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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. We just started dabbling in Level 6 at the behest of someone who was pushy about going up a level in our group despite Level 5 still like handing us bullshit situations that were hard to deal with at our current level. We have yet to have one Helldiver make it back yet lol. Stalkers are my worst fucking enemy right now cause you'll be minding your own business trying to handle the stuff in front of you and then these guys pop up behind you and start slashing at you like they're Dark Reavers from Starcraft. And then to make them extra annoying, when they feel they've taken enough damage they try to camouflage and run away to try again when you're not paying attention to them to sneak up on you again. There's been countless times of my group laying down fire on a group of enemies in an area and then this MF comes behind one of us and ends up ruining shit. I almost would rather deal with the Titans than these guys cause at least I can SEE them coming a mile away...despite the fact that Joel decided he was going to drop 6 of them on us on one of our prior missions.
  2. Awww yeah baby...thats the stuff... Chargers aren't so bad on their own but it becomes a pain in the ass if they have those lil assholes around them that spit on you and slow you down. Edit:
  3. I wouldn't go that far to say that it is but there seems to be something about this game makes it feel like its not resonating as hard as MKX or even MK11 surprsingly. One of the complaints I heard the most regarding MK11 is that some didn't like the more slower footsie based gameplay in comparison to the rush down from MKX. So MK1 kind of meets in the middle with this and with wacky assists but it just doesn't seem to be hitting. And this is on top of the really rough microtransaction grind in place with that money sacrifice alter in lieu of the Krypt...which invasions is supposed to also help replace but not quite. I da know...its weird. Its pretty telling when even Sonicfox who is like the go to premiere NRS guy was saying that SF6 was clearly the FGotY no contest.
  4. You are semi right but reading the full context of what this CEO is saying does not paint a good picture...Yes they didn't say they were completely moving away from main games but then you see him saying they are in a unique position to do more in the space with the IP's they have and he throws MK's name out there...Then you suddenly realize why MK1's grind is the way it is in comparison to previous titles. Full quote in context from the Gamespot article
  5. Matt Piscatella made a point about trying to break into the live service games that I think echoes something that I think Darc said earlier. People only have but so much time in the day and and as vast and every growing the game industry is, it can only sustain but so many live service games. Yeah the rewards for trying to jump on that wagon are great but the risks that come with failure can often times be worse which I believe is the point you were saying in your second paragraph. Speaking of WB and live service by the way...
  6. I am truly baffled by Warner Bros decision. You made the highest selling game for the year of 2023 and that was with people trying to get it boycotted and canceled. You fucking combo broke a sales normal and you looked at this and go "....We need to make more live service games" Who is the fucking shareholder over there telling you guys this bullshit? Edit:
  7. A friend of mine actually had this happen to him in our sessions 2 nights ago Edit:
  8. I mean unless dude is clearly "fishing", she's definitely the one being the most awkward in this situation. She had barely anything to go on on this situation other than the fact that he bought a happy meal and that was it.
  9. Matt Piscatella says that Helldivers II is a rare amazing bird It's one of the very few releaes to have an inverse curve where instead of all the sales happenining on day 1, the sales continue to grow the day after. Supposedly it's sold 3 mill so far and I feel it's much deserved. It's just a fun game that you can play with some buddies and it's $40. It's not perfect but it's just trying to a fun ass game which is what it really exceeds and excels at. I can only hope that the success of this game that's just trying to be fun, not trying to kill the budget on its graphics and not purposefully trying to make the grind so rough that you even have to think about buying a microtransaction makes some devs rub their chins.
  10. Oh god...I'm imagining the pivot because people are starting to find out that his ego is too big to fit anyone else in the same room he's in. Reeeeeally curious as to the real reason that he got booted off of Destiny now...
  11. The texture issue appears to be mostly a problem win UE because as DF pointed out, FFXVI didn't have any issues like that on it's own proprietary engine. Who knows it they'd have better luck doing part 3 in UE5 but clearly they're having some small issues with texture streaming. Yeah I saw they got bodied. Gotta pay 2.4 million in dollars sns shut down everything and hand over the domain to Nintendo. Apparently they also had to put out a statement or something saying that Yuzu was being used to dl and play pirated games or something along those line. I think if they didn't have the Patreon they probably wouldn't have been completely fine and untouchable so now this pretty much puts any other emulator that has something like that on the side on notice.
  12. Glad the Supreme Court was able to squash if they could work a bit faster on deciding whether or not a sitting president can send seal team 6 to kill off their political opponent and get away with it...that'd be grrrreeaaaaaat...
  13. I had to check mind really quick and I don't have that problem, but some of you might.
  14. VGM Friday! Part 1 Feb Anniversaries. Sonic 3 (30th), Mario Party (25), Metroid: Zero Mission (20), FFVIII (25), M & L: Bowser's Inside Story (15), DKC: TF (10), and SSF2T arcade (30). Other notables that I'm not fully familiar with musically include Silent Hill ((25), PvZ: Garden Warfare (10), Power Stone (25), Killzone 2 (15), Shadow Hearts; Covenant (20), and Star Ocean: The Last Hope (15), Samurai Warriors (20), and F.E.A.R. 2, and Thief (10). Since Rebirth got releeased this week I figured I'd pick 5 from Remake's and Integrade's OST for the 2nd part I feel like unless I'm trying to give other tracks more of a spotlight out of this OST it's nigh impossible to not throw at least these 2 in. I managed to finally convince my wife to play Remake so she can have some semblance of an idea of why this game's story as a whole resonates with so many people. It sucks that she won't have the 100% context that comes from playing the original but I'm really excited to see her get to Airbuster and Seph's battle in Part 1 if only because the game feels like it's firing at 110% during these sections in terms of gameplay and music all syncing up perfectly with the action. I've watching a ton of musicians analysis on just these 2 tracks alone and I never get tired of watching someone who has never heard these tracks before be completely and utterly blown away by them. I still have yet to play the Intergrade stuff but I gotta do that before I dive into Rebirth. Love the fact that Gigantipede uses Wuitai's leitmotif woven in and out of it. Also can't wait to hear Yuffie's theme played up when the battles start going. This track is in the game in the Jukebox but it's not on the official OST and that's because it's part of this Squeenix Jazz album. Now I gotta try to hunt this album down cause I didn't know it existed.
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