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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. @SonichumanBro I fucking hate that goal post gate right before Mystic Cave Boss in Sonic 2. Whose idea was it to put 0 rings down there? Lol
  2. Scooby has also introduced "real" supernatural content to its universe showing an IP can evolve to suddenly have those kinds of things.
  3. I already gave one that's over 50 years old and has a ton of books under him, The Eternal Champion, Elric of Melnibone. A bunch of it makes little sense when you try to put it in some kind of order, or make out who met when and where and how Elric can be talking to someone who already died, including Elric because there's mulverses and the timelines makes as much sense as Zeldas except we're dealing with 1 dude except not because Multiverse. That doesn't even bring up obsurdist writers like Frank L. Baum and his Wizard of Oz series which runs on "because" logic that got 13 sequels because his child fans wrote him asking for more. Oz barely makes sense and it gets nuttier and more nonsensical as you go on. Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland and that falls into the Literary Nonsense genre, and Alice also has a sequel in Through the Looking Glass.
  4. Except they do... Edit: I think, I don't know what Uncle Grandpa is, so I can't make a connection to your comparison. Sorry.
  5. No they don't. You're absolutely wrong. There are no hard rules that say fiction has to make sense and plenty of fiction bends, warps, twists nd disregards any rules set as they see fit. It's fiction nothing can stop you from doing anything and none of it actually has to make sense if you don't want it to.
  6. Hmm maybe I should record a play through, Sonic 2 is easy. Might have the computer back up and running and can upload the last episodes of the Dark Souls playthrough...uhg.
  7. Actually fiction doesn't have to make sense, there are entire genres devoted to making little sense. Maybe YOUR fiction has to make sense but there is no actual hardline rule that fiction as a whole does. Depend on genre making sense isn't a requirement. Since he's still relevant, Elric of Melnibone is full of a bunch if shit that makes no sense at all, Moorcock delved into multiverse shit before anyone really and has characters who've met eachother but also are meeting eachother for the first time cuz the timeliness doesn't make sense either, or have died but now aren't dead, on and on. Moorcock just does whatever he wants. Edit: @HD-ManYou'd probably really like both Vampire Hunter D movies. The first was done in 85 and looks it, but is still really good. Bloodlust was done by MadHouse in the late 90s and it's still one of the prettiest Anime movies ever made, very fucking cool. Cool characters, cool fight scenes. Good time. I like the books but they are very flowery and purple prose and it can get tiring.
  8. Vampire Hunter D and Elric of Melnibone both do this extremely well.
  9. Oooooor they could release more Mario Kart content lol.
  10. Did you ever try Deedlit in Wonder Labrynth @purbeast? There's also Touhlu Luna Knights. My last mention isn't a Metroidvanaia person, buts a 2D stealth game with HUGE stages for you to navigate. It's called Mark of the Ninja and it got a port to Switch last year or something. It's really good if you dig well.implemented stealth.
  11. Sounds like yall have a bit of racism in your culture to deal with.
  12. Same reason we don't just let Canadians and Mexicans move here. Canada has requirements you have to meet to immigrate there. You can't just up and move there from America and become a citizen. There's a whole immigration process you go through, you have to meet their standards to qualify. Just speaking English might not be enough considering how much of Canada is French.
  13. What makes you think Americans qualify to immigrate to Canada in the first place?
  14. Yea Alan Wakes really cool in an X-Files, Twin Peaks, Weird Fiction way. Its made by Remedy, the guys who did the first two Max Payne games, Quantum Break, and Control. Their games are always cool imo.
  15. He's such a dumb fucking lying sack of shit. What a shitty human being he turned out to be.
  16. Which is a practice that needs the breaks slammed on it. This tax dodging horse shit has to come to an end.
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