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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I mean what's there to actually adapt of Rondo? Like truly?
  2. Yea saw that earlier today. Guy told him to go away like 4 times and was still all up in his face. Was shooting him a proportional response? Probably not. Do you get to control how the people you harass respond to your harassment? No. It's really stupid to fuck with complete strangers you know nothing about, lot of people have no patience for being toyed with. Not to mention that dudes huge, way bigger then the guy he's harassing and he has a camera man with him so little guys technically outnumbered to with 0 real clue of what their true intentions are. Saddest part is the "Prankster" is a dumbass and an assshoke because he said he's still gonna keep doing his pranks, like mother fucker how do yoy not get it yet?
  3. No need to imagine because it's none his or your business, you don't know how that money is being spent, your just assuming it's being used to take care of the dude because you immediately jump to "does he provide monetary value" as a way of trying to assess his value as a man himself when men provide value far far beyond money. Don't worry about imagining these things because they almost are never like the fantasy you drummed up in your head in the first place.
  4. Modern day Castration Propoganda? The fuck lunacy is this now? Lol
  5. I doubt a modern TV would even let you plug it in lol. I've always wanted a TG-16 myself, very cool little console with tons and tons of awesome shmups. They are pretty expensive these days tho.
  6. Well at least she knows schools there to turn her child into an obedient, never questioning, always behaving, always listening cog in the machine. Her children will make wonderful worker drones for Elon on Mars.
  7. Tell that to Walmart and Target because they are blaming everything else but their clearly dog shit staffing policies lol.
  8. Costco CEO says theft in Big Box Stores is up due to self check out. And yup, staff your store roperly instead of finding every way you can to run a skeleton crew for cheap and your shrink goes down significantly.
  9. We only had an NES during that gen but in the 16 bit gen we had a SNES and a Genesis. Then later i had a N64 and a about a year later i bought a PS1 with summer work money and have had almost all 3 major players consoles ever since. Only recently have I not owned an Xbox. I would like a Series X for the Back Compat but that's something I can get later when they are cheaper.
  10. Is the word polished even in Bethesdas Lexicon?
  11. I was not familiar with that show but i did watch a shit load of NCIS. Sad to hear he passed he was a fun character actor. He lived a long life.
  12. Because lots of people still use them and there is 0 reason to lower the utility functions of a pen anyway.
  13. Yea, "considered" higher class, as in goofy people think they are different. They are not. They are both big boxs stores that make profit by screwing over its employees through under pay, under staffing, and other "money savIng" tricks. Only real difference between the two is Target pays slightly better, but still pathetically low and they both treat their employees like total dog shit. Bro first it was "Walmart and Lowe's don't share consumer bases" now it's "Well Lowe's doesn't have stuff to steal" but you just said they have shrink so yes they do. Doesn't make sense anyway Lowe's carries tons of things that are small and expensive one could easily steal like tools, materials and supplies. I already told you exactly what executives could do to curtail and deter theft easily and you hand waved it off. We have decades of data showing just having warm bodies walking around the store deters the majority of theft. Yes them being better people would help deal with their theft problem because if they where better people they would staff their stores properly, wouldn't be trying to make 1 person monitor 6 self check out registers at one time, would pay wages that attract good people to work for Walmart. But they aren't good people so they under staff, they don't train properly, they pay dog shit wages. They don't attract "good" people to work for Walmart, they attract people like me who will let everyone rob your store because I care as much about the store as my employer cares about me, which is to say I dont give a shit, you pay me a fucking poverty wage as it is. I'm not gonna watch departments, keep eyes on isleways, I'm not gonna offer customer service to people and thus make thieves naturally not be interested in trying to rob me. Does it cure all theft? No and not one single solitary person ever said it did. They said it deters the majority of theft, because it does. We have decades of data supporting this notion. But even beyond all that the idea that its the tax payers job to pay to pay for Walmarts personal police station and detail while Walmart also pays so little 60% of its fulltime work force is on Gov Assistsnce, which Walmart gets a tax break for employing, and those people can only afford to shop at Walmart so they get all their money back anyway. And no stealing from corps is not bad thinking, and the cops are not being expected to pick up slack, they are being paid to police a Walmart. Not be cops, but fucking security against the tax payers who pay them. This isn't the outcome of robbing Walmart this is the outcome of continuing to let corporations reach into our government systems and use them as a cudgel against the populace and you're only response is "Well what else can they do?" I've listed a bunch of things they can do, and even posted the very words of a CEO who is handling the problem just fine and still you side with Walmart and their community destroying behiavor. Walmarts robbed and destroyed sooooo many communities without a single care and yet you're still here like "Yea but the people stealing 0.1% of their profits tho." If they want security they should pay a security firm, not use the police as their security, that's not what they are supposed to be for. There are a bunch of cheaper and easier things they could do that would be more effective tho, like properly staffing the store.
  14. That's a mighty strong assumption lol. And he's not saying it's their job to get between a theif and the exit he's saying that just the presence of staff and good customer service deters the majority of theft, which it does and always has and we have mountains of data backing it up. But it's cheaper for Walmart to put 1 person at the front of the store and 1 person to cover 4 or 5 departments and pay them dog shit to do it then to actually staff the store properly and then are Pikachu Face when their theft goes up dramatically because their staff is spread super thin and are paid so little they don't care to actually be in their departments in the first place. Shit rolls down hill Mario, this all starts at the top with the executives. We know how to deter majority of theft, it's not even that hard.
  15. Staff the store properly, provide good customer service, pay their employees properly. You know, shit we used to do, but don't anymore in order to prop up cancerous corporate CEO profits while subsidizing their employee pay. Now we are using tax payer money to install tax payer services inside corporations too defend corporate profits first and foremost.
  16. Haha yea it's deffinitly cheaper and not at all authoritarian as shit for a corporation to open a Police Station inside the store. A police station in the store honestly makes me feel less safe.
  17. Yea the entire exp systems for Zack and for Materia run under the hood, You can't see the numbers at all, it's all invisible. What's really weird is that as you saw it doesn't have a threshold that breaks and you lvl up. It's not like you hit 100 exp and lvl up, instead it influences the reels to more likely land on a specific Triple Number. Like when Zack hits 100 exp the probability of landing Triple 7s goes up. So your materia lvled up 3 times in 1 fight because you had passed the lvlup threshold for that slot 3 times already but still hadn't landed Triple 5s or whatever slot it was. By that point the probability was so high you landed it 3 times in 1 fight. It's extremely weird and makes planning a build kind of tough since you never know when a specific materia slot will lvl up. On the other hand it makes it so you just kinda don't have to worry about it and can just let the reels do their thing and ignore it. The entire system runs this way by the way, getting Limit Breaks and those unlimited MP/AP buffs are the same, little teqcker under the hood that influences the reels chances of landing those combinations. Basically you can't plan for shit, just play and hope the reels on your side today lol.
  18. If it's more like LP1 then 2 then I am down.
  19. Yea I agree it's not worth paying much attention to, based on the specs they released it shouldn't run very well on the consoles they also releasing on and thats clearly not true from all the console previews. I think System Recs like this is the new type of chest thumping that game companies are doing. They wanna seem like a super high end extremely quality product that you can Crysis Bench Test with for the next 15 years when almost no one gives a fuck about that and it ends up not being true anyway. It's just ego chest thumping goofy shit.
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