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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. they've already confirmed Juri is in and still has visible feet, they can do whatever else with the rest of the roster
  2. bruh what is y'alls obsession with Cammy having pants or not kappa is going crazy over the subject too am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck either way and cares more about the actual game?
  3. So I watched the two interviews Elaine did on behalf of Amber Heard, and ya know... aside from all the other bullshit, one thing boggles my mind she keeps pushing for the narrative that the WaPo article wasn't about Depp (even though Amber herself already admitted to it on the stand during her final testimony), as his name was not mentioned anywhere in the text. Let's assume that this is indeed true and the op-ed isn't referring to Johnny Several questions pop up 1) If it's not about Depp, then who is the abuser she's talking about? As far as I know she wasn't in a romantic relationship with anyone else, and merely had affairs with people like James Franco and Elon Musk. Why isn't she making claims directly with the names, despite previously condemning Depp? 2) If she's not talking about any particular person, then what business does she have speaking about sexual abuse? You can't just put yourself into a position of knowing what a survivor went through without experiencing the thing you're talking about yourself. That's like if tomorrow I wrote an essay about how bad it is to have cancer even though I've never been diagnosed with one 3) If the op-ed is not about any who Amber had an abusive relationship with, nor does she have any experience with abuse, why the fuck is she making herself an ambassador of ACLU and hops onto the bandwagon of an issue she cannot relate to or speak about? It's crazy how as soon as you apply just a TINY LITTLE BIT of critical thinking to claims and words said by AH and her team, their entire arguments fall apart
  4. No. Literally no one can say what happens if the current administration just disappears right now.
  5. Wait I just realized Capcom is really gonna bank on making DLC out of Falke, Menat, Laura, Rose again? Coomer Pack?
  6. And they looked dumb. Her design was literally "Evil Chun", and thank god they moved away from that in V. And now they're giving her that shit again in 6 But hey at least they didn't cover her feet, Capcom knows their fan base
  7. Honestly it's really fucking cool Capcom FINALLY decided to go balls to the wall and drastically redesign every character from a visual standpoint, I think they held back too much with V
  8. So? He could be cut or delayed indefinitely to be sold as DLC
  9. There is zero chance we're getting two Russian characters in starting roster for 6 next year Hell I'm gonna be surprised if there's at least one at all
  10. Okay, so - there is an open-world-ish mode where you control your own avatar and run around certain locations. It seems like you can learn moves from existing characters as the trailer shows the player doing a Shoryuken on some trash, presumably knocking objects off to reveal ingame currency/items? - there is a short scene where Luke and Jamie (new Drunken Fist style character) enter the scene together, with Ryu and Chun teaming up as well. Wonder if it teases a 2v2 tag style mode like MK9 or xTekken - Li Fen is showing training with Chun, and she's noticeably older than V, which suggests a significant multiyear time skip - Characters now actually have facial motion capture for English voices, as opposed to having pre-canned JP animations that were dubbed over. This is definitely a first for the series - Ryu seems to have a target combo with HP->HK just like SFV, shown at a 2 minute mark - Chun has a new overhead move as seen at 2:04, it hits crouching blocking Ryu - Jamie does a rapid series of attacks with some feint afterimages. Possible he has combo strings, which is then followed up by backflip into dragon kick special(?) - Ryu does some sort of a charging up pose, almost looks like a V-trigger activation, but there's no special screen effect visible - After that he launches a Hadoken that hits twice, and he wasn't flashing yellow upon doing the move. Definitely at least an install - EX moves are obviously confirmed, as seen by Luke's DP and also Chun's Lightning Legs - Chun EX LL confirmable from a crMK - Jamie activates an attack that creates huge graffiti splashes, has multiple hits of armor, and then leaves an opponent in a Crumble state. Focus Attack 2.0? - Jamie then launches a super against Luke and holy shit it's not cinematic? - Next, Ryu also activates a special mechanic, though it doesn't cretae graffiti splashes and instead makes him flash bright green, and causes him to dash forward. Perhaps some sort of FADC is making a return, though no one else in the trailer performs this move. Ryu is still lit up by bright green during the attack he does after the dash. Unknown if it's a universal followup or something unique to Ryu himself - Luke seems to do 3 absorbs/parries against Jamie - two crouching and one standing attack, which he then quickly does a riposte against with his own "Focus Attack", though unlike Jamie's it doesn't cause a crumble but rather sends Jamie flying. Perhaps the Crumble state is only on counter hit kinda like what certain moves in Tekken do? - Chun still has Hazanshu, now once again just as a special and not a V-skill (at least it doesn't seem so based on the trailer) - Ryu then straight up counters Hazanshu on contact, and immediately follows that up with a Shoryuken. I guess this is V-Trigger 2 or V-Skill 2 but as a unique mechanic? He doesn't strike back however like he does in V, so it looks like his "counter" is cancellable - Interestingly enough, in the next sequence Ryu DOES do his strike just like in VS2/VT2, but with no prior animation shown so it's hard to tell if it's now a separate special or maybe even a command normal. Chun then does her "Focus Attack" absorbing/armoring the attack from Ryu, leaves him in a standing Crumble state, and performs a super of her own - The last part of the trailer is just a montage of characters doing their cinematic supers, but since they weren't shown elsewhere perhaps this is only when the Super is going to KO the opponent?
  11. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what the fuck did I just see
  12. We won boys we won Depp only has to pay out 2m while Amber loses 15 (well 13 essentially) lmao
  13. well it kinda does. Through the Amazon thing, I forget what it's called
  14. That's fair. However I guess that depends on the release date scheduling. Remember when we first saw V it was something like 16 months away from launch, and even then the initial public demo got shown maybe two or three times before they dropped the Nash trailer in ~February 2015, and then the game actually looked like the final product (for the most part anyway)
  15. RIP Nickelodeon if they're deploying it to PS+ this soon after launch it's not in a good spot playerbase-wise
  16. at this rate people are gonna make an Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 4 before Cap even gets to the concept stage
  17. So since it's rumored that tomorrow we're going to see a new SF6 trailer, do you guys think it's time for a first gameplay glimpse yet or nah? I kinda hope the ONE major thing Capcom changes from 5 to 6 is the screen shake. Good god it's so visually distracting how every single hit and block causes the entire screen to cause an earthquake, no other game does this to this extent. Even MK.
  18. Bros how is it legal for someone to be as beautiful as Dr Shannon Curry I mean DAMN, there's just something about this lady, especially when she wears glasses makes me melt completely
  19. I think I have just observed the biggest shitshow and a clown fiesta in the history of humanity
  20. I like how he keeps going on and on about medical stuff and it's like Amber's team doesn't realize they're wasting their own fucking time. On Friday they had ~9 hours left for crossexam, questioning, any additional testimonies. Today they've spent at least 2, not including breaks/recesses. Meanwhile Depp's team has DOUBLE that And both teams still need to deliver closing arguments later this week
  21. apparently she had earned the status of "best to watch" lawyers in the US prior to this case, but, holy fuck, after this one, especially if Depp wins, she'll get emails and calls non-stop for highly prominent figures to represent them in court.
  22. Jesus this Camille lawyer lady is absolutely ruthless the way she's 100% straight to the point and blunt, doesn't let the witness sway or dodge the question, and sets up traps through previous questions before presenting them to facts that outright contradict the testimony I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to face this madam in court lmao it's a wrap if you do
  23. the season-long ban from any fighting game competition was already a massive hit to infil's income, considering the lost potential prizes for placing high in premium tier events across the globe the +a issue came up only just now and only the TOs for Combo Breaker, EVO and CEO issued a ban. Capcom or any other entity have not commented on the scandal, so clearly it's entirely localized within the NA FGC to please the twitter masses
  24. Infiltration was already banned for a year from participating in cpt + he self imposed a ban from any tournaments (and even streaming iirc) period during that same year He served the sentence that the South Korean Court of law ruled, and a dispute was reached between him and his wife I don't fucking know what else do people want for him to do, plus there were no further cases documented since the original 2018 incident, and yet EVERY SINGLE TIME there is some sort of mention of a player ban on social media, the twitter mob gang keeps mentioning his name This shit just really reeks of a Korean version of Depp vs Heard, where a relatively poorly known person gets together with a more well known person, and when it doesn't work out between the two of them - crazy shit starts happening because the husband didn't meet the divorce demands from the wife Heard has zero documented traumas from Depp despite all the insane stories shared under oath Infil wife had one wrist bruise as a result of him attempting to forcibly stop her from further destroying his belongings, after already having several tourney trophies broken But no, apparently holding a wrist is equal to domestic violence and the twitter tards rather want infil to disappear from the public forever and ever and have no presence, competitive or online
  25. Didn't commit suicide which is what Twitter wants it seems. Cuz that's the only way you can clear your name now
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