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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I keep thinking about how Michael Biens character dies in that movie...
  2. Who cares? It won't go anywhere, everyone's sold on 16 after the Demo.
  3. Mixer did basically nothing to attract people to its platform, it's MS entire issue. They got big being the only operating system provider worth fuck for decades and have coasted on that since. They don't know how to sell product, attract people to their product. They never have.
  4. Ive been saying it for a few months now, but Gunn needs to stfu. He needs to stop talking till he has something to show because all hes doing is damage when he talks.
  5. People say that all the damn time but I'm white as fuck and I just see Prince. Otherwise I see a movie that fits every single parent family situation.
  6. Couldn't be the new direction since they are nuking that whole universe for a reboot lol.
  7. You guys are only just noticing? Lol
  8. Hope whoever they give it to doesn't just steal all the money this time.
  9. Bro literally admitting to designing for the lowest common denominator 😭
  10. I mean that was bound to happen after a 10 year gap. It's still Armored Core, dudes need to chill. And Vaati needs to stop describing it as a Souls game.
  11. Haha Steven does that because Michael actually scared the shit out of him on set for talking shit lol. Only thing Seagal fights is Type 2 Diabetes.
  12. Hey FFXVI is out in the wild. Be vigilant of spoilers my dudes.
  13. Bro, Sega should upgrade early adopters of Origins just due to the state the game launched in. Asking them to pay again is some shit lol.
  14. America would solve a fuck load of it's social problems if it stopped being prudish as fuck nosey busy bodies. America is a Karen.
  15. I'll never get over people accusing Capcom of refusing to move on from the SFII cast. It's true, but they say it like there isn't a reason for that lol.
  16. I feel like your sarcasm combined with that AV will get you banned one day lmao.
  17. Britney's father drove her over the edge. Wonder what got Demi. Demi forever a Gravity Spell in my mind lol.
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