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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. My VGMF contribution. I think this cover is really cool.
  2. Atifa does just mean Ati-Facist and voter ID laws are pretty racist. Doesn't mean the people within those unorganized groups can't be fucking stupid as shit tho lol.
  3. I got a better idea. Get rid of golf. Its a waste of money, resources and space.
  4. Yea I honestly can't say I give 1 single fuck about this game, it looks like shit made for horny losers at this point. I'm not saying it is, I'm saying that's what it looks like, its being talked about like, and basically advertised like. I've seen 0 actual substance so far.
  5. Interesting, it was one of my favorites. I could see why it would be annoying tho.
  6. Not naming yourself Sue You would probably be a great place to start -.-
  7. Yusuke got there in 1579, just saying lol. But yea probably won't be any black people in that story for rather obvious reasons.
  8. I'm not mad I'm just tired of the snobbery. Imagine making music for a visual medium, winning an award, and taking the time to shit on another visual medium because you think it's below you. Why? What's the point. Why are you punching down at all? What does it accomplish? He shit on a burgeoning artistic industry just like the snobby elites did when movies where new. Good job lol. Smacks of the same goofiness as when someone like Scorsese says other films aren't cinema as if they aren't made the same way, shown the same way, delivered to pretty much the exact same audience. Just pure snobbery and probably why it bothers you, snobbery is rather repulsive behavior lol
  9. Is this where people whine about wanting a faithful adaptation of Red Sonya even tho the Red Sonya everyone know is really nothing like the actual original Red Sonya and has way more in common with Valeria or Belit? I'm just wondering how mad I'm supposed to be.
  10. Nice, Systemshock Remake finally getting it's console release.
  11. Yea there's 0 reason a game like Contra can't run just fine on the Switch. The Shantea games run fine, the Advanced Wars games run fine. Far more impressive games run better on the Switch then this.
  12. I realized if I was quick enough I could catch both of then with a Braver the second they got spat out and 1 shot them both. If I stayed on top of that then it wasn't half as bad, but of one of them wandered off then it suddenly got way way harder.
  13. The Hell House demands you play by its rules. You just can't brute force it at all, it will ruin your day, all day, every day lol. On Hard Mode the fucking thing spits out Tonberrys. It's such an asshole lol.
  14. That doesn't sound very good for you. Cali NY hasn't seen that big a Flux in population either lol. I hope things improve for Tennesee tho.
  15. Yea Demo was probably uploaded or released early by mistake so they took it down and disabled key access for anyone who did download. Not terribly surprising. Not sure it's the move I would made but I'm not remotely caught off guard by it. Will probably drop again soon enough. I'm interested to see if it's remotely good at all. I kinda have my doubt tho....
  16. Yea, think my phone auto corrected it...could be wrong tho. Either way yea meant Federal Aid.
  17. It's pretty bad, not top 10 but Tennesee is one of the poorer states. They reject lots of financial aid regularly.
  18. Are yoy on the hard setting? I'm just curious is all.
  19. Yup...was not expecting where that Zombie video went...
  20. He's not getting the likes and retweets he thought he would so he's removing the features so they'll stop hurting his feelings.
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