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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Just rolled credits on Rebirth. Excellent.
  2. Honestly this translation seems great. Reminds me heavily of War of the Lions. Almost all of these mean the same thing and are way better and more enjoyable to read/hear then the translations the guy complaining is giving which are very dry and lifeless. I don't see anything on the level of like Muramasa The Demon Blade on Wii. I'll still be picking this up for sure, absolutly. All the flowery poetic diologue is way better. There's a few examples but I'm sure I could find a few examples in every translated game ever so I'm not gonna get my underwear in too big a knot over it. Game looks amazing 👌
  3. From what I understand MK1 is a competitive disaster..........
  4. Dune is a pretty dense science fiction series I can't imagine you can really skip any of it.
  5. Oh man it's almost like it's her job or something.
  6. Thats deffinitly a hill you have to die on because its such a ridiculous thing to say lol. I get not liking the game like it didn't gel with yoy but to call it shallow and not good is a pretty intense statement. One of Remakes best mechanics is literally just right out of 7, the whole Materia system has always been fantastic right from jump. Most of its lore is from the original or pulled from the 30 years of supplement material. Would be like me calling Final Fantasy 6 bad because I think it's hella over rated (it is) but there are good reasons for why it is and why people like it so much. Like this game isn't what I thought the original was at all, it'sthe game you get when you have 30 years to stew on the lore youve ctreated. If I had 30 years to stew on a project it would probably be exponentially more expansive then the one I had like 2 or 3 years to work on lol. There's soooo much content in Remake that wouldn't exist without all the other FF7 projects. This isn't the game I thought the original was, it's the game I expect after a culmination of 30 years of lore and mechanics building. Just to hammer that point home 1997 was over 25 years ago.
  7. Based on that last story you guys aren't at the touching phase yet, you have time to heal lol.
  8. I just like how these turds chant states rights to make decisions for themselves right up to the second they make a decision they don't like then suddenly states rights don't matter.
  9. Halo 2 and 3 had horrific texture pop in. Halo 2 is still the worst I've ever seen from a big budget AAA property. Not UE, just another example of the issue.
  10. It's either Kevin Costner or Kurt Russel. I won't accept anyone else currently.
  11. I don't mind the actual environment navigation. It's a bit finicky yea, but it's a huge improvement over the extremely static environment from Remake. It not perfect and could deffinitly be better but it works well far more often then it doesn't and when it doesn't I generally just have to move a little bit and it will work or it's not supposed to work at all and I move on. I'm very happy it's here even if its a little janky. I'd rather have it then not. If it's still this junky in Part 3 tho I'll be disappointed. I will admit that I don't notice most of the texture issues, but I'm also fucking blind 👍
  12. My only complaint so far that I feel is a legit issue and not a nit pick (I don't disagree with your points I just think they're a bit nit picky as they are a bit in the way but are gone once done) is that Chadlys larger vocal presence isn't very appreciated by me, the man calls when he could easily text and generally to say some asinine shit or repeate something he's already said. Every time I do something in the open world this little turd is calling me on the fucking phone. Crisis Core had a mail system. Rebirth needs it so I can send all of Chadlys spam mail to my Spam Folder. So many of his phone calls could be a text message instead or better yet he could just leave me the fuck alone. Oh and the walk animation is scuffed. Clouds very...jittery when he walks. For most people this falls under nit pick (and hard to disagree) but for me this is a huge Role Play Impediment and it bothers me, a lot. I walk a lot in Role Play Games, I walk more in the Arkham Games then I have ever ran. I really hope Square fixes it. Clouds walk cycle in Remake was so fucking good it hurts to see it scuffed up like this. It's the one minor issue in the walk cycle, I really hope it's included in a patch fix. Yuffie's a little annoying but I find her far far more charming then annoying, half the time her own shit bites her in the ass so it balances out. She's supposed to be a little annoying anyway she's like the youngest memeber of the group arguably. She's also so fucking good in combat, she's one of the best team mates imo, makes up for some of her more annoying moments. Used to hate Yuffie, but ever since Intergrade it's been a real 180.
  13. Fuckin Choco-Bill... I barely made it past the Midgarsolem.
  14. I don't like them calling it a reboot, he's playing Drebins son. It's a sequel not a reboot.
  15. The first 5 minutes is like "Hey we're gonna fuck with your head and not even adress it for HOURS" lmao.
  16. Hah thats funny, I thought it was one of the best designs Meleena has ever had lol.
  17. Well in that case, unfortunately for him, he was using their intellectual property, Mario. They own the character of Mario so that's technically theft. So long as the Emulator itself has 0 Nintendo Code in it then nothing illigal has happened because they havent used anything belonging to Nintendo. Writing new code just isn't illigal lol. Will be interesting to see what argument Nintendo makes.
  18. I mean the tech an all was old when. The Switch released. It's almost just an Invidia Shield.
  19. Pretty sure asking for funding for one isn't illigal either, Project64 asks every time you boot it up lol.
  20. Yea a parade of like 45 people means New York City has gone communist!!! Do you ever get tired of following that sensationlist garbage?
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