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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I also consider Bruce Willis to be C-List these days.
  2. Too expensive. @SonichumanRemember that scalper who posted all his playstation 5s with the caption "fuck your feelings?" I read he got robbed and they stole all those PS5s. Stealing is wrong...But i wanna say Fuck his feelings.
  3. Yea...You are. You push woke dumb dumb bullshit and then get pissy when people point out you are pushing woke dumb dumb bullshit. Its why i kept pointing out to you all that racist anti-white bullshit you where peddling last year. It was fucking awesome when you dropped it. You became a much better person to be around (Online obviously) when you stopped pushing that kind of silly shit. Least you finally admitted you resent white people.
  4. Wonder how many of Gordons Resturants Dab00g has been to.
  5. Action games have been doing this for a while now so it's nice to see other Devs catching on. These kinds of games should probably have a mode of some kind like this going forward. I'm pretty much to the point where I dock points from action games for not having it. Should be a standard feature now imo.
  6. Gearbox was fucking awesome until the PS360 Era when the success of Borderlands went to Randys head and he lost all touch with reality. That he could steal money from other projects to fund his pet projects, dudes thinks simply becsuse he owns the Duke Nukem IP that means he has an amazing sense of humor. Dudes a mess and he dragged Gearbox down with him. Edit: I heave no idea why that quoted SonicHuman about MK11............leaving it.
  7. Imagine going to a place called What-A-Burger and ordering a chicken sandwich. "Which other fast food joints have spicy chicken sandwiches?" McDonalds..................dont recommend it...
  8. Cafeteria food. We where poor and on the school lunch program.
  9. All y'all sounding real bougie right now lol
  10. I have a feeling their concerns and focus werent on taste but on preventing pain.
  11. It's also important to remember that in America at least if a company doesn't enforce their IP protection...they lose it. This is a much larger issue then just some guys wanting to play an old game online. Edit: Got a new genre descriptor I hate for you guys. Only just saw it. Boomer Shooter. Used to describe old FPS games likes DOOM/2 Duke 3D, Blood, Rise of the Triads and the like. DOOM 2016 and Eternal are said to be designed with a Boomer Shooter mentality. Fucking kill me now. Just get it over with.
  12. Yea I know, but i see a ton of peeps on the yootoob backing them up like...what...they can't hold a tourney without Senpai there? Aren't these the guys who literally bullied their way into Evo? What happened to all that gusto? So Nintendo told you to fuck off so fuck off and go do your tourney without them.
  13. Are these Melee fools not able to run their tourney without Nintendo or something?
  14. Gots em both already. Panzer Paladin is ace.
  15. Think these are the two I'm gonna scoop. Been waiting on both to go back on sale. Hype.
  16. I just saw a video title on YouTube that said it has the same problems as Destiny so maybe you'll like it since you like Destiny. I didn't watch it so that's all I got.
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