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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. To be fair (To be faaaaaaaiiiiiiiir) To be fair the PS2 Library is huge.
  2. Cant wait for one of you to mess up and post Kayo Police as Bayo lmao.
  3. MNissin out. SSX Tricky and SSX3 are required play for anyone who likes crazy extreme sports. +1 for Snowboard Kids those games where fun.
  4. It has Snowboards? Its a little like SSX, but there is no boost system and its not crazy over the top. Does have big ass "Open world" mountains to hit tho. Still fun tho imo, especially with a couple friends trying to race down the mountain together.,
  5. I play Steep with my brother from time to time. I really like it, the Wing suiting is really fun, and the Snowboarding is a pretty good time to, almost SSX fun...Almost. id be willing to delete Genshin Impact and reinstall Steep if anyone wants to hit the slopes.
  6. That is a more accurate depiction of my luck with women lol.
  7. That first image holy shit Martian I need an AV. Hook me up bro.
  8. I kinda just want my Smoking Lupin AV from SRK, but I'll dig through my AV archive when i get home from work and see if I find anything I feel good replacing it with. If not I'll just hit up Martian.
  9. All im saying is I support Ashely/Aubrey being in lesbians with eachother.....
  10. lol yea ive seen that. Its funny. Only issue is they tell link why they need a mine before he even tries to save said mine. They need Top Serloin Rocks lol. Cant eat just any rock. Still funny strip.
  11. It saddens me this ass grab doesnt actually play...wonder if its cuz its the work computer. Anyway i remember first seeing this clip. Lawdy lol. Oh also for old man roll call I turned 35 yesterday.
  12. Ive been plugging away at my Hero Mode run. Almost done. Got all the Devine Beasts done last week, whooped Ganon, reloaded, started the DLC, Im at 87 Shrines, 120 Korok Seeds (These things are legit fun to look for imo, they rock, I have yet to poke my nose somewhere and not find SOMETHING) Maxed out Stamina Wheel and 14 full hearts. I think im gonna go ahead and find all the Shrines this time and get that Hero of the Wild gear. Learning i can buy Compedium Photos from Simin saved this file cuz I never photographed any of the Blights lol so i thought i missed out on the 100% (Minus all 900 Korok seeds cuz im never gonna do that lol)
  13. Yea man you deffinitly need to get back to it. The Divine Beasts and Ganon are like 5% of the game.
  14. Any way we can back up the Wiki's for posterity? No clue on how any of that works personally speaking.
  15. That shit was sooooooo fucking weak. Dudes an Admin he can change it whenever the fuck he wants, or contact one of the owners. "I dont remember my password" Bullllshiiiiiiiit you lying sack of shit.
  16. At least in GD, no one has seen hide nor hair of d3v since he posted in the Lounge and banned you. Dude ghosted after that when everyone in GD started calling him a piece of shit for banning you. Then Preppy came in to justify his horse shit and everyone clowned on him for his pathetic crap to. Haven't seen him since.
  17. Thanks man. Only SRKer who remembered LMAO.
  18. Preppy's entire tenure in the Politics Thread is some fucking wack ass bullshit. What a weird ass clown that dude is.
  19. Man Hestu giving you a shiny golden pile of shit is oneof the absolute best quest rewards ive ever seen, especially fo what amounts to such a silly side quest. Nintendo needs to keep this kind of shit up. Ipersonally hate the Warriors games, but man...Age of Waifus' I mean Calamity actually looks pretty fun so far, and I wont lie it being a PRequel to BOTW endears it to me a lot more then it would have otherwise.
  20. Lol naw. Honestly not really my style. Maybe if i just stop using the forum, but im still using it currently. Im amazed it hasnt gone Mad Max Fury Road with no mod yet tho.
  21. This forum formats nicer on my laptop then it does the Desktop at work lol. The font is more readable here then at work to. Fucking strange.
  22. Dont die and ou wont have to deal with the load times... I mean you do because for some reason FS has decided making you warp back to the hub to level up is a good idea when they solved this porblem in Dark Souls 1 by letting you level up at Bonfires, not sure why you cant level up at a lamp, but people like the Maidens so i guess that explains it.
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