn't going all-out, and only wanted to see Chun demonstrate her skills. But even still, Urien holding back would still be an incredibly tough opponent. And the fact that Chun-Li could hold her own enough to rescue Li-Fen deserves a win, even if it didn't result in a KO.  
    TLDR: Chun-Li's record 9 wins, 10 losses, 11 draws/unknowns
  18. Sad
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to mikros in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Ah, I forgot to say, I suspect they are also trying to soften Chun Li's character from "You killed my father. Prepare to die" to "I'm looking for my father. I feel he's alive", in addition to the benefit of being able to bring him back in the future if they ever want.
  19. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I interpreted that her encounters with Vega happened before her eventual confrontation with M. Bison. Chun's character story takes place when she was a rookie interpol officer. Vega tells Chun-Li her about her missing father and "how he met his end". And then when she faces M. Bison, that when she finds out from him that he's the one who killed him. 
  20. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from mikros in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I interpreted that her encounters with Vega happened before her eventual confrontation with M. Bison. Chun's character story takes place when she was a rookie interpol officer. Vega tells Chun-Li her about her missing father and "how he met his end". And then when she faces M. Bison, that when she finds out from him that he's the one who killed him. 
  21. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to mikros in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I generally agree, especially the part about SFA and SF4 being quite vague and hard to take conclusions from.
    For Alpha1 and Alpha2, given that the final bosses are character specific, I would take that Chun Li did fight Bison and it went like a mix of both game endings or Bison just brushed her aside while he had other matters to attend. However, SF5 seems to retcon this encounter to have her fight Vega instead. I guess Chun Li also met Gen and maybe he tested her to see if he recognized her moves as Dorai's.
    For Alpha3, I'd take her fight with Birdie at face value since that's how she gets the Thailand lead (or she tricked him into saying), and not much else. I suppose she could have fought Cammy and maybe kinda lost the fight or parted ways, since Cammy then has to continue her A3 story (SF5 shows Cammy beating Chun Li in Cammy's ending, for whatever it's worth). Then Chun Li is generally shown inside the base in the different endings, so she probably didn't fight Bison or take part on other actions outside. Her other fights like Guile and Zangief seem like verbal encounters, though maybe SodomVsChun could be canon if it serves as the reason to stop him from progressing, and maybe DanVsChun since I think they know each other in later games and the fight has no consequences that would discard it as not possibly happening.
    For SF4 I'd take ChunVsViper and ViperVsChun as a sign that the fight happened for real and resulted in a draw or peace. I'd discard BalrogVsChun and VegaVsChun as non-canon filler (Vega specifically is shown not fighting her in his ending). I guess I'd discard ChunVsJuri since nothing suggests that they fought again after the OVA, and it's just there to have some ingame representation of their rivalry from the OVA and promo material.
    For Urien, I wouldn't look down on him as featless, as she's generally been shown and looked at as solid. Being second to Gill is no small thing and I could easily see Urien on Sagat-level. His fight with Chun Li in SF3, though, is another vague case since we don't know if he actually wanted to keep Li-Fen and lost against his will or it was all a game for him and handed the girl after.
  22. Sad
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to BootyWarrior in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Most rival encounters aren't canon or acknowledged by Capcom themselves. In Alpha 2 you knew Ryu fought against Sagat, Ken, Sakura and Akuma  because right after the fight you see the outcome in the ending. You don't get that with Chun-Li who lost to M. Bison. We see the outcome of Akuma vs Gen as well. So Chun-Li has no solid feats in the Alpha timeline unless Capcom confirms these encounters. Alpha 3 is one big mess as a whole.
    Same goes for SFIV, Ryu fighting Sagat, Ken and Sakura was acknowledged in Ryu's ending when he had flashbacks about them, you also had Sagat's ending where we see him fight Ryu. We don't get that for Chun-Li's rival scenes and it's also ridiculous to believe that Chun-Li can beat an even stronger Juri in SFIV. Juri's OVA and the SFIV game takes place in 1 month since Juri is 25 according to her OVA and Mel is born after Ken comes back from the tournament. Juri with a prototype FSE beat Chun-Li with no difficulty and Chun-Li spent the rest of the OVA in the hospital while Juri got into more fights and S.I.N completed the FSE for her.
    The SFIV Aftermath is non-canon, Capcom could've mentioned it during SF's 30th and 35th anniversary but they haven't. Even if it was canon, Chun-Li needs help to beat M. Bison while Nash (alive) and Ryu (SFV, SFIII) can solo him.
    She lost to an out of shape Birdie. The only thing worse than that is losing to Sean or Dan.
    Urien has no feats outside of beating a weakened Nash who needed Kolin to extend his time right after. People think Urien is strong because his tall, imposing and says "die" a lot. He's a chump, not even in the same league as Gill or M. Bison. Chun-Li's popularity is so great that people will think she's top tier narratively no matter what Capcom does to her (like losing to Birdie).
    For SF6, the most you can hope for is Chun-Li getting the "family" power up Ken got when fighting C. Viper...then again family power Ken wasn't even to beat Zangief so nvm. 
  23. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from The Slick Tony in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    So the guy's tier-list had me combing through Chun-Li's win/loss record according to the SF canon (because I have nothing better to do on a monday workday). In chronical order to the lore (including all games, retcons, OVAs, movies, story modes, Fight Your Rivals)
    Street Fighter Alpha
    Chun-Li vs M. Bison (Final Boss) - Result: LOSS Even in Alpha, M. Bison is still leagues above a young, headstrong Chun-Li. Though M. Bison is brought to one knee as seen in Chun's Alpha 1 ending, M. Bison was clearly toying with her, knocking her out and into a hospital bed with one Psycho Power punch to her stomach
    Street Fighter Alpha 2
    Chun-Li vs Gen (Mid Boss) - Result: DRAW Since Gen and CHun-Li are each other's mid bosses respectively, then it could be safe to assume that they met up with each other before Chun-Li went off to find M. Bison. In a real fight, I believe Gen could easily defeat Chun-Li, but it is plausible that Gen held back some when Chun-Li tried to fight for information on her father from him. Either Chun-Li got the information needed, or realized that fighting against Gen wouldn't yield any favorable results, and resulted in both parting Chun-Li vs M. Bison (Final Boss) - Result: DRAW This time around, M. Bison acknowledges Chun-Li's strength, even though he was clearly holding back against her. M. Bison retreats instead of knocking out Chun-Li in this one. It's unknown with the details of the fight, but both emerge with no clear victor in this contenst. EXTRA: Chun-Li vs Akuma (sub boss) - Result: Unknown (Not 100% sure if canon, so I'm not adding it. But chun-Li can fight Akuma as a sub boss before fighting M. Bison) Street Fighter Alpha 3
    *Canonicity withstanding from the previous two Alpha games,
    Chun-Li vs Birdie (Rival) - Result: WIN Chun-Li beats Birdie and gets him to spill M. Bison's location Chun-Li vs Cammy (Rival) - Result: WIN I'll chalk this up as a win for Chun-Li because she was able to defeat Cammy and break M. Bison's pyscho power influence on her. That said, Cammy's Alpha ending in the SFV arcade mode shows Cammy knocking out Chun-Li. Chun-Li vs Juil & Juni - Result: WIN This fight transitions between her fight with Cammy and M. Bison, M. Bison sending her dolls to take care of Chun as she fights them off before fighting M. Bison Chun-Li vs M. Bison - Result - DRAW Chun-Li manages to hold her own, and almost goes into arrest him. But M. Bison doesn't go down easy. M. Bison retreats as Chun-Li takes care of the Shadaloo base. So while Chun-Li didn't get the one-on-one victory against M. Bison, she does shutdown M. Bison's base. Sidenote: more than one ending has M. Bison being blasted off by a laser, so even though Chun-Li does press the button that would vaporize M. Bison in her particular ending, I wouldn't count that as a "win" for Chun. Guile vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW No animosity between the two, just Chun-Li trying to stop Guile from interfering with Charlie's mission Dan vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS Probably the most embarrassing loss of Chun's career, and one of the reasons why I'm thankful Alpha 3 is canonically shaky. It's not that Chun-Li isn't at fault, she does pull the idiot card in assuming Dan was affiliated with Shadaloo. But Dan gets the best of her, and she even admits in her post-match dialogue against Dan  "How can I be beaten by such a pathetic style?!" Sodom vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW (maybe win?) I can't find any thing outside of the Rival Dialogue with this. Sodom want to convert Shadaloo's base into a Mad Gear spot. Chun-Li is investigating Shadaloo. They fight. Though it is on Sodom's side and you do have to beat Chun-Li to advance, Sodom does not end up with the base in his possession and Kamikazes in his end. To that end, Sodom didn't get what he was after while Chun-Li would resume investigating the Shadaloo base. So it could chalk up as a win for Chun. But since there is little I can find outside of this, I'll relegate it to a Draw or unknown. Zangief vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW (maybe loss?) Same with Sodom, there is nothing outside of the Rival Dialogue that gives us any information. Chun-Li urges Zangief to let Interpol handle Shadaloo, but Zangief proves he's worthy to fight Shadaloo, as he does contiinuing his arcade path. Both show no ill feelings in future games, this moment is never referenced. Either Zangief totally overpowers Chun into Submission, or Chun-Li acknowledges Zangief's strength to allow him to help against Shadaloo. Street Fighter II

    Chun's ending in this shows her praying to her father that she avenged his death. While not canonically clear on who won the SFII tournament outside of Akuma ending M. Bison's life with the Raging Demon), we can't assume that Chun-Li canonically defeated M. Bison in this one, since every SFII ending assumes the chosen character ended up winning the whole thing and beating M. Bison in the end. 
    That said, there is one event that takes place POST-SFII that can be seen in the C. Viper Aftermath trailer that is particularly interesting
    Chun-Li, Ryu, Ken, Guile, and Cammy vs M. Bison - Result: WIN The aftermath assumes that it took a team effort to stop M. Bison's terror at the end of SFII. What's significant about this is that Chun-Li is the one who delivers the decisive blow that has M. Bison at the hands of the good guys. So that should score some "lore points" with her and against the man that's been driving her revenge arc for years.
    Though M. Bison goes the "suicide" route, rather than be defeated, i'll chalk this as a win for the whole team and for Chun-Li There is one other thing: in Chun-Li's Aftermath Traiiler, it shows her fighting against Ken. I can only assume it takes place within the SFII timeframe, and a winner for that is unknown as well.
    Street Fighter IV - OVAs
    First starting with the Ties That Bind OVA. 
    Chun-Li & Sakura vs SIN Henchmen - Result: WIN Doesn't really mean anything, it was expected these two cuold beat a bunch of jobbers. Plus, this fight does nothing for Lore Points. But it's a win, and the only fight she partakes in the OVA. And now the Juri OVA
    Chun-Li vs Juri - Result: LOSS Juri pretty much stomps everyone in this OVA to legitimize her as a character. Chun-Li just happened to be one of those victims in her way. Street Figher IV - Game
    Lets take a look at all the Fight-Your-Rival moments
    Chun-Li vs C. Viper (Rival) - Result: DRAW I'd say if it happened twice, it's not a coincidence. It certainly is within the realm of possibility that Chun-Li and C. Viper met and combatted during their investigations into SIN. Since C. Viper can't blow her cover, violence was the only option. Unclear winner on this one as both go on to resume their investigations into SIN. We can also assume that both of their "victories" to advance the arcade path will cancel each other out, if Chun-Li were to win in her path, and Viper were to win in hers. Chun-Li vs Juri (Rival) - Result: WIN (or draw) Take this with a grain of salt. But hear me out. In the cutscene, Juri acknowledges her beatdown in the Juri OVA, so there is some canon connection there. This fight is basically Chun-Li's revenge after getting stomped in their first battle. Take note that Juri activates her Feng Shui eye before the fight, meaning that she would not go easy on Chun during this fight. Chun-Li this time gets the better of Juri, but fails to arrest her and sends her retreating. So if we count Fight your Rival moments as part of canon, then it's viable Chun-Li managed to hold her own against Juri, who was toying with her for the most part of the Juri OVA. Chun-Li vs Seth (Final Boss) - Result: Unknown Since we don't see Chun-Li take on Seth outside her Arcade mode path, we can't assume that the two met, fought, or who would win. Balrog vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS (or Draw) This is one of possibly the few times Chun-Li and Balrog ever fought canonically. Assume we're playing from Balrog's perspective, Balrog would have to win to advance the path, which would mean a loss for Chun-Li. That, or possibly both fighters could be even in terms of skill and power, that Balrog is able to escape from Chun before she can bring him in for questioning. Too bad their Fight your Rival dialogue is the only reference we can draw from.  Vega vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS (or draw) Same with Balrog is that we'll have to assume we're playing from Vega's POV to advance the story, which would mean a loss for Chun.
    If we are to assume this fight would take place before the happenings at the SIN base, then Chun's defeat would allow Vega to get to the SIN base first before Chun-Li could enter (as show in Vega's SFIV Vanilla ending). Vega does get one last laugh against Chun-Li, albeit a sneaky one, where he traps her in lockdown before the gas asphyxiates her. Gen vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS or DRAW Interestingly enough, this is almost the same as Chun's and Gen's Rival dialogue back in SF Alpha 2
    I know what I said before, that we'll have to assume the POVs of the playable character to advance the arcade path. And same with Gen, in that Gen would have to beat Chun-Li to move on to the final boss.
    Gen said in the Fight Your Rival cutscene that he won't hold back against Chun-Li as she's trying to get answers from him (whether it be Shadaloo connections, or information on her father reamains unclear). In the end, Gen doesn't stop Chun-Li from continuing to investigate SIN, neither does he give her any info she desires. But Gen does save her in the base (as seen in Gen's vanilla ending) before Guile and Abel come to retrieve her. Yun vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: Unknown Yun has no Fight your Rival scenes with Chun, so while it could happen, there isn't any scenes or dialogue to pull information from.  
    Street Fighter V
    Let's take a look at all of the Chun encounters in everyone's character story and A Shadow Falls. Chun-Li's character story takes place during her Alpha years, so this adds some more depth to her alpha story
    Chun-Li Character Story
    Chun-Li vs Vega 1 - Result: LOSS Chun's first fight with Vega ends with him injuring her arm before retreating as seen in the post match scene Chun-Li vs Nash - Result: DRAW Chun-Li holds her own against Nash, but is unable to defeat him for long. Nash does this to demonstrate that if Chun can't take him out, her chances against M. Bison wouldn't be great Chun-Li vs Vega 2 - Result WIN Chun manages to overpower Vega and was about to question him before he spills about the death of her father. That hesitation was enough to allow Vega to retreat. Birdie Character Story
    Birdie vs Chun-Li - Result: LOSS Another embarassing loss for Chun. She tries to arrest him for suspicion of Shadaloo activities, but Birdie fends her off and runs away. A Shadow Falls
    Chun-Li vs M. Bison - Result: LOSS This wasn't really fair. M. Bison powerful already but got a significant buff thanks to the Black Moons. M. Bison not only squashed her, but nearly killed her and possibly injured her (see next fight) Chun-Li vs Rashid - Result: LOSS While I do believe Chun-Li is a better fighter than Rashid, she was clearly injured and hurt from her last fight with M. Bison, so Rashid was able to take advantage of that to beat Chun-Li and take her piece. Chun-Li vs FANG - Result: WIN Chun-Li beats FANG to rescue Li-Fen  
    Street Fighter III
    Chun-Li vs Urien - Result: WIN It is possible Urien wasn't going all-out, and only wanted to see Chun demonstrate her skills. But even still, Urien holding back would still be an incredibly tough opponent. And the fact that Chun-Li could hold her own enough to rescue Li-Fen deserves a win, even if it didn't result in a KO.  
    TLDR: Chun-Li's record 9 wins, 10 losses, 11 draws/unknowns
  24. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    So the guy's tier-list had me combing through Chun-Li's win/loss record according to the SF canon (because I have nothing better to do on a monday workday). In chronical order to the lore (including all games, retcons, OVAs, movies, story modes, Fight Your Rivals)
    Street Fighter Alpha
    Chun-Li vs M. Bison (Final Boss) - Result: LOSS Even in Alpha, M. Bison is still leagues above a young, headstrong Chun-Li. Though M. Bison is brought to one knee as seen in Chun's Alpha 1 ending, M. Bison was clearly toying with her, knocking her out and into a hospital bed with one Psycho Power punch to her stomach
    Street Fighter Alpha 2
    Chun-Li vs Gen (Mid Boss) - Result: DRAW Since Gen and CHun-Li are each other's mid bosses respectively, then it could be safe to assume that they met up with each other before Chun-Li went off to find M. Bison. In a real fight, I believe Gen could easily defeat Chun-Li, but it is plausible that Gen held back some when Chun-Li tried to fight for information on her father from him. Either Chun-Li got the information needed, or realized that fighting against Gen wouldn't yield any favorable results, and resulted in both parting Chun-Li vs M. Bison (Final Boss) - Result: DRAW This time around, M. Bison acknowledges Chun-Li's strength, even though he was clearly holding back against her. M. Bison retreats instead of knocking out Chun-Li in this one. It's unknown with the details of the fight, but both emerge with no clear victor in this contenst. EXTRA: Chun-Li vs Akuma (sub boss) - Result: Unknown (Not 100% sure if canon, so I'm not adding it. But chun-Li can fight Akuma as a sub boss before fighting M. Bison) Street Fighter Alpha 3
    *Canonicity withstanding from the previous two Alpha games,
    Chun-Li vs Birdie (Rival) - Result: WIN Chun-Li beats Birdie and gets him to spill M. Bison's location Chun-Li vs Cammy (Rival) - Result: WIN I'll chalk this up as a win for Chun-Li because she was able to defeat Cammy and break M. Bison's pyscho power influence on her. That said, Cammy's Alpha ending in the SFV arcade mode shows Cammy knocking out Chun-Li. Chun-Li vs Juil & Juni - Result: WIN This fight transitions between her fight with Cammy and M. Bison, M. Bison sending her dolls to take care of Chun as she fights them off before fighting M. Bison Chun-Li vs M. Bison - Result - DRAW Chun-Li manages to hold her own, and almost goes into arrest him. But M. Bison doesn't go down easy. M. Bison retreats as Chun-Li takes care of the Shadaloo base. So while Chun-Li didn't get the one-on-one victory against M. Bison, she does shutdown M. Bison's base. Sidenote: more than one ending has M. Bison being blasted off by a laser, so even though Chun-Li does press the button that would vaporize M. Bison in her particular ending, I wouldn't count that as a "win" for Chun. Guile vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW No animosity between the two, just Chun-Li trying to stop Guile from interfering with Charlie's mission Dan vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS Probably the most embarrassing loss of Chun's career, and one of the reasons why I'm thankful Alpha 3 is canonically shaky. It's not that Chun-Li isn't at fault, she does pull the idiot card in assuming Dan was affiliated with Shadaloo. But Dan gets the best of her, and she even admits in her post-match dialogue against Dan  "How can I be beaten by such a pathetic style?!" Sodom vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW (maybe win?) I can't find any thing outside of the Rival Dialogue with this. Sodom want to convert Shadaloo's base into a Mad Gear spot. Chun-Li is investigating Shadaloo. They fight. Though it is on Sodom's side and you do have to beat Chun-Li to advance, Sodom does not end up with the base in his possession and Kamikazes in his end. To that end, Sodom didn't get what he was after while Chun-Li would resume investigating the Shadaloo base. So it could chalk up as a win for Chun. But since there is little I can find outside of this, I'll relegate it to a Draw or unknown. Zangief vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: DRAW (maybe loss?) Same with Sodom, there is nothing outside of the Rival Dialogue that gives us any information. Chun-Li urges Zangief to let Interpol handle Shadaloo, but Zangief proves he's worthy to fight Shadaloo, as he does contiinuing his arcade path. Both show no ill feelings in future games, this moment is never referenced. Either Zangief totally overpowers Chun into Submission, or Chun-Li acknowledges Zangief's strength to allow him to help against Shadaloo. Street Fighter II

    Chun's ending in this shows her praying to her father that she avenged his death. While not canonically clear on who won the SFII tournament outside of Akuma ending M. Bison's life with the Raging Demon), we can't assume that Chun-Li canonically defeated M. Bison in this one, since every SFII ending assumes the chosen character ended up winning the whole thing and beating M. Bison in the end. 
    That said, there is one event that takes place POST-SFII that can be seen in the C. Viper Aftermath trailer that is particularly interesting
    Chun-Li, Ryu, Ken, Guile, and Cammy vs M. Bison - Result: WIN The aftermath assumes that it took a team effort to stop M. Bison's terror at the end of SFII. What's significant about this is that Chun-Li is the one who delivers the decisive blow that has M. Bison at the hands of the good guys. So that should score some "lore points" with her and against the man that's been driving her revenge arc for years.
    Though M. Bison goes the "suicide" route, rather than be defeated, i'll chalk this as a win for the whole team and for Chun-Li There is one other thing: in Chun-Li's Aftermath Traiiler, it shows her fighting against Ken. I can only assume it takes place within the SFII timeframe, and a winner for that is unknown as well.
    Street Fighter IV - OVAs
    First starting with the Ties That Bind OVA. 
    Chun-Li & Sakura vs SIN Henchmen - Result: WIN Doesn't really mean anything, it was expected these two cuold beat a bunch of jobbers. Plus, this fight does nothing for Lore Points. But it's a win, and the only fight she partakes in the OVA. And now the Juri OVA
    Chun-Li vs Juri - Result: LOSS Juri pretty much stomps everyone in this OVA to legitimize her as a character. Chun-Li just happened to be one of those victims in her way. Street Figher IV - Game
    Lets take a look at all the Fight-Your-Rival moments
    Chun-Li vs C. Viper (Rival) - Result: DRAW I'd say if it happened twice, it's not a coincidence. It certainly is within the realm of possibility that Chun-Li and C. Viper met and combatted during their investigations into SIN. Since C. Viper can't blow her cover, violence was the only option. Unclear winner on this one as both go on to resume their investigations into SIN. We can also assume that both of their "victories" to advance the arcade path will cancel each other out, if Chun-Li were to win in her path, and Viper were to win in hers. Chun-Li vs Juri (Rival) - Result: WIN (or draw) Take this with a grain of salt. But hear me out. In the cutscene, Juri acknowledges her beatdown in the Juri OVA, so there is some canon connection there. This fight is basically Chun-Li's revenge after getting stomped in their first battle. Take note that Juri activates her Feng Shui eye before the fight, meaning that she would not go easy on Chun during this fight. Chun-Li this time gets the better of Juri, but fails to arrest her and sends her retreating. So if we count Fight your Rival moments as part of canon, then it's viable Chun-Li managed to hold her own against Juri, who was toying with her for the most part of the Juri OVA. Chun-Li vs Seth (Final Boss) - Result: Unknown Since we don't see Chun-Li take on Seth outside her Arcade mode path, we can't assume that the two met, fought, or who would win. Balrog vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS (or Draw) This is one of possibly the few times Chun-Li and Balrog ever fought canonically. Assume we're playing from Balrog's perspective, Balrog would have to win to advance the path, which would mean a loss for Chun-Li. That, or possibly both fighters could be even in terms of skill and power, that Balrog is able to escape from Chun before she can bring him in for questioning. Too bad their Fight your Rival dialogue is the only reference we can draw from.  Vega vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS (or draw) Same with Balrog is that we'll have to assume we're playing from Vega's POV to advance the story, which would mean a loss for Chun.
    If we are to assume this fight would take place before the happenings at the SIN base, then Chun's defeat would allow Vega to get to the SIN base first before Chun-Li could enter (as show in Vega's SFIV Vanilla ending). Vega does get one last laugh against Chun-Li, albeit a sneaky one, where he traps her in lockdown before the gas asphyxiates her. Gen vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: LOSS or DRAW Interestingly enough, this is almost the same as Chun's and Gen's Rival dialogue back in SF Alpha 2
    I know what I said before, that we'll have to assume the POVs of the playable character to advance the arcade path. And same with Gen, in that Gen would have to beat Chun-Li to move on to the final boss.
    Gen said in the Fight Your Rival cutscene that he won't hold back against Chun-Li as she's trying to get answers from him (whether it be Shadaloo connections, or information on her father reamains unclear). In the end, Gen doesn't stop Chun-Li from continuing to investigate SIN, neither does he give her any info she desires. But Gen does save her in the base (as seen in Gen's vanilla ending) before Guile and Abel come to retrieve her. Yun vs Chun-Li (Rival) - Result: Unknown Yun has no Fight your Rival scenes with Chun, so while it could happen, there isn't any scenes or dialogue to pull information from.  
    Street Fighter V
    Let's take a look at all of the Chun encounters in everyone's character story and A Shadow Falls. Chun-Li's character story takes place during her Alpha years, so this adds some more depth to her alpha story
    Chun-Li Character Story
    Chun-Li vs Vega 1 - Result: LOSS Chun's first fight with Vega ends with him injuring her arm before retreating as seen in the post match scene Chun-Li vs Nash - Result: DRAW Chun-Li holds her own against Nash, but is unable to defeat him for long. Nash does this to demonstrate that if Chun can't take him out, her chances against M. Bison wouldn't be great Chun-Li vs Vega 2 - Result WIN Chun manages to overpower Vega and was about to question him before he spills about the death of her father. That hesitation was enough to allow Vega to retreat. Birdie Character Story
    Birdie vs Chun-Li - Result: LOSS Another embarassing loss for Chun. She tries to arrest him for suspicion of Shadaloo activities, but Birdie fends her off and runs away. A Shadow Falls
    Chun-Li vs M. Bison - Result: LOSS This wasn't really fair. M. Bison powerful already but got a significant buff thanks to the Black Moons. M. Bison not only squashed her, but nearly killed her and possibly injured her (see next fight) Chun-Li vs Rashid - Result: LOSS While I do believe Chun-Li is a better fighter than Rashid, she was clearly injured and hurt from her last fight with M. Bison, so Rashid was able to take advantage of that to beat Chun-Li and take her piece. Chun-Li vs FANG - Result: WIN Chun-Li beats FANG to rescue Li-Fen  
    Street Fighter III
    Chun-Li vs Urien - Result: WIN It is possible Urien wasn't going all-out, and only wanted to see Chun demonstrate her skills. But even still, Urien holding back would still be an incredibly tough opponent. And the fact that Chun-Li could hold her own enough to rescue Li-Fen deserves a win, even if it didn't result in a KO.  
    TLDR: Chun-Li's record 9 wins, 10 losses, 11 draws/unknowns
  25. Insightful
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I don't really consider tiers anymore but rather divided in 3 layers or 4
    Like keeping up the ambiguity of ranking I forgot the naming of category I made back then
    Gouki beaten Goutetsu and Nash beaten Bison so there are no clear tiers
    Like I said before it's about more of
    Godlike Mortals and Masters - Dhalsim, Gouken, Goutetsu, Gill, Bison, Oro, Zeku, Rose 
    2nd Generation - Ryu, Ken, Alex, Nash
    Fighters and Apprentices - Birdie, Dan, Sean, Blanka
    Generic Dudes - Metro city Thugs, Dolls
    Since there is no such thing as clear auto beaten. Category is better than Tiers
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