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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I know it won't stop but the developer could you know talk about their fucking game. It's not just news outlets I haven't heard Tae Kim talk about his game either, just the protagonist and her ass and how people are calling it Korean Nier, why? We know nothing about it other then the Protag is hot like 2B. Talk about your game. You can talk about ass and your game at the same time. I know it's easy clicks but personally he's losing my sale.
  2. I consider few journalists to on the good graces of the establishment to be a good thing. They aren't supposed to be their friends, they are supposed to investigate the establishment. Not be buddies with them.
  3. Putin insults Tucker to his face multiple times in this interview. It's pathetic, Tuckers pathetic, this isn't an interview it's a pre-planned proganda moment and Tuckers a useful tool to that end. I don't need an interview woth Putin to know what he's about, we have like 50 years of his behaivor on record, we know what he's about. This "interview" was a farce.
  4. Sure would be nice if they talked about the gameplay instead of the MCs butt..... again. I'm actually a little nervous about the game, they spend so much time talking about the model, and her ass, and her irl model and just a buncha shit that isnt the fucking game. We've seen this thing many times over a few years now and still know nothing about its gameplay. I can practically tell you the models life story, measurements, and favorite food tho!!! Uhg. I find it very concerning this far in that I know more about her ass then I do the game.
  5. Yea sounds exactly like a Square Enix failure, a failure to greedy bean counter investor idiots. Everyone else involved calls it the win it so clearly was. Your right tho I'm not a greedy investor accountant so my views on success are a little less retarded. 900 Million a flop, what a joke.
  6. Least they are learning it. I still can't get some.of the older memebers of the family to understand as they literally whine they can't find the movie that was there just last month or whatever. We'll have to suffer through this dumb fuckeey a little longer but soon we'll have the numbers from all the young, disenfranchised and robbed to help us fight against this horse shit... I hope...
  7. This isn't a stupid question and presenting it as a stupid question makes you look stupid. There is not up and down in space, so The Poles geographical orientation depends entirely on the location of the person you are talking to. North is not Up. So the North Poles geographical position is relative to the person observing it. The Catalina Mountsins are north of me until I'm in Catalina and then they are south of me. It's all relative. Most people do not understand how the cardinal magnetic directions work because we have long since stopped teaching people how to use it. So yea depending on where she is the North Poke might be "below" her.
  8. Disney bombs are like when Square Enix says Tomb Raider failed cuz it only sold 4 million units. Even a Disney Bomb is still a win lol. Like people telling me a Disney movie only making 900 million is a flop is the funniest fuckin shit on the planet. Even their so called flops make tons and tons of bank. They are only failures to people who have lost touch with actual money, like CEOs and Board Members. And I know you're only talking about Disney Ls because talking about the other people's Ls makes their case look even more floppy then it already does. Elon doesn't understand the law one iota, he's been above it so long he can't even tell you what it is anymore. But as I said we'll see how nit all pans out.
  9. This has actually hurt the Floridians of Reedy Creek far worse then it has hit Disney, I dunno why your throwing this up as an W for DeSantis when it's been a huge fucking L, was a massive contributor in the downfall of his campaign and has cost Florida's millions for dollars. I dunno where on earth thats winning. This isn't a a very big loss for Disney their parks are already set up and ready to go. If they where still trying to massively expand sure, but they aren't. Yea they have to petition for future projects but they dont have that many of those in the works right now, and almost no ones gonna tell them no because as you already pointed out they are the largest employer in the state by fucking leagues they bring in incomparable levels of commerce and economic growth. I have more faith in Disney because Elon Musk and Gina Carano are fucking retarded and couldn't legal themselves out of a wet paper bag. Elon just lost a 56 Billion Dollar bonus in court ordered by the judge. Tesla is getting fucked by safety regulations because his cars are unsafe, his cyber truck is dangerous and cant 4 wheel drive and cost 40k more then he promised it would, Space X is getting fucked by regulations because he's too stupid to put a splash plate under his rockets and rained dangerously large chunks of debris down on Nearby neighborhoods. He's not smart. Like this is the guy who lost 20 billions dollars worth of a companies value in like 9 months, a company he over paid for by like 20 Billion or round abouts and dudes hemorging his reputation shit posting on Twitter. Will this even hold his attention long enough to pay the bill? The Hyperloop never happened. Buncha Twitter offices around the world closed because he just stopped paying rent. Will he remember his promise to her in a weeks time? Gina Carano is so fucking stupid she joined a movie network supported by people who hate everything she's ever stood for as a woman and human being and they let her know when they shit all over her movie she left the Disney Bag to make for them. So while Disney may not be in the best shape they've ever been in theyre still leagues smarter then those two retards and I tend to bet on horses with winning records, not horses that struggle to even make it around the 2nd turn. But good luck to them. They will need it. If Gina has proof of them treating her in some unfair way that isnt just typical corporate fuckery it better be iron clad or she's fucked way worse then she already is. Frankly if she had anything I think she would have come forward way sooner, she's not so broke she needs a billionair to buy her a lawyer. Just think we see this differently. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out either way honestly.
  10. Rayearth is really dope. It's the Manga that helped put CLAMP on the map. Has a neat twist.
  11. Disney is a law firm that makes movies, discovery will barely scratch them, Calis an At Will state, and theybhave fuck loads of info on the justifications for firing her. She's cooked bro, and she does have something to lose, what very little reputation she has left. N9w she's gonna be known as the idiot talked into bad lawsuits by an idiot billionair on top of being the MMA fighter who dropped the SWs bag. They where giving her her own fucking show. She just had to stfu.
  12. Just finished the FF7 Rebirth Demo. Fire. Mostly pure fire. 👌 It's also getting an update sometime in the future to add more content. Nice.
  13. FF16 was dope but I deffinitly had my issues with it. Primarily pacing and party memebers.
  14. I want P3R really badly, but I want FF7Rebirth more so my wallet must remain tightly shut. Cool as P3R looks I own that game 3 times over already so it can wait a little.
  15. God that should be framed next to Phil's comments about Nintendo.
  16. Yup, big part of the credits sequence. It's still random, games been out for years lol. I'm certainly not complaining tho.
  17. I'd be glued to the light gun cab if it has any Time Crisis.
  18. I'm just teasin bro lol. Kinda makes my point tho, it's a special kinda gamer to haul 4 heavy arcade machines into his basement so he can play games that last 5 minutes.
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