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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. The GameCube was more powerful then the PS2 was wtf? It's part of why Nintendo doesn't chase top end hardware anymore it doesn't work for them because they aren't a fucking tech bros company they are a toy company they make toys. They don't make future tech and shit that's not remotely their wheel house. Microsoft/Phil Spencer will never ever understand.
  2. It means whatever it means to you. AAA just means budget to me. You can tell they aren't being bankrolled by someone huge, that's it. I don't find AA or AAA to be actual value statements on a game quality.
  3. I hear it's an AA bloodborne. Good but you can feel the budget, which is whatever to me. FightingCowboy had a good review for it. No spoilers or anything.
  4. Yea, no one had ever made anything like em before Super Metroid, not even Nintendo!
  5. Yea I felt that. We are pretty much in full agreement. Pretty much every one of those genre labels drives me some level of batty lol. I also totally believe Iga didn't know about Super Metroid, follow enough of his interviews and he's a weirdly insulated gamer. He's played stuff but he's also not played a lot of stuff. A lot of the new ideas to games like SOTN and later games where other team members ideas. Igas true strength is how open to collaboration and ideas he is. He doesnt have tons of them himself but he's super open to people's input.
  6. Sounds less like LA is evil and more like ExxonMobil is evil for charging 8 bucks a gallon, but sure blame the city instead. @VirginDefilerAnything that can refract light can start a camp fire 👍
  7. More like it's taking Phil a long time to realize Nintnedo has zero interest in anyone else's hardware.
  8. That's not a tiktok trend, thats just assholes being huge assholes and I hope he fucking dies in the fucking prison. I hope Bubba kills him after having his fun. I'm a cyclist, that was so hard to watch. The cyclist died to? Fuck man... 😭
  9. For some reason people are weirded out by people who are comfortable being with just themselves.
  10. Homework legit made me angry as a teen. Spend 7+ hours at school only for them to send you home with more work. I'd have been even more pissed off if I had realized it was all just to mentally soften you for your boss treating you like shit and also having 0 respect for your personal time.
  11. They didnt, people where offended back then you just didn't hear about it because of lack of reach or you don't remember. You have Rose tinted glasses about the past you lived.
  12. Yea they are poking a bear because it's the only way they can get eyes on their project, otherwise no one really cares about a new Crow movie.
  13. Lot of people think they hired ugly women to play the girls. Can't really agree honestly.
  14. I didn't mind the women in The Witcher. I didn't watch the RE show but I remember the memes lol.
  15. Yea I kind of agree with this. People been asking for an F-Zero sequel for a long time, while this looks cool it also kinda of looks like a "Here you go, now shut up" kind of release.
  16. She's a freed slave, she's not from the region, hence her design. I think it looks fine. So Isaac for me is they took a bad character and made him good. Isaac was a nothing character in a position of importance. Annette is Richters wife lol. Her job is to be Richters motivation beyond "It's the family business." That's her role and they are making her into some else entirely. Isaac was still a Devil Forgemaster who worked for Dracula. Like the basic blocks of him where still there. This is a whole new character they've named Annette. It's weird. I'm all for giving her more to do then just be a Damsel but like this isn't Annette anymore. They might be able to pull off a race swap since Morrison in DMCV is made black when he was white in every other appearance, but other then the skin color and bit of personality shift (for the better) he was still Morrison. If they make Triish into Dantes black half sister from a random Sparda liason or some weird shit people are gonna have a problem.
  17. That's cool I guess. I tried to read Baki, I don't think it's very good.
  18. Tera is kinda whatever but Annette is weird. It's a really great character design given to a character who already fills a role and it ain't that lol. I don't care that much it's just fucking weird. I think they will have a much rougher time with their DMC show if they go with these levels of changes. The DMC fanbase doesn't really play that shit, as we saw with DmC.
  19. Absolutely, they release those Donkey Kong games to. I was sick as fuck today so I missed all the trailer drops. Trying to catch up but two announcements are too hype not to comment on immedietly. Man I did not have a new Contra on my Bingo Card that's so fucking cool. I am hype. And Rebirth looks fucking awesome.
  20. It's the bomb from Truxton/Tatsujin The Skull Bomb. It was one of the first games to really emphasize how awesome its bomb was. All over the poster. "Big Skull Bomber!!!"
  21. I couldn't be happier to see veryone telling Unity to fuck off. One day these fuckers will figuring out that listening to EAs CEO has been bilge waste isn't a good idea.
  22. They announced a DMC show like 4 or 5 years ago that we have seen nothing of.
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