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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I liked Legacys look a lot so I wouldn't mind it returning I would just like to see it expanded on a good deal, but I also didn't know this was even a thing, I know nothing about it so hard for me to day in general.
  2. Pray to God that's a place holder title lol I really liked Legacy.
  3. A real part of the debate that would need to be had if people wanted to go down that route for sure cuz absolutly lol. Just Hollywood child stars is proof of that shit lol.
  4. I agree 100%, the current model no longer works on many fundamental levels, and I don't think paying kids is going to fix it, but whatever new model we come up with might include paying kids. It's far down the list of reforms to make, but ruling it out of hand seems pretty silly, especially when we do in fact force the majority of kids to go while also forcing them to bring/buy lunches, and supplies, and other things for school we aren't compensating them for at all but with an arguable shoddy education... There's a debate to be had that's all I'm saying, well and that it won't lead to paying rapists lol.
  5. Yea I'm jot exactly sure they should be paid either and there's aldeffinitly a debate to be had over that since they are floating rhe idea but Is absolutly ridiculous on its face and is one of the weakest attempts at the slippery slope argument I have ever seen. @DoctaMario I do not know why I sperated these posts into two posts, they where one post when I posted it, something weird hapoened on mobile, but i did finish reading your post lol.
  6. No I'm not. I didnt act like anything. I said they are forced to work. Thats all I said. I never said it was for some labor camp for profit company you literally made that up. I said they are forced to go and work by the compelling of law which as an adult you don't actually have to deal with. My boss can't get me arrested for not going. I gotta tell you this doesn't compelling me to read the rest of the post Mario you've literally made up a strawman position for me dude.
  7. What? It is. You force them to go there and do mental work. It's work. Wether you think they should be paid for it we can debate but you really gonna sit here and tell me it isn't work? Make them get up, go to somewhere for a set amount of hours, make them engage in mental work, it's training for the day they have a job, they even call the shit they send you home with home WORK, so not sure why the sass lol. Edit: In fact it's way more forced then any job I've ever had. I can just not show up for work. Sure I get fired but thats my choice. In Texas I was consistantly 2 to 3 minutes late to school. They sent me to truancy court. I almost went to Juvinile Hall for being 3 minutes late to class. It's actually worse then work, I've never had the threat of being removed from my home and placed somewhere else for being late to work lol. My boss can't get me arrested like the school can lol..
  8. Lmao what!?! Paying kids for what is technically forced work leads to paying rapists not to rape? The fuck kind of leap is that lol
  9. Haven't played that so I dunno what youre talking about... And yea Indi looked pretty cool.
  10. Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine was pretty decent for the time. I've only played it on N64 but it has a PC port as well. There's actually of Indi games but I've played very few of them. He had games on the NeS and SNES, those Lego games, edutainment software. The SNES platformers are good, but like the Super Star Wars games are brutally difficult.
  11. Which being able to control Kraid would be, a massive weapon, same as the machines that bring Z-57 back to life. But nothing I. The game specifically says any of this so it's kind of theory at best I guess. They never do say what Kraid is doing there or what the plans are. He's just kinda there cuz dude gets passed over for Ridley 10 out of 10 times.
  12. Yea way to fuck the new POP in the ass day after release.
  13. Ian Miles Chong is one of those dudes who his becoming famous has been a net negative for humanity lol.
  14. Yea there's no rule written down because no one thought someone would treat the Presidential Office like a game a Candy Land and just keep trying to make up rules as they go. "Bro you can't do that." "Where in the rules says I cant?" Trumps that fucking douchebag.
  15. Thats another reason the game feels kinda redundant and dumb, that's literally DMC3s story lol.
  16. I can't think of a single teacher that got fired for keeping their class in line.
  17. I really like the story and the characters in DMC3-5 o so I can't really agree with you there either Comacho. DmC had very little about it I liked in the long run. While I think it gets over hated because it's a DMC game I also think nit keeps getting brought up because it's a DMC game and if it was named anything else it would have been forgotten a long time ago along with the likes of Ninja Giaden Yaiba and Heavenly Sword. It's a decent but over all forgettable action game imo.
  18. The platforming in DmC is fine enough, the music kinda all bleeds together to me, and the colors are all way way over saturated to the point it hurts my eyes. And the stories dog shit. Bob's fine as a Bill O'Rielly Snipe but there isn't much more to him then that and his boss fight is fine, one of the best in a game full of mediocre boss fights imo, but pretty much anything else about the story is just fucking terrible. Squirrel semen.
  19. Bro I just had someone telling me she was censored by a what? Her tits are still huge, she has spats on and Grade A Thigh High socks on, the fuck you talking about? They threw more fetish fuel in lol.
  20. It's been getting glowing reviews from the sources I trust like FightinCowboy and shit. I think he might be exaggerating little calling it a masterpiece but I also haven't played so who the fuck am I to say. He really liked it tho and got me more interested in checking it out.
  21. After all the complaining about the first one being only in Midgar this is some Grade A USDA Choice youre fucked no matter what you do lol.
  22. He's not, he even posts this exact content on his YT channel. Like if someone tries to SA3 Parry him or something he puts it in the video, usually makes it thr thumb nail. He knows the value it brings him, and he knows the value in continuing to play along with it. I don't think it bothers him at all, it helps keep him wildly relevant. But maybe it does I dunno him personally.
  23. I'm amazed it doesn't feature Dante from Devil May Cry.
  24. I mean no duh it's an F2P mobile game...thing.
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