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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. you sure you wanna fuck around with this thing instead? mind you, gators are known to show incredible chasing speed, you're not gonna outrun that shit unless you're The Flash I don't think you realize how deep into their own delusional can a narcissist be, especially one who's showing clear mental issues almost to the point of having split personalities
  2. an alligator will chew you through in a minute a hippo isn't as mobile so you can abuse its size and dimensions to avoid taking damage at all Personally I wouldn't step within the same park, much less a cage or a room as a pissed off gator when it clearly has picked me as its target
  3. Ok, so, just to recap the shit AH did over the last decade or so - Had a history of previously violently treating both family and partners - Met, supposedly fell in love, and married arguably one of the biggest Hollywood starts (at least at the time) - Had a major blockbuster film role basically handed over to her through Depp's connections - Mentally and physically abused Depp for years while also consuming unhealthy amounts of alcohol and drugs daily - Exploited Depp's hospitality and kindness to house not just Heard's sister, but also several friends *and* their romantic partners - Had affairs with at least one other man who came over to visit her while Depp was away for various reasons, eg filming, tours, and so on - Filed for a divorce on conditions of Depp "gifting" her 3 houses, paying for all her utility bills, giving her a car, AND also lending her money on a monthly basis - Issues allegations of *being* abused, which resulted in both Disney and Warner Bros cutting ties with Depp - Wrote an opinion piece article of being a victim and becoming a public figure representing all survivors of DV - On top of the conditions described above, also demanded an increasing sum of money as a divorce settlement, peaking at over 7 million dollars, the taxation for which was also supposed to be covered BY DEPP, not her - Slowly isolated Depp from his relatives, friends and other close/inner circle, while having all her "allies" in the same living space, essentially surrounding Depp - Fabricated evidence of being beaten and also documenting damage to property supposedly done by Depp, plus telling and convincing several friends and a psychologist of numerous stories that read like crazy masochistic fanfiction - Ruined Depp's public reputation, while rising to the top with hers - Announced donating to two different charities and mentioning it numerous times, but in actuality not giving A SINGLE CENT - Instead, a small portion of the promised sum was paid by ELON FUCKING MUSK, whom Heard had an affair with (albeit apparently shortlived) - Lied under oath in the court of law AT LEAST 2 or 3 times, one of the subjects being the charity donations, as well as changing the stories of being abused - Continues to deny and lie to this very day, obviously trying to appeal to the jury, which is why she keeps eye contact with them almost every single time she answers a question from an attorney - Whenever other evidence doesn't line up with what she provided or told, she deflects by saying a person is either lying, or photos were manipulated, or audio was edited - Throws everyone udner the bus to make herself look better, including but not limited to HER OWN LEGAL TEAM when asked about not producing pictures - Describes a multitude of beatdowns, a broken nose, cuts on various body parts, yet never sought medical attention immedaitely afterwards, so no records of these scnarious exist except for the stories she made up and told her friends, or the photos - Denied wanting anything from Depp and wanting to move on with her life, while also filing for money and property numerous times as well as writing an entire article for WaPo - Denied said article being at all about Depp, while also writing that she's a survivor of domestic violence, even though there are no other known partners who abused her except for allegedly Depp himself - Despite all of that, gets very agitated that she's a victim and supposedly never called herself one, while this entire case is about her "suffering" through and surviving multiple assaults - Writes text messages and personal journal entries which very clearly read like apologies for inflicting damage upon Depp, yet he's apparently "The Monster" who is never seen by anybody EXCEPT Heard herself - All the witnesses that testified *for* Amber describe Depp as a kind loveable wonderful friendly man, corraborate the stories that came from Amber, and in the very next breath say they never saw Johhny beat, shout, kick, punch, toss an object, or getting physical at Heard at all, just hearing arguments occasionally But we're still supposed to believe that AH is innocent and needs to be sided with and protected from right
  4. the fact she STILL hasn't been in a mainline entry is a crime. Don't care what anyone says, Maki is fucking cool and hot
  5. Dawg Depp insisted that the trial is televised so people see and hear his side of the story. Heard called his bluff because she thought nobody would believe him due to the societal stigma that men can't be abused or that women are always the victims And now we're seeing Amber's house of lies crumble brick by brick
  6. the same one that was claimed as a hoax by various right-leaning figures?
  7. Ok I REALLY feel like asking this question, to those of you living in the US How much longer will the politicians keep blaming *everything* and *anything* except for the actual root cause of the problem that creates the shootings in the first place? How many more dozens. hundreds of innocent people need to perish in gunfire across various mass gatherings (school classes or otherwise) before th government cracks on this shit down?
  8. The JD/AH Trial Lore keeps expanding - now we have some guy who's a friend of Amber's and he had a temporary romance with Depp, supposedly before Depp and Heard married this shit is absolutely wild
  9. I don't understand why she suddenly came in with additional questions on a crossexam. Thought the entire point was that the opposite team gets to tackle the defendant unopposed? on the other hand, Miss Vassquez is going to become a lot more popular after this case. Think we can safely say this is the highlight of her career
  10. she won't she's 200% delusional and lives in an imaginary world. warping relity and gaslighting everyone around
  11. Bro I'm convinced now, Heard has a personality disorder. She's describing a "monster" and clearly is projecting it onto JD she's a literal demon
  12. just me who thinks this UFO talk shit is to distract the public's attention from another entirely separate issue brewing internally?
  13. I could never understand this why is it that in modern times guys aren't allowed to show emotion? Oh stop worrying, grow a pair. Oh stop crying, you look like a pussy
  14. I don't want to sound like an ignorant bigot but this is really starting to sound like a cultural thing in the west after years of public's indoctrination into SJW shit. You have to be either a fucking idiot, carry out an agenda, or be the most pathetic simp in the world to side with AH after everything that came out as a result of this trial In an ideal world the outcome of the case would put an end to the mentality of believing all women and instantly cancelling every man as soon as just one allegation is revealed
  15. holy fucking shit, this cross-exam has taken SUCH a massive turn HEARD LIED ABOUT DONATING TO CHARITIES AND MUSK COVERED FOR HER THE AUDACITY ON THIS BITCH TO ROB DEPP OF HIS CAREER, HIS PSYCHE, AND HIS MONEY Not only that but she basically admits EVERYTHING around this was for clout and ego. And now she's throwing everyone under the bus - the doctors are lying, the cops are lying, Johhny is lying, her sister taught JD to snort coke, and so on. Everyone around is to blame but she? Oh nah, ningen, she's a fucking ANGEL in comparison
  16. sounds like you're taking it too seriously then. I'm watching the trailer and see a fun crossover. It's not like Multiversus is trying to overwrite some canonical material. Or do you consider Smash also offensive since it has Kirby and Solid Snake potentially beating Sephiroth and Kazuya?
  17. Come get ya balance changes boys
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