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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I mean...yea...thats pretty much exactly what I said in my initial post. Doesn't mean I spent the entire decade reading it. I'd peek in every now and then and catch up then put it back down. Took a while for the Tournament to even be a thing which is fine. I don't need a tournament. Don't need fighting. Lots of chapters are devoid of it and there where plenty of times the ZOTT started to get boring due to the endless fighting and nothing else of consiquence really happening. I dunno why you are assuming I just want a big long 10 year endless tournament or something lol. Never heard of him. Will have to look up.
  2. By far. I liked the movie quite a bit and even I was like "Dude, slow your roll, you're being a fucking wacko."
  3. Wasn't that. I don't need a big shonen tournament. LO doesnt even start with a tournament. That's a few chapters later OG Manga doesn't even have one and spends plenty of time pontificating and being cerebral. I just was reading it and the writer introduces all these kids and first thing I think is "How many pages till all these kids are brutally murdered" and yea like 2 chapters later or some shit all the kids are predictably brutally murdered and I was kinda bored. This Manga used to surprise me. I called that shit page 1. It felt predictable. Yea I could certainly read more and probably will eventually but at the time I was pretty disappointdd. Waa Didn't get far enough for the Cerbral shit to really even start honestly. That was weird but hey people latch onto shit for weird reasons. I try not to give it the time of day, it's a waste of time. Id rather they stay the absolute fuck away from CGI. I'm sick of these shitty looking CGI shows, it's not nice to look at. New GitS show is fucking ugly as shit, everything looks like plastic. Batou looks like a stupid ass action figure. The Beserk CGI show was nasty looking to. Normal ass looking animation please and thank you.
  4. I read the whole Manga (except the newest one) and I loved the movie. *shrug* I tried reading some of Mars Chronicles but I found it pretty boring and kinda try hard. Maybe it gets better, I dunno I didn't put enough time into it to really come to conclusion. Both BAA and LO grabbed me right away and held me the whole time. MC didn't come to close to doing the same for me unfortunatly.
  5. Yea sure I'm not saying I like the idea of it. Just saying I've found it hard to care much because the gear is always trash.
  6. I find it laughable because they always end up being complete garbage gear that no one actually wants lol. I am once again unsurprised that I have missed nothing lol.
  7. I never looked good. I'm sorry but it didnt. That first gameplay reveal was like...the fuck is this?
  8. It sounds like Avengers fails due to loot mechanics and grind that really shouldn't be there.
  9. Serious question. Does anyone care? Does it matter? Her claims are so thin anyway she's hardly the only girl out there with pink hair, glasses and a pet cat.
  10. Depends what yoyr idea of playable is i guess. Switch versions always been playable.
  11. 7s in the digital store for like 10 dollars.
  12. Trowa just forgot he was in Gundam and not Macross.
  13. 7 is something of a good place to start as it looks like a new cast, and the combats changed from brawler to turn based rpg. Weird switch.
  14. And then drop half the armorment on the ground and leave it behind. Great question where did he get all the hardware all the time? Lol.
  15. That start screen is pretty fire period. Has that Persona 5/DMC5 swag.
  16. The lack of any kind of plan is rather baffling. Like they really let Abrams do his thing and drop plot hooks that apperantly had no answers. It's fucking weird. I don't hate these movies but there is a a clear case of plan.
  17. I dunno about a travesty but it can be frustrating. Frustration doesn't automatically equate to bad tho.
  18. Yea someone did that to me yesterday. Killed my very obviously Capture Hunt after 45 minutes of chasing its ass all over the Wild Spire. I was kinda fucking heated at hime for wasting my time.
  19. Losing 20 minutes is nothing. Hunt a Monster for an hour and not finish the hunt. THAT is frustrating. 20 minutes is a smoke break.
  20. Heavy Arms is definitely the proper analogy lol.
  21. How did you ever survive the era of Lives? 20 minutes is no time at all dude. "RE has more of an anxiety to it tied to the resource management and wondering if you have enough stuff to survive the next room, instead of being worried about a giant penis monster eating your face off without you having any way to fight back" If you dont manage your resources well enough then you absolutely have to worry about some penis monster eating your face off without any way to fight back, unless you enjoy using the Knife I guess.
  22. I pretty much never bother. All you lose really is Geo and that shit free honestly. Only real reason i would back track to a bench was to fill in my map.
  23. Auto save would kill the horror instantly. RE used to know what was up with the Ink Ribbons. The monster being random is a fantastic idea to, but it probably shouldnt spawn right on top of you lol.
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