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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Why you gotta dredge up dead memories man?
  2. The grand misconception being that Souls games are single player games. They are not and never have been lol. Oh and that Sekiro is no way a Souls's an action game set in a somewhat open world design.
  3. I'm gonna tell your wife your flirting with me.
  4. Of course you could. It's deffinitly my own opinion here about Bloodborne. It's ones inability to recognize or accept them that inwas critiquing. The Frame Rate sucks. I don't think the Chalice Dungeons are fine I think they are repetitive and boring. I don't find them terribly compelling and they get worse as you go. The entire set that just chops your health in half can suck my dick lol. I also don't like Blood Gens because they turn PVP is a huge grind before you can really participate. It makes invasions so fucking ass because I'll get invaded by people I can't come anywhere close to being able to compete with because I haven't Chalice Dungeon Dived then did the Gem Grind to be able to. In Elden Ring or Dark Souls I just make my build. I don't like grinding gems because I don't like Chalice Dungeons and so then I don't end up like being invaded which is something in these games I usually really like. Not getting invaded is missing a big part of the game imo, it's why I don't like Elden Rings invasions rules where you can't be solo invaded without using the tongue. The unexpectedness is half the point imo, I use the tongue or summon I expect to get invaded. Kills half the fun imo. So Bloodbornes gems ruin the invasion aspect for me, and I don't find the Chalice Dungeons fun enough to engage with the Blood Gem Farm to "fix" the invasion issue. I have to either sprint to the Boss or just accept that I'm probably going back to the Lamp no matter what I do. Edit: I'm having contact issues today so please forgive any typos I don't manage to see and fix.
  5. Every now and then it must be swung. This the burden of the Hammer Bearer.
  6. Yea, they're doing a shit job to, I don't disagree on that.
  7. Yea I know but I would like the dev to talk about their game. Call me crazy I wanna hear from the people who made the damn thing. But yea cool a demo thats nice to.
  8. It's extremely popular with people who don't often recognize its faults and issues. That's how still an amazing game but I legit have people tell me the chalice dungeons & Blood Gems are fine. They are not.
  9. Ah cool, so whats it play like Mr Director?
  10. Hey man Fromsoft loves a particular theme. Dunno why pointing that put makes you wanna harm me lmao. I want to stress that I don't think BluePoint did a bad job on Demons Souls, in fact I think they did a really good job and I recommend the remake to anyone interested in it. I've just been playing their shit for too long, I recognize when shits changed or when the point is missed. I know the Lore well enough to recognize the small details, I know how to nit pick this stuff. Also.inagree with yoy thay I don't think Bloodborne needs a remake. It just needs an upscale and a 60fps release. That's all Bloodborne actually needs. It's a beautiful game still to this day, it just moves kinda muddy. I would also absolutly love if they made more Sekiro after Shadows of the ErdTree DLC. I never though the High Wall was all that badly designed, it just has some environmental nonsense that can be a little tough to figure out how to get around.
  11. I knew it wouldn't take long for you to start dropping racist shit. Just had a hunch it was coming.
  12. Horizon Zero Dawn at the end of the day is an action RPG, so it's paced like one, if you aren't grabbed by the world and characters situation from the beginning, or the gameplay itself doesn't hook you, then you probably spent going to last long enough with it to make it to when the story gets interesting. Hell there's a decent chance the story getting interesting still won't be enough. I thought thr voice work for the most part was very good. Has a few spots here and there thay are bit rough, especially early on, but game finds it footing imo. The sequel handles all thay kind of stuff much better. But yea if youre not into long action rpgs with slow burn narratives that really want you to engage with their mechanics then it probably isn't for you.
  13. She doesn't see Mackie as a person, she sees him as a commodity. She's far more rude then he is.
  14. I think the facial animations in Zero Dawn where always a little jank. They're like really close to being on point but just off enough to be really distracting. Characters eyes also seem to be looking through people instead of at them. Not sure how else to explain and 0 clue how to fix it, but eyes just kinda seem like they don't actually focus on the person they are talking to.
  15. Yea I don't believe them when they cite ballooning costs. Not in 2024 where everything's expensive as fuck from very very clear greedflation. Not real inflation, greedy parasitic board members who take more then they have ever contributed to basically anything of worth. While I understand this isn't something i can prove, I just don't trust CEOs and businesses for fuck anymore when they say shits expensive. They are lying lol. Also none of of these models are famous what are you talking about? These are no name faces. No one know who any of these models are. Like I looked up Stephanie Tyler she's barely been in anything and almost all of it is uncredited back round shit. Her biggest role is MJ and it's not even a role, she's just the model for they used as their base. That's it. Adam Cowie, Dantes model is literally a model. He's not an actor, he's not famous outside of modeling circles. Frankly he's almost a nobody. No one in gaming would give 1 single fuck who he is if he wasn't the body model for Dante. When they want someone famous and someone you'll actually recognize they hire someone actually famous who you will recognize and have them actually play the role. They don't hire a model no one knows and then cast someone else to actually do the work. The model was hired because it's the model they wanted to use, not because the face is famous, it's not lol. No one knows who David Cowie is lol. I just don't buy any of this. I dunno why you would trust corporations about costs and revenue when they've been lying to your face about cost and revenue for the last 10 years at least to justify MXTs and shitty DLC expansions and Lootboxes and all the other goofy shit they shove into our games citijg ballooning costs. Dragons Dogma totally needs a buyable with real money 2 follar Port Crystal right, cuz Budgets are just so high now? I personally don't believe it. It's just an easy scape goat. And I still fail to see why any of it really matters. Studios that mismanagement their budgets will go uunder and studios that don't will continue to exist. I'm failing to see the problem.
  16. He didn't reverse her character at all, he progressed her to the natural conclusion of being hunted by an eldritch space monster that killed her entire crew, not to mention the fucking android that tried to kill her to. Calling PTSD weakness is a wild as fuck take.
  17. No no, he's right, I totally remember The Harry Tasker training arc in True Yea Ripley is super fucking assertive and demanding in Aliens, she's knows the shit show they are going into and let's everyone know, repeatedly. Hell the first quarter of the movie is about proving her right lol.
  18. If thats what they want to do. Things change over development of any art project. I doubt it's anywhere as simple as youre making it sound. But even still I'm failing to see how it really matters. Yea and they don't always look like their models. Lady Demotresque's (however it's spelled) model doesn't look like that. She was the base they built upon. Dantes DMCV model doesn't look like that, doesn't have silver hair why didn't they just hire someone with silver hair? Like we could do that aaaaallll day. Dante not looking like his real-life model doesn't matter, DMCV is still awesome. Clair didn't look exactly like her model in RE2R and the game was still awesome. God Hand is one of the butt ugliest fucking games I've ever played and it's fucking awesome So again how does it matter?
  19. It really doesn't matter. Why cast Colin Ferrel and then cover him a fat suit and ton of make up and prosthetics? Why not just cast a fat guy? There's more to it then just being a model I'm sure.
  20. Yea James Cameron's actually fucking brilliant lol. He's what Elon Musk pretends to be.
  21. Everyone did and anyone who says they didn't is a dirty liar.
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