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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Personally I just think Afros look better in general. I don't find the scalp very attractive so corn rows isn't the look for me. Black women with a whole head of braids can super duper attractive tho long as there isn't too much scalp lol. I understand it weighs a fuck ton tho. I remind I have really long hair, I like full heads of hair, including my own lol.
  2. It's what Elon plans to name his next child. "Please meet my son, 2XKO."
  3. It's so bad lol. The one guy on the team who told them not to do that must be clowning then right now, feeling super vindicated lol. There has to be that one guy lol.
  4. Just throwing a bone out there, while the fans demand it, that doesn't really mean Fromsoft is willing to make it. They've been busy the last 3 years working on Elden Ring and as much as the fans demand it I don't wanna play Bloodborne 2 not made by FromSoft. Even a Bloodborne remake not made by them is iffy to me. Don't get me wrong Blue Points Demons Souls remake is very good, i do recommend it, but they miss the big key picture on some of the lore and it fucks shit up. Souls in Demons Soul are made of water, not fire. The big ass demon we are trying to keep from waking, the Old a tree. It eats souls. Souls are made to look like water...cuz trees drink endless amounts of water. Souls=Water=Drank by a giant demonic tree. Blue Point missed all of this and made the Souls Fire cuz Dark Souls and Fire but Fire burns trees, not sustains them. You can't just turn the games Souls into fire and it not basically fuck up everything. Great remake but they kinda fucked it up to. So the fans can demand all they want but I don't want Fromsoft content not made by Fromsoft, other people don't really get it, shit I don't get it half the fucking time, I have to play like 5 times and peice it together. I don't blame Blue Point for missing the point because it's really easy to do with Fromsoft games. It's why it's so important they make them. Like so much of Demons Souls is Kings Field DNA. Kings Fields all about trees and water and dragons. Last boss of KF1 is literally a tree and you spend the majority of the game redirecting magical waters. It's all trees and water and Dragons. I even just described Sekiro lol. Trees, Water and Dragons lol. With all of that said the lack of a 60fps patch from SECJ or whatever is pretty pretty goofy at this point, that's the kind of thing that could be done without Fromsoft and it would be fine.
  5. Looks like a P* action rpg with an Atlus Art Style.... I dig it.
  6. Yea, she's deffinitly in DMC4 Nero territory right now. I liked Nero from jump but like Sonic said, I get it.
  7. I don't think you're supposed to take Luka remotely seriously. He's a seriously unserious character....
  8. I couldn't disagree with you more, there was tons of foreshadowing for a few seasons it was pretty clear as day. One of the examples where they absolutly earned it. That why I responded to that specific part of your post, I think its a terrible example. Which points to how subjective all this goofy shit is anyway.
  9. I mean on the new show thay ended up being It was UST the whole time.It was pretty obvious to. But like...Goku and Vegita do not have UST. Dante and Vergil for fucks sake do not have UDT like just eww. Bayo and Jeanne flirt like the girls in ever girl circle I've ever seen and almost none of then are actually gay. It's wildly different from the intensly sexual teasing she gives Luka lol.
  10. I see we've just given up on monopoly and consolidation prevention then?
  11. This actually really bothers me when it comes to men in media. We aren't allowed to have close relationships woth other men without it being interpreted as some closet gay shit. I'm all for closet gay stories, I think a number of then are pretty good, but thay doesn't mean every single same sex friendship is future relationship status. I think interpreting it this way all the time makes it harder I. The real word to form real deep heterosexual friendships with other men cuz its gay. Goes for women to, like fuck anyone who intepretes the female friends from NANA as closet/gay relationship drama, it's not, it's just friendship drama.
  12. the Spider-Verse animators have reportedly described working conditions,within a toxic work culture. "Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse animators quit en masse, as a report indicates that working conditions caused 100 artists to leave."
  13. That was the funniest one to me. "She's totally gay!" What? The woman who said she loves Baby Making is gay? No gay person has ever said that lol. The girl spent 2 entire games flirting with Luka every second of screen time, and not once with a woman, totally gay eh? Bayo 3 blowing up their world was the funniest shit. "Whaaaaat, she loves Luka?!?!" Yea dumbasses how did you not notice HE is the Damsel in Distress in this series? Lmao. Media literacy is in the toilet lol
  14. Nintendo have kind of admitted they have enough money to just fuck around for a few years and it would barely hurt.
  15. It's the equivalent of telling an artist to paint something and then going "I did that." No you didn't. You asked someone to do it and then they obliged you. Dudes acting like he's a producer or something. Only Hollywood and the like get away with paying other people to make shit and then going "I did that."
  16. Lmao thats all I hear, what's she actually saying? I can't figure out what words supposed to be there lol.
  17. My only issue is the assumptions everyone pushing back against her was a man. Plenty of shitty women do that shit to.
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