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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. it literally has random damage and stun numbers + all kinds of jank with hitboxes and hurtboxes
  2. SF2 isn't overrated at all at least as far as its importance to the genre is concerned but it's undeniably kusoge
  3. watch as Capcom updates only the PC version of xTekken but refuses to rerelease it on current consoles. The PS3 port is fucking unplayable and has a dead online I was somewhat okay with Sub-Zero being in Injustice but then they also decided to add Raiden and I was like... motherfuckers, your DLC seasons have FOUR characters and you decide to spend another slot on an MK guest. Fucking really? And then they had the guts to include TMNT in the roster. THE NINJA TURTLES IN A FIGHTING GAME ABOUT DC SUPER HEROES AND VILLAINS WHY
  4. Some of y'all being genetically engineered to be against any and all guest characters is very funny I however embrace that as long as the guest makes sense Shit like Terminator in MK or Kratos in Soulcalibur is wack. Terry in FEXL, Iori in Million Arthur, RWBY on Cross Tag - that's more like it
  5. IMO NRS swung too far into opposite directions between X and 11. One is a very aggressive and 50/50 heavy game, while the other has tools to keep the opponent away between combo breakers, air tech, wakeup attacks, perfect block and the fatal blows They need to find a middle ground for 12 and just take the best from both games, maybe with a tad of 9 spliced in like the dash block cancels
  6. Variations need to go for MK12 frfr In X they actually were decently well thought out. In 11 they felt more like characters were handicapped through and through which is only further proven by all the moves available as customs Also ffs make low kicks and punches at least chain into each other or something
  7. SF6 soundtrack is aggressively mid. Wild to me how they struck gold with Ryu and Jamie themes and it's all been downhill from there Even stranger how half of the themes can be fixed by changing the speed from normal to x1.25 or x1.5 But regardless you can bet Capcom will add/sell classic ost packs and pc mods with will do their job even faster
  8. Literally all AF needed was a financial backup as they were obviously operating on a maybe six digit budget The choreography, music, shots, characters, all of that stuff was fantastic. Hell they even got Ono for a small joke.
  9. at least the main actress was hot usually that's about the only redeeming factors for these shitty adaptations, like DB Evolution
  10. Highly doubt Hollywood can produce something better than assassin's fist
  11. There's really not much left to announce except another beta in the April-May window or the first DLC character. Although ideally I want them to just show the entire first season, was never a fan of this silhouette bullshit
  12. Virtua fighter 4 Street fighter 4 Dead or alive 5 Marvel 3 Alpha 2 MK trilogy Tekken 5 dr Cvs2 Tatsunoko Project justice
  13. Hol dat, Silvie is awesome and I love how wacky her personality is in XIV get pipibi pipipi'd
  14. You know they'll all be sprinkled throughout future DLC seasons to milk the crowd and keep people coming back. We got lucky with Bison, Vega and Balrog all coming in season 1 but Sagat had to wait, what, 3 years before getting in?
  15. No but I'm gonna mention her cr LK. Wtf is that animation? Looks like NRS staff member sneaked his way into Capcom
  16. Kage was never cool. I mean sure, his gameplay has some sauce with the discount air dash and whatnot, but his animations suck, his design is terrible, his story makes no sense, and frankly I don't think his theme fits street fighter (and I say that as a metalhead)
  17. Why add Evil Laura when Evil Cammy is already in the game /s
  18. Capcom doesn't seem to be interested in Hugo anymore. Hell he only got into SFIV because his assets were completely reused from xTekken, much like Elena, Poison and Rolento. V instead milked the 3S nostalgia with characters that skipped IV entirely (Urien, Alex, Oro). Funny how despite that, Remy, Q, Necro still got shafted
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