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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. OJ was a wild AF dude. This man the only killer to get off on a technically and literally go up and literally taunt and play in people's faces after the fact multiple times. If had just gotten out of trail of the century I wouldn't have wanted anything that could attract attention to me. I didn't even know that he did this shit on top of the other stuff he was known for doing which is just so fucking wild. Also I can't believe they're actually gonna go through with this. I'll def go check this out whenever it releases
  2. Saying this is a lot of bollocks is fairly out there when it's coming directly from an actual artist in the field. I'm not even going to say "This is absolutely right and it's the gospel" because honestly people can be in an industry and not tell you the 100% truth of what goes on within it. That being said I'm more inclined to listen to someone from the field who's actually had experience in this then someone who hasn't. Darc has something that's at least 2nd hand anecdotal so I can understand his apprehension to this. Again in the grand scheme of things this is small potatoes and the fact that this is blowing up like this is pretty ridiculous. We got a whole game that has far more concerning issues about it than the protagonist having freckles, having a change of hair style, being in a different set of lighting, and having a cleft. Again all this stuff is based off something that really doesn't matter and is 100% subjective. I can defend Stellar Blade's design while also looking at the protagonist for this game and going "eh she looks fine to me". Not every character I play as has to be a chiseled piece of human perfection. I am mostly interested in hearing more about the development side of things like this to get a better understanding which is why I put up that thread. If you happen to see any that comes across your feeds that actually talks about why the artist tweak the models in this way that doesn't have to do with some guy on twitter who is looking more and more to being a potentially being a grifter then I'm all for reading or watching it.
  3. Interesting thread from a VG modeler on the real person scan discourse I suspect that some will likely read through it and at some point just stop and go "nuh uh" and that's fine but this is some insight into what it takes to get some scanned models into the game and then tweak accordingly. The thread even goes into some of the changes made to real scan models as well.
  4. Apparently John Cena posted an 8 bit Link on Instagram and DID NOT FUCKING ELABORATE. already know where the speculation has headed. Vids
  5. 1. WTF does DEI have to do with this? 2. This woman is clearly having a shit day and taking it out on the passengers which she definitely should not be doing and I don't doubt that she lost her job over this. You're costing the airline money unnecessarily and creating a hostile environment unprovoked. She could have been sitting in the cockpit dressed like that and I don't think ANYONE would have been the wiser for it and just flown the fucking plane. And then you decided to bring politics into it lol. Yeah I'd be feeling pretty fucking uncomfortable on that flight cause this feels like "I'm on a downward spiral and I might just fucking take you with me" mentality.
  6. Dead Space 2023's only issue was that it came out in 2023. Looking it up it was the 2nd best selling game in Jan 2023 but nothing else numbers wise seems to have been mentioned about the game sales wise. So the legs may just gotten cut off quick on it or this could be another "corporate expectation" versus reality scenario. We might never know.
  7. Edit: That's disappointing if true...not surprising though. Edit 2: Also throwing this out there but the new tower defense stages are FUCKING INSANE. Played a couple last night and it was so intense. The first time, the team I was with was on point. We were knocking down ships, calling down stuff explosions, pointing out Hulks and Tanks. They managed to push us back a bit but we fucking HELD. The 2nd time with my crew and 1 random we got overrun halfway threw. They had a 5 ship drop on us at one point and it was just a see or robots, mechs and hulks all over the place. I might have to try to clip what happened off my twitter page cause maaaaaaaan...
  8. There are def some other people in the comments that are ok with this and don't seem to see what the long game issue is and its pretty disheartening. 10 years from a game like CoD: Russian Conflict will be out and it'll be like the most praised game in all of history (unbelievable I know just work with me here) and it'll break sales records over how amazing it is. And then 10 years later nobody will be able to play the game (legally) who hasn't already because the game released either fully digital or half the game wasn't even on the disc and the servers don't have the rest of the game up. But OH WAIT...ActiBlizz/M$ have heard your cries so they decide to port the game to whatever platforms are out now but they end up changing the content for the worse and/or they know you can't get the game any other way so the price is fully jacked up because of it. Can't do shit about it (again...legally) so if you wanna experience this masterpiece in some way you're gonna have to fork over the jacked up price point busted port that you don't technically own anymore. Sounds awesome! Can't wait!
  9. Day 1 patches are kind of 1 thing but if you are shipping a 1 player game out into the wild on a physical disc and it can't be played from beginning to end without requiring to be connected to the internet then thats an issue. Really defeats the purpose. I take issue more with that than the VG company spending unnecessary money on a model for a face that they were going to change up a little bit and they could have sculpted from scratch themselves and maybe saved some money. I'm not going to lie. Its weird that companies are hiring models for their face and then making changes but I'm also not going to pretend I fully know the full ins and outs of how much something costs to do versus just getting a model and scanning as a shortcut. They could definitely just use their artists to create a face model from scratch but that could potentially take longer to do versus paying a model who looks close to what they are looking for and then tweaking it. The whole discourse surrounding the face is extremely small potatoes in the grand scheme of things cause attractiveness is always going to be subjective. Apparently there was a post that got put up and then shortly deleted lol
  10. I'll prob rewatch Solo Leveling in English after the first season is done cause Aleks looks like he's cooking in the booth
  11. I'm getting spoiled on some stuff regarding Rebirth since My wife is playing it and she has surprisingly taken a lijing to Queen's Blood after initially planning to ignore it. This shit involving Red XIII is so unserious lmao. I love every bit of this!
  12. More Zelda Lofi in coming with "Zelda's Lofi Kingdom" from Mikel and and Jokabi this friday Apparently is going to be more BotW/TotK focursed with more of a lean towards TotK.
  13. Looks like the Automatons want more democracy
  14. Year of Shadow officially announced complete with a website....that for some reason doesn't have Sonic Movie 3 on it but hey....that Shaodow bike replica though?
  15. This is...a weird way to officially announce the year of Shadow.
  16. Glad that asshole in the 2nd video got jumped. You wanna feel brave enough to just random slug people then you can catch hands and feet from 8 dif directions too. NYC def needs to find some reform in keeping the clearly mentally ill off the streets or put them on a path to get some helpe because despite the fact that 43 women getting Die Hard Arcaded is a very small percentage its still too much and could lead to the thought process of "well if I do this and I'm going to jail for an hour...then what else are the cosequences relatively small for?" Unless they want to give people Batman licenses for brief periods when they see this happening in front of them then they gotta do something.
  17. "You are not even Earthrealm's champion!" God damn Ermac! You didn't need to cook Kung Lao that hard.
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